When EMailing Invoices, the number used in the file name is now taken from the invoice number, instead of a random number.
Changed the copying of previous purchase orders, to now set the orderDate, and promisedDate right away.
Made changes to DemandHub interface, to offer additional information.
Patient Information
Added column for provider nickname on the Rx tab.
Patient Examinations
Added column for provider nickname on the Rx tab.
Made changes to Exam print out, to include Near VA.
Continued with restricting what prints for an exam, gradually working towards excluding fields that are blank. In this update, the Refraction page was targetted for this.
Patient Prescriptions
Added column for provider nickname on the Rx tab.
Version 4.7.2 - 9/3/2024
Patient Information
Fixed bug that would wipe out flags, last visit/next apppointment, and Dx list if the History was opened, then turned to Appointments page (when there ARE appointments in the history), and the screen was updated either by clicking Label, or by going back to HIstory again.
Health Card Validation
Made change to accept 102 HCV eligibility codes again. OHIP stated that this code had been removed, but apparently, they are still sending it. ODOfficePro was highlighting that code as a problem, since it was not supposed to exist. With this change, that code is no longer highlighted. - Added ability to show friendly message, instead of a runtime error, when the ministry response fails to include an encryption method or session key in the HCV response.
MSI (Nova Scotia only)
- Added new "PT" modifier
Version 4.7.1 - 7/4/2024
Changed the HCV response messages for service eligibility to refect the new codes.
MSI (Nova Scotia)
Added an MSI configuration window, reached by going to Management-> Office->MSI, to alter the base service fee multiplier. Making a change to the multipler will automatically update the service fees for all funded services.
Patient Information
Added 2 fields to record Patient pronouns. These fields are lists, prepopulated with He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, but the user can enter any pronoun by typing it in. This change required subtle changes to the Patient Information window, including changing the sex selection list to be in a horizontal orientation.
End of Day->Doctor Activity
Corrected bug that occurred when attempting to Print Submits with All Doctors selected.
Corrected misalignment of headings in Sunglasses export.
Version 4.7 - 4/26/2024
Made organizational changes to Office page of Management window to make more room for settings. Many of the settings have been moved to a separate window, accessible by clicking the Preferences button. Please remember: as with all settings prompters, changes made by a user are not saved, until the Apply button is clicked on the Office page.
Added option to change or turn off the rounding feature for diopters. This will impact the sphere and cylinder fields everywhere these fields are found. - Added option to specify the default option for taking frames from inventory, or not. This shows up on the Spectacles Order window. - Added option to change whether or not the Invoice payment window closes by default after a payment. - Added option to have the system prompt the user to send invoices to the customer by EMail....if that customer has a valid EMail address... after a payment.
Added option to include VAs on patient prescription printouts
Added option to add personal patient information (birthdate, and phone number) to patient prescription printouts.
Added option to hold down Alt key, when clicking any of the Change Password buttons, to provide an easy way to clear a password, when it is unknown. Please note: you will need to contact the SpinnakerWare Support line to obtain a security key.
Prescription Details windows
Added convenience buttons to set the expiry date for Spectacles or Contact Lens prescriptions to 12, 18, or 24 months. Please note: the default expiry date will continue to be set automatically.
Patient Info
Made sure to restrict recall frequency field to accept only 2 digits.
Invoice Payment
Added checkbox at bottom of the window to support NOT closing the window after a payment is made.
Aged Bookings Report
fixed issue that could occur, when sending SMS text messages to the list of Patients, if one or more of the listed appointments has already been opened in the Appointment Book.
Services Maintenance
fixed issue for New Brunswick users, when adding or updating a service.
Ministry Claim Submission
Added additional check when attempting to generate a submission file, to ensure all of the listed claims have a submission status.
Version 4.6 rev. 1 - 10/2/2023
- Added menu options on Visit Details, Doctor Activity, and OHIP Submission windows to allow the user to change the Dx Code on a selected claim.
Now, should the Diagnostic Codes be changed on either the Exam or the Visit Details, any funded Additional Services will ONLY be updated if they do not already have Diagnostic Codes. So, any unsubmitted funded Additional Services that already have their own codes, will NOT be updated automatically. Visit Details - Added menu option for Additional Services, Copy Dx Codes, that will copy the codes from the Visit.
Service Codes
If a provincial code is updated, and there are unsubmitted claims for the selected service code, the user will be asked if the provincial codes should be updated.
Version 4.6 - 8/24/2023
Added new Diagnostic Codes for Ontario offices...also made description changes, as required.
Corrected rounding error that could occur under rare mathematical circumstances, which causes the total amount, and the payment amount to be different by a penny.
OHIP Submission
Made changes to include Diagnostic Codes for Additional Services in submission file. This requires that the Dx check box is set for the associated Service in the Service Codes list.
End of Day
The Doctor Activity Summary window will now display up to 3 diagnostic codes for each service.
Appointment Book
Corrected issue in Appointment Book, where the day of the week did not initialize correctly, when the window first opens.
On Lens Purchase Selection window, added Hi Index as a filter option.
Fixed issue which prevented autorefractor PD from transferring to an RT-6100 phoropter, when using Send All, with a subjective reading.
Service Codes
On Service Codes page of the Management window, the View Future Appointments list (available from Tools menu) now shows appointment notes. Also the default action (ie. double-click behaviour) now shows the selected appointment in the Appointment Book.
Version 4.5.7 - 5/29/2023
Appointment Book
Added 18 months option to Pre-booking feature.
Added Tools menu option to clear the current page.
Recalls View
Added Diagnostic Code column.
Added Product # to the inventory export file.
Ministry Health Insurance
Added AP modifier for MSI claims (Nova Scotia)
Version 4.5.6 - 3/1/2023
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that interfered with doctor signature images being included on Faxed Referral Letters.
Made change to the Transfer Payment Method option in the Payments window of an Invoice. This feature now allows the user to select an amount, for the occassions where a transfer is required for only a PORTION of a previous payment.
Made small changes to line spacing, and the Discount label/font to allow a little more room for longer product descriptions.
Contact Lens
Added lists in the Contact Lens Details window to allow selection of lens type and modality.
Added option on Referrals tab of Patient Information window to Ignore a referral. This option is used to exclude the selected referral from the Referral Appointments report. This option is also available on the Referral Details window.
Missed Appointments
Added ability to view the details of an Appointment cancellation. This is available from the Missed Appointments list in the Appointment Book (Tools->Show Missed Appointments), as well as the Stats page of the Patient History window. In both cases, this new view is available from the right-click menu.
Added network interface for Topcon Chronos, and CV-5000.
Version 4.5.5 - 10/28/2022
Appointment Book
Appointments that have an eligibility concern, will now have the eligibility cell highlighted in yellow.
When booking a zero-fee service for a senior, the program will no longer prompt to confirm this.
Patient Information
Added options in the phone number fields and in the EMail address field to copy the contents to the clipboard, to facilitate copying the information to another location/program. Please note that CTRL-C will still work as well.
Added ability to include name and salutation tags into EMails, so form EMail messages can be used without manually entering this information.
Patient History
When using the Purchase Another option from the right-click menu of the Purchases page, the system will now check to see if the price of the related product has changed since that purchase was originally made. If it has, the user will be prompted as to whether or not to use the new price.
Added buttons for Add and Delete in the Health History section, to try and make it easier to add and remove list items. The right-click options are still there as well.
When adding Health History, it is now possible to add multiple items while the prompt is open. A new button has been added (Add Item) to the Health History item window. Clicking that button will add the current item to the list, but leave the window open, and ready to accept a NEW item. The Done button is used when all items have been added.
Added support for TL6800 Lensometer from Ming Optical.
The ability to add generic files has been added. Users can now attach files of ANY type. A generic file icon will be shown in the attachments list for files that are neither images nor PDFs. As with all Windows files, the file extension will inform Windows which program to use to open an attached generic file. That program MUST be installed on any computer that wants to open a file. For example, if a WORD document is attached, then WORD must be installed on any computer that wishes to open that file attachment.
Added filter options on each page for , which will then display products for which that attribute (manufacturer, or brand) is blank.
Added right-click option to rename the manufacturer (and also the brand, for frames and sunglasses) for all of the selected items in one step.
Added a prompt to permit a user to optionally select a date, when using the WaveRFID export feature, to filter the output to be only those products that were created since that date.
Lab Details
Changed Lenses page, so that the complete lenses list is no longer loaded by default. Now, we wait for the user to select Vision type, and optionally design name. This was done to speed up the process of looking for a lens.
Added lens type option for High Index
Added right-click menu options to print orders/estimates to PDF. Please note you must have a PDF driver selected in the Printer Setup section for this to work.
MoH Eligibility List
Added Tools menu item to reset the eligibility codes on all listed appointments.
If there are appointments that already have eligibility codes, when clicking on Check All, the user will be prompted as to whether or not they should be rechecked.
If the ALT key is depressed, when clicking on Check All, even appointments that already have an eligibility code will be rechecked, with no prompt.
Service Codes -> Future Appointments
Added button and Tools menu features on Future Appointments window (Tools-> View Future Appointments) to allow appointments to be reassigned to a different doctor, in addition to the pre-existing ability to change the service codes.
Version 4.5.4 - 6/20/2022
Patient Information
When a Patient file is opened, the birthdate field will be highlighted in green, if the birthdate is the current day.
Added Tools menu option to show any User Tasks associated with the Patient.
Added right-click option in each of the 3 phone number fields, to permit copying the corresponding number from a household member.
Added right-click options in the EMail address field, to permit sending an EMail, or to copy the EMail address from a household member.
Demographics Report
Added EMail filter options to search for patients that do NOT have an EMail address, as well as patients that have declined to provide their EMail address.
MoH Claims Management
Added a Tools menu option, on the Manage Claims window, to open a report which summarizes the Funded Services that occurred within a specified date range. Additional criteria allow filtering for doctor, and the status of a claim. A report can be printed by clicking on Print. The list of claims included in the summary can be seen by clicking on Show Claims.
Demographics Report (opened from the Tools menu) is now available for Sunglasses, in addition to Frames.
Changed the Manufacturer Activity report to include first/last purchase information. This necessitated a rotation to landscape orientation.
Added the Compare Exams option (same as is available in an exam window) as a Tools menu option in the Patient Exams window. Note: this option is only enabled, when a Patient has been selected.
Added a Print button on the Exam Comparison window.
Made change in RT6100 phoropter interface to export Binocular PD for the autorefractor reading, and monocular PDs for the lensometer reading.
Spectacles Prescriptions
Added right-click and Tools menu options in multiple places to FAX an Rx, in addition to EMailing.
Weave Service
For those offices using the Weave service for their phones, and need to periodically export their phone data, a change has been made to allow the use of the Management Override Password (Management->Office->Security->Management Override Password) to authorize the export, instead of needing to call SpinnakerWare for a key.
Appointment Details
Related to the EMail notification added in the last update, the message now includes the date of birth, and health card number of the patient.
Added options to FAX the notification to a Family Doctor or Ophthalmologist.
Version 4.5.3 - 1/23/2022
FAX support
The FAX-By-EMail feature has been upgraded to support other EMail FAX services (apart from BellFax). This is managed by going to the Printer Manager window (File->Printer Setup). There is still a check box for FAX by EMail, but when checked, a field now appears to allow the user to specify the DOMAIN for the FAX service. For example, with Bellfax, the domain is bellfax.ca. For SRFax, the domain is srfax.com. Please note: the ODOfficePro PDF driver MUST be installed/configured to use this enhanced feature (details have already been provided, but can still be found in the Document List on our website).
Contact Lens Prescriptions
Ensured that the word TRIAL appears on the printout, when printing a trial Contact Lens Rx. Also, doctor signatures will now NOT be included on printouts of Trial CL Rxs.
Patient Attachments
Made change to prevent users from being able to drag a folder onto itself.
Added option in Attachments section of Client Configuration (File->Client Configuration), to allow each client to choose whether the Icon view or the List view will be the default for all Attachments. For those that prefer the list view, click on List, and Save. Then, when either of the Attachments windows open, they will start off in list mode.
Added FAX button on the Referral Letter creation window, next to Print button.
Added the Patient sex to both the referral letter, as well as the Exam printout.
Added option in the device configuration window (when using Folder configuration, for network connections) to automatically delete source files after reading, instead of prompting the user every time.
For offices using the Tonoref III, if the device is set to send data in the Long form (may need to ask your Innova rep), the Pupil Size is now read from the serial data stream, when doing a DRY reading. Please note, this currently is ONLY supported where a serial connection is in use (ie. NOT if you are using a network connection).
Appointment Details
Added a menu bar. In the Tools menu, added an option to EMail the appointment time/date/doctor to an external doctor (either a Family Doctor, or Ophthalmologist). This was added to simplify notifying a doctor that has requested a patient be seen.
Added the ability to change the Booking Confirmation message sent using the Send button (this is NOT the message sent to remind patients just before their appointments). A Tools menu option has been added to Change the Booking Confirmation Message, or a user can hold down the Alt key, while clicking on Send (hover help over the Send button will show this). Once the message has been changed, it will stay that way until changed again. Please Note: if using the Alt-Send option, the message will be sent automatically, once the Save button is clicked.
Added column, in the Lenses tab, to show the Design.
Added drop-down list to filter the Lens display by Design.
Added new export feature, in the Tools menu, to export for an Inventory control system called WaveRFID.
Added drop-down list on the Lenses page, to filter the display on that page by Lens Design.
Worked with Zeiss, to rework their catalogs, in an attempt to improve the RxWizard interface. Specifically, to help select lens style and material.
Added option in the EMail configuration window (Management->Office->EMail/SMS) for Bcc Self. If checked, this will automatically default the Bcc option on all EMail prompts to the checked state.
Added File menu option to Test a backup file. This is a basic tool to compare some basic metrics in the current database, with what is in a backup file. It is intended to provide some measure of confidence that a backup file has been correctly written. NOTE: This tool can ONLY be used when there is no other activity in the office. It will temporarily take the Server offline.
Version 4.5.2 - 10/25/2021
For the demographics filters, the age range filter is now MORE restrictive. Specifically, if a maximum age is specified (ie. 65), then the search will now ensure that regardless of the date range entered, the selected patients will not be older than the maximum age right now (ie. using the current date).... even if searching for recalls from months or years ago.
Added option for specifying minimum and maximum ages on the Prodigal Recall (from the Recall List Generation window, Tools->Prodigal Recall).
Added age column on the Recall Log window.
Orders Report
Added option to support looking up Orders by the status transition date, in addition to the creation date. With this, a search can show which orders were transitioned to a status of Order Ready (for example) within a specified date range.
Patient Information
The order of the columns in the Patient Notes list has been changed. The Date colum on the left, shows the date of the last change to the note. The Created column, which shows the date a note was created, has been moved to the the right of the Note column. Notes are still sorted by descending date of last change.
Added Print button on the Patient Notes page, in the selected note area, to allow printing of the selected note.
Appointment Book
When an appointment is cancelled, any linked Cancellation List items are automatically deleted. In this update, a check has been added to allow the user to be notified if there is a linked item, and to confirm before proceeding.
Made change to support the spelling correction Nidek made in the Innova LM-7P network file. Please note, we continue to support the original spelling mistake as well.
Patient Flags
- On the Flag maintenance window (Management->Office->Flags) the number of times a flag has been assigned is now shown for each flag. Also, a Refresh button has been added. - Please Note: if you have used all of your possible flags, but see that some flags have never been assigned (ie. usage is zero), you can clear these out by using the Purge button on the Flag maintenance window.
Version 4.5.1 - 7/24/2021
Appointment Call List
Added filters to show/hide new patients, and returning patients. This can be used to choose different reminder messages to each of the 2 groups.
Appointment Eligibility List
The Ministry eligibility column will now be highlighted if there is an eligibility concern.
Added a menu option to view the eligibility description if there is a concern.
Patient Payment View (ie. Pay button on Patient window)
Changed the Invoices list to handle multiple selections. If more than one invoice is selected, when Pay is clicked, the system will now open the Multiple-Invoice Payment window.
Added an option on the Frames detail window, to indicate if a frame requires special lab instructions to be entered on an order. If this is turned on, then the user will be reminded, when this frame is used in an order, but the notes field is blank.
Added an optional field on the Contact Lens detail window, to permit recording of rebate amounts. This value is used only for information purposes, but will show up on the CL Inventory list, as well as the selection lists.
Spectacle Prescription Details
Added a Clear button, to erase the 4 PD values.
Spectacle and Contact Lens Order windows
When the Get button is clicked again (after an initial selection), the Rx that was currently in use in the order will be highlighted.
If a frame that requires lab instructions has been selected, then a warning will show, if the notes field is blank.
Added option on the Office page, to specify whether Pretesting is in use at the office. If the office is using EMR, but the pretesting is turned OFF, then an exam will automatically be created on Arrival, for all services that require an exam, without using the Pretest window.
Added an option on the Additional Info page for Doctors, to allow a Doctor to override the office setting about pretesting. If turned OFF for a doctor, then when appointments for that Doctor are arrived, if the selected service requires an exam, the exam will be created automatically, without the need of the Pretest window.
When doctor information is updated (ie. Apply button is clicked), the user is now prompted when license or registration numbers are missing for Booking and Billing doctors.
Patient Flags (Management->Office->Flags)
If an office has cleared the descriptions of any flags, there is now a facility to show that...and to clear those flags out. This will clear any references to these flags from Patient records, and then delete the flags themselves. This was added to provide more ways to free up Flags.
Purchase History Report (from Inventory/Services/Dispensings/Discounts)
Added Print button to Print the list of purchases, for the selected item.
Phone Book
Fixed issue that prevented ability to export Family Doctors list.
Made change to populate the service list of the HCV check screen with only unique codes. This will only impact those offices that have created multiple options for each provincial service codes (ie. multiple V406As).
The eligibility fields, on the Health Card Validation window (opened using the CHK button), will now change colour to indicate a problem code. The hover-help on these fields will display the meaning of the codes. This now works the same way, as the corresponding fields on the Appointment details window.
Added network support for the Topcon CT-800 tonometer.
Added network support for Tomey MR6000 multi-function pretest device.
When a new referral letter is being created, and the Print button is used, which requires that the letter first be saved, the program will now turn off the check box to Create Referral Record. This is to prevent a SECOND referral record being created, on the chance that the user then presses Save.
Appointment Book
Fixed issue that failed to automatically create exams automatically, for additional appointments (when appropriate), after a primary appointment has been arrived, and the user accepts to arrive additional appointments also.
Version 4.5 - 4/30/2021
Error Messages
The error message shown when a user saves an object (ie. Patient, Visit, Appointment, etc.) that has already been updated by another user, will now show the version number, as well as the save date/time, to help with determining why the object could not be saved. This replaces the unuseful message that started with "Due to a Server Error...".
Patient/Exam Attachments
For both Patient and Exam Attachment windows, there now exists the ability to create folders (right-click->Add Folder). Users can go into a folder, by double-clicking on that folder. Once in any subfolder, a blue folder image provides the way to go back to the parent folder. Images and folders can be created within any sub folder, to an unlimited depth. Images and folders can also be drag-dropped into a sub folder.
There now exists a button set that shifts between an icon view of the attachments and a list view. Drag-drop works on the list view as well.
User Task Management
Added new feature to create/manage/track User Tasks. This is basically a "to-do list", in which tasks can optionally be assigned to a specific User, and can also reference a specific Patient.
When a User logs in, for which there are outstanding tasks, a prompter offers the User a chance to review the current tasks. For anonymous logins, the review option will show up if there are unassigned tasks (ie. a task has not been assigned to a specific user) that are curently overdue.
Task status is tracked, and history of status changes ia also available.
Tasks can be created from the Users menu on the Lanuchpad, by selecting Task Assignment->Assign Task.
Tasks can be created from within an Exam, which will automatically set the associated Patient), from the Tools menu.
Referral Letters
On the Referral Letter Creation window, users can now hold down the ALT key while clicking the Save button, to save the letter without closing the window.
When printing a referral letter, from the Referral Letter Creation window, the program will now require that the letter be saved before printing. If the letter has not yet been saved, then a prompt will appear to confirm save is acceptable. Printing will not occur without saving.
On the Referral Letters window, available by clicking on Referral Letters on the final page of the Exam window, a new right-click menu option has been added to show the Printing/Faxing history of the selected Letter. An additional column has also been added to the Referral Letters list, to show the output status (ie. printed or faxed), to make it clear as to whether each letter has been dealt with yet.
Appointment Book
The Weekly Browser now shows an asterisk next to the day name in a column header, if that day has a schedule note associated with it. If there is a note indicated for a given day, clicking on the heading for that day, will show the note (with assigned colour) in a field directly above the appointments list.
Spectacles Order
Added new status options for Frame B/O and Lenses B/O.
Discounts Report
Added options to filter out full discounts or partial discounts.
Added a checkbox on the Doctors page of the Management window to allow selection of whether a doctor can book appointments or not. This was added to allow filtering out of "doctors" that are created for the sole purpose of billing. Doctors NOT indicated as a booking doctor will not be included in appointment-related selection lists. All doctors are marked as booking doctors by default.
Patient Information
For existing patients, all new/updated/deleted prescriptions, notes, referral records, and attachments, will now be sent to the server immediately, instead of waiting on the user to save the patient. This was done to help reduce the number of times 2 or more people alter the same patient record, causing a save conflict (ie. an error message saying the patient cannot be saved).
EMail address validation
Despite being officially invalid, according to formal EMail address rules, there are EMail addresses (so far, all related to Microsoft accounts....Hotmail, Live, Outlook) that use an underscore character before the @ symbol. These addresses do not conform to the world standard, and are therefore not guaranteed to be delivered. As a result, our EMail address validation feature was indicating such addresses as invalid. However, given that these exceptions are in use, we have made a change to our validater, to accept such EMails. The downside of this, though, is that the validater will now no longer catch invalid EMail addresses of this type. So, users will need to manually validate EMail addresses in which an underscore appears before the @ symbol (an example of this is 123_@hotmail.com).
Added network support for the Nidek HandyRef autorefractor
Added new interface option for the Nidek LM-7 lensometer. Although the general Nidek Lensometer would support the LM-7, this new option was added so we could add network support for this device.
Fixed issue that prevented FRAME TYPE from being exported, when using the Export Inventory option from the Tools menu.
Database change made to record not only the date of object change, but now will record date and time of object creation, as well as date and time of object change. One benefit of this change, is that if there is a save-contention issue (ie. 2 people have tried to save the same object), a detailed error message will now show, informing the user of the current version number of the object, as well as the date/time that object was last saved. This error message replaces the previous unhelpful message that a "server error" had prevented the save.
Version 4.4 - 1/6/2021
Patient Info
Added a right-click menu to the EMail address field. This offers the option to decline to provide an EMail address, and records the date. The field will then become uneditable, and show that it was declined. For a new patient that does offer their EMail address, the date of consent is recorded. The pop-up menu will also show the status of EMail consent (ie. granted or revoked), along with the date. The default is to show that consent has not yet been granted, until explicitly changed.
Added an EMail button on the Referrals page to permit direct EMailing of the selected Referral Reminder.
When clicking the Save button, the program will now ignore that, if it does not detect any changes on the window. This was put in place in an attempt to alleviate some of the confusion caused when users click the Save button instead of Cancel, thereby blocking other users from saving the same patient record.
Added additional checks on birthdate to ensure provided date is not in the future, or the distant past.
Added hover help on main Patient buttons at the bottom of the window.
Patient Search
When being prompted to pick a Patient, once a search criteria has been executed (user clicked the Find button, or hit Enter), the Select button then becomes the default button...meaning that hitting Enter a second time, will result in the highlighted Patient being picked.
When adding an Rx in the Current Rx page, all recommended Rxs will now ONLY be attached to the exam if the exam is not already locked. The Rx will be still be saved for the Patient either way.
Added hover-help support to the Attachments window, to display title, description, and date for the attachments, as the mouse is moved over the associated icon.
On Save, the program will now check to see if the Provder selection has been changed, and confirm with the user if it has. This was added to help with accidental changes to the Provider selection.
Changed the Print Exam option, under the Tools menu, to offer Print Exam->On Paper, and Print Exam->To PDF.
Added new Tools menu option to Print All (On Paper or To PDF), which will print the exam records as well as a list of all Addenda, and any referral letters that have been created for that specific exam. This feature was implemented to assist with those offices being asked to submit a number of full exam records electronically to the College for review.
For the second page of the exam (Notes), the size of the medical notes field has been increased to accept 2500 characters (from 2000), and the hobbies field has been changed to accept 500 characters (from 200).
Appointment Book
Added a Refresh button (using the standard refresh logo) at the bottom, next to the Done button. This will refresh the appointments list for the currantly-displayed date/doctor.
Added the name of the displayed day of the week to the left of the doctor name.
This window will now remember the last position it was in, in addition to remembering the size. This way, when it is reopened, not only will it appear at the last size, but also at the last location.
Added the green new-patient indicator to the MoH Eligibility List.
Added Find Appointment and Print Checklist buttons on the Browse Day window.
Added day name to the top of the Prep Sheet window.
Added day name to the top of the Call List window.
Added day name to the top of the Ministry of Health Eligibility Check window.
Visit Details
A Visit can now only support 3 diagnostic codes (more can be entered in the exam, but only the first 3 will be saved in the Visit). This has the benefit of making several windows open much faster (espeically the Sales Report), and allows for Diagnostic Code to be one of the search criteria on the Demographics report.
Added Tools menu options to support booking a followup appointment, or prebooking the next appointment. Please note, using either of these features will save and close the Visit Details window. - Added Tools menu option to change the primary service. This was added in an attempt to simplify the process of dealing with situations in which the primary service type must be changed after the fact. For example, if a non-funded service was selected, and potentially invoiced, but later the service should be billed to Health Insurance, this new feature will take care of all the steps required (ie. refunding the invoice, and creating the new service). Please note that from the sales report perspective, any changes (ie. any required reversals of previous service fees, and creation of new ones) will be dated on the date that the change is made, to prevent any loss of historical integrity.
When clicking the Save button, the program will now ignore that, if it does not detect any changes on the window. This was put in place in an attempt to alleviate some of the confusion caused when users click the Save button instead of Cancel, thereby blocking other users from saving the same visit record.
When making a payment from Account, for which there is an insufficient balance to cover the entire payment amount, the user will now be prompted with the option of reducing the payment amount to the current account balance. Please note: the remainder of the payment will still need to be made.
Added Tools menu option on the Purchases window, to allow the repayment (to the customer) of any amount outstanding On Account. This is intended to simply the process of cashing out the Account balance, and returning the money to the customer.
Health Insurance
Added Tools menu options to set all submittable claims On Hold, and to release all holds.
Referrable Doctors
On the Referrable Doctor Details window, there is now a selection option at the top, to select whether that entry is a Doctor, or a Clinic. All doctors will continue to have the "Dr." salutation show, but clinics will not.
Added a column on the Referrable Doctors page, to indicate items that are entered as Doctors, as opposed to clinics. This column will display "Dr." if the associated entry is a doctor, or be blank if associated with a clinic.
Added option on User detail window to specify whether or not that User can be logged in concurrently, on different computers. All Users set this to True, by default. If set to False, then that User can only log in once, and will not be able to log in to any other computer, until logged out of the one on which they are logged in.
User Timesheets
When opening the Book In/Book Out window from the Launchpad (Users->Book In/Out), the window will automatically select the current User (if a User is logged in).
When using the Timesheets report (Reports->Management->Timesheets), the program will now show a summary of all Users, over the selected date range. Double-clicking on any entry in that window, will show the familiar User Timesheet window, for the selected User. This was done to offer an overall summary of hours first, without having to choose each User individually.
Added Print button on Inventory Summary window.
When using Buy More for a frame or pair of sunglasses, the quantity field will now prefill with a single unit.
When creating a new Rx on the Prescriptions List, the new Rx will now be automatically highlighted...ready for printing.
Demographics Report
Added ability to search by colour code, or by diagnostic code.
Added NB (Non-Binary) to the sex search criteria.
Results now show patient colour code (first and last name), the "new" indicator (green bar), and the debt indicator (red dollar sign).
Discounts Report
A new option was added to the Discounts report (Reports->Management Reports->Discounts) to find Visits that were marked as Do Not Bill.
When logging in as a specified User, if that User is not allowed to be logged in concurrently on multiple computers, the system will verify that User is not currently logged in anywhere else.
Help Menu
Added options on all Help menus, to open the default web browser on the Support Page, and the Documents List from the SpinnakerWare web site.
Added support for clicking on the web address listed in the "About" window (client and server). This will open the SpinnakerWare home page.
Added functionality to obtain updated files from the server through the communication channel, in the event that File Sharing is not available.
Added button on the Auto-Updater window in the Server program (opens when using Tools->Check for Updates) to open a PDF of the Update Guide from the SpinnakerWare web site.
Version 4.3.6 - 10/15/2020
Added serial-communication support for the Nidek HandyRef.
Added LAN-communication support for the Nidek RT-6100 phoropter.
When using any LAN-based phoropter interface, the system will now inform the user, once the file has been created.
On Exams list window, made sure the Mark Exam Complete option is enabled, if the selected exam is not currently marked as complete.
Spectacle Orders
Changes have been made to the auto-rounding functionality of the Add fields in the Spectacles Order window, to support more alternate values. These fields were already able to accept values of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.85, without rounding to the nearest quarter diopter. In this update, values of 0.63 and 0.88 are now also supported. To use these values without rounding, they must be entered unambiguously....for example, use 63 or 0.63, and 60 or 0.6 (an entry of 6 will be interpreted as 6.00).
Corrected vertical alignment issue with new Dymo 30333 frame label, introduced in version 4.3.4.
Added a Server Configuration feature, available through the File menu of the Server program, to allow settings for auto-starting the Web Server (required for Glimpse interface, and Online Booking), as well as preferred network adapter, for those servers that have multiple adapters installed.
Doctor Schedule
Added default booking time and work day slot time options for 120 minutes.
Version 4.3.5 - 9/11/2020
Added Tools menu option in the Spectacles Order details window to print the Tray Label.
Added right-click option in the Orders report to EMail an estimate to the customer.
Changed the Order EMail submission function to attach a PDF of the work order, instead of the HTML EMail.
Added ability to send an EMail submission (attaching a PDF of the work order) for Contact Lens Orders.
When changing the doctor on a posted invoice, the program will now prompt the user to see if the refund and new invoice should be printed, instead of just printing both each time.
Patient EMail addresses are now included on all letters.
Visitor Tracking
Users will now be prevented from removing the arrival time from a tracking record.
Added support for the Visionix Vx40 Lensometer LAN interface.
Added new Dymo 30333 basic label as an option, which shows product name, size, and price.
Version 4.3.4 - 7/16/2020
Added support for the ODOfficeProPDF driver, to allow EMailing of invoices and prescriptions without the traditional 2-step approach. The ODOfficeProPDF driver can be downloaded from our website. Instructions on installation are provided.
Added an option on direct EMails (ie. NOT tagged EMail lists such as Reminders), to add the office as a blind copy recipient. EMail blasts are automatically sent to the office already... the primary recipient is the office, and all patient EMails are included as blind copies, so that the patients can not see other EMail addresses.
SMS Text Messaging
Added support for 2-way texting. With this, confirmation SMS text messages are sent from the Confirmation Call List, and the server will continually watch for replies. When the appropriate confirmation reply is received (this can be configured...defaults to the letter "C"), the associated appointment is automatically marked as confirmed.
Retail Price Manager
Added option in the Fixed Retail Price Adjustment area, to explicitly set the price of all identified products to the same specified value.
When managing prices for Frames or Sunglasses, the window will provide an option to identify a particular brand.
When managing prices for Lenses, the window will provide an option to identify a particular design.
External Doctors
A new field has been added to the Family and Referrable Doctor details windows, to allow specification of a specialty. This will show in all doctor lists, and selection windows.
The system now tracks which User was logged on, when performing the End-of-Day posting. When reviewing a previous posting, the User (if there was one) will now show up below the "Reconciled By" field.
Printing History
The printing history for prescriptions and invoices was already being tracked. We have added the tracking of EMailing as well. When looking at the printing history (by right-clicking on invoices or prescriptions in many possible places, and selecting Show Printing History), a column in the Printing History window, will show the ouput type (ie. Paper, or EMail).
Added support for the Nidek RT6100 phoropter.
Added a "Copy" button on the Refraction page, to copy the tentative Add into the final Add, near the bottom of the page.
Added button in the Cycloplegic area to push the results into the Subjective area.
Printer Setup
The system will now warn the user if a PDF or FAX driver selection appears to be incorrect (ie. the driver name does not include the PDF or FAX qualifier).
Orders Report
The Orders list now permits multiple selections. With this, multiple Orders can be marked as Ready or Dispensed at the same time.
EMail Order submissions now include Pantoscopic Tilt, Vertex Distance, and Wrap parameters.
Added right-click option to send a notification EMail to the Patient.
Added Tools menu item to show list of "Frames on Order" for the selected doctor, and date range. This is determined by looking up Spectacle Orders in which the status is at least submitted, but not yet ready, the frame was selected from the Inventory list, but not taken from Inventory (ie. NOT off the board), the office is providing the frame, and the supplier invoice number is blank.
Tray label (can be printed using the right-click menu) now includes the lab account number, along with frame name and size.
When refreshing the list, any column-based sorting that was applied, will be maintained.
Orders Detail
When the status of a Spectacles or Contact Lens Order is changed to Ready using the status drop-down list, the ready date will now automatically be set to the current date, if it is not already set.
Demographics Report
The Patients list now permits multiple selections.
An indicator at the bottom right of the list will indicate how many Patients are currently selected. The selection can be cleared using the right-click menu option.
When selecting an EMail option, the system will now EMail ONLY those that are selected. If there is no selection, then all Patients in the list will be indicated, as before.
These changes were made to support offices that use GMail, to help identify a smaller subset of the list at a time, to remain within the GMail limitations on recipient size.
Activity Summary Report
Added fields to display Appointment count (the number of appointments that were arrived for the specified doctor and dates), and the number of patients that were seen for appointments.
Patient Information
When clicking on Book Appointment, if the patient has no contact information (ie. EMail or phone numbers), a confirmation prompt will appear. This is to try and remind staff to obtain some form of contact information, if possible.
Patient Search
When selecting Book Appointment from the right-click menu, if the patient has no contact information (ie. EMail or phone numbers), a confirmation prompt will appear. This is to try and remind staff to obtain some form of contact information, if possible.
Appointment Details
When saving an Appointment, if the selected patient has no contact information (ie. EMail or phone numbers), a confirmation prompt will appear. This is to try and remind staff to obtain some form of contact information, if possible.
The "Reminder" button label has been changed to "Print" to minimize confusion.
Inventory Manufacturer History
Columns have been added to display first, and most recent inventory purchase dates for Contacts, Solutions, Clip-ons, and Miscellaneous products.
Added a new Tools menu option to EMail the products list. The intention is to provide a means by which to send the information on what has sold, and what is remaining in inventory, to a supplier rep.
The top and bottom margins of the prescription (Specs and CLs) printouts have been adjusted slightly, to address a concern about some printouts spilling onto a second page, now that signatures are included on the half-page options.
Click and Pick lists
The system will no longer trim blanks from items added to any of the lists. This is to make it easer to combine list selection, and typing. For example, a list item may be "Signed By " (including the trailing space), and when selected, the user can simply start typing. Please note, this means that the system will no longer protect against erroneous spaces and tabs...the user will need to be careful.
Version 4.3.3 - 6/16/2020
Added new password option, to secure removal/reversal of Invoice payments.
Added User privilege for payment removal/reversal.
A change was made to the way percentage-based discount codes work, such that if a Lenses discount or a Frames discount is applied to a Spectacles Order, then the discount amount will be based on strictly the lenses price, or frames price respectively, instead of simply taking the percentage of the entire price of the order.
Inventory Management
If a Manufacturer is listed as a filter, then it is no longer necessary to select a product in the list, to use the Manufacturer History report.
The User is now logged, with quantity adjustments, and inventory purchases.
Added Rep Name fields in Frames and Sunglasses pages. These fields can use the click & pick feature.
Added new Product Label, to use the Rat Tail layout, but with the brand name, instead of the barcode. Choose a product label by going to the File menu, and selecting Printer Setup. Then choose the desired layout in the Product Labels section.
Inventory Manufacturer History
Columns have been added to display first, and most recent inventory purchase dates (currently, for Frames and Sunglasses only).
Columns added to show Brand name. and Rep name (currently, for Frames and Sunglasses only).
Column added to show quantity bought from suppliers during date range. This is supported for all product types, but only if searching by "Reference".
New filter added, to filter out any item that was not sold during date range.
If one or more attachments are listed for an EMail, then the details of those attachments will be saved when saving the message template.
Brand new EMail system has been created, that should address the restrictions that have been noted by GMail users. Other EMail providers should also now be supported with the enhancements to the available authorization types.
Provider Schedules
A 40-minute option was added to the available provider booking times.
Order Purchase
Now records the User that was logged on (if one is logged on), when an Spectacles or CL order is created.
When opening an order details window from now on, the User that created the order (if there was one) will show in the title bar.
Version 4.3.2 - 6/6/2020
EMailing Invoices and Prescriptions
Added ability to Get and Save the custom messages, using the right-click menu. The current defaults will still show up, until a custom message is saved.
Visitor Tracking
Added functionality to copy any entered name information into the Patient search window, when Lookup is clicked.
Fixed issue that would cause an error, when refreshing the window after at least one new patient was arrived, if another patient was un-arrived.
Order windows
Resized date fields, to prevent truncation of the year, as well as window itself, to resolve overlaps.
Product Purchases
Fixed rounding error that caused products with certain prices (ie. $5.00) to lose a penny, when using new "price includes tax" option.
Retail Price Manager
Fixed rounding error that could cause the retail price recalculation to add an extra dollar to a whole number price, when rounding up to the nearest dollar.
Office Management
Added option in the Printing section, to choose whether Invoices should be printed by default or not. This setting will be checked, to suggest Invoices should be printed by default, unless set otherwise.
Demographics Report
When exporting EMails addresses (either with Export All from the Tools menu, or Export the retrieved list using right-click), only a list of unique and valid EMail addresses will be exported.
Database upgrade
Any Patients that have EMail addresses that are actually blank (ie. only contain 1 or more spaces) will be cleared out.
Made change to EMail address validation, to accept complex domain names.
Version 4.3.1 - 5/29/2020
Added Tools menu option to open a Visitor Tracking system.
EMail/SMS configuration
Added button to set up account information for the Ionos 1 and 1 EMail provider.
Added secured option to export patient data for use with the Weave service. This is available by going to the Data menu, and selecting Export->Patients->For Weave. Please note, to ensure secure use, you will need to call the support line for a key. This was done to ensure against unauthorized use.
Version 4.3 - 5/21/2020
Security settings
Added check boxes to the Security configuration window (Management-> Office->Security) to restrict the printing/exporting of patient lists except by an Administrator, and to restrict viewing of material costs fo inventory or purchases.
Appointment Book
Cleaned up the Provider nickname column, when it is being hidden, as a result of selecting a specific doctor schedule.
Patients that have never been seen before (ie. are new), are now identified by a thin green bar, immediately to the left of their details. When an appointment is Arrived, a Patient is marked as NOT new, automatically.
This "new" indicator is also included on the Call List window.
This "new" indicator is also included on the Prep sheet, Day sheet, and Call List printout.
Now including Provider nickname, in the hover description on the Week Browser.
Added hover descriptions, on the Day Browser.
Appointment Details
Added Additional Service field, to allow the user to right-click, and select a supplemental service to be automatically added to the Visit, when the the Patient arrives. This can be used, for example, when a patient is going to have a full exam, and a visual field...the primary service is still the full exam, but the visual field can be added to the appointment, so that the no one needs to remember to add it to the Visit Details.
Added field next to Duration, to support a pre-arrival time. This allows a default time to be specified (in minutes), to be included when considering that requested arrival time. This feature would be used in cases where the patient is asked to arrive BEFORE the scheduled appointment. If a pre-arrival time has been set for a service, then this field will be auto-populated, when that service is selected. If there is a pre-arrival time, then the requested arrival time for the patient will show at the top right of the window.
Changed the format of the calendar event that gets EMailed to a patient, to confirm the booking (the Send button), to use UTC time...to handle situation where the recipient is in a different timezone, when receiving the message. Please note: this feature is intended as a booking confirmation, not a reminder. For reminders, please use the Call List from the Tools menu of the Appointment Book.
Added option to define discounts as a percentage, instead of just a fixed dollar amount. This definition is configured in Management->Discounts. When adding a discount to a purchase (the Customer Purchase window), if a percentage-based discount is chosen, the user will then be prompted as to which of the already-added purchases, the discount should be applied to. Please note: changing the price of a purchase AFTER adding a discount related to it, will NOT adjust the discount amount. Any adjustments to the value of a discount, after it has been added to the purchase list, must be made manually.
Patient Information
Added ability to colour-code Date-stamped Notes, on the Notes tab.
Added status options for Referrals, to indicate referrals that have been declined by the Patient, or the Doctor...this way, a declined referral will no longer show up in the Unbooked Referrals report.
The health card number, and EMail address fields, will now indicate invalid entries by turning yellow, as soon as the user clicks or tabs out of the field.
When saving a Patient, an invalid EMail address will now cause a confirmation message to pop-up.
Added right-click options in both Rx lists, to EMail a PDF of the selected prescription to the patient. Please note, you must have a PDF driver set up in the Printer Setup, to use this feature. If a Prescription is expired, the system will prompt the user to confirm that is should still be EMailed. Please note: No digital signature images will be added to an expired prescription.
Patient Prescriptions
Added button on Patient Prescriptions list (available using the Rx button on the Visit Details window) to view the Patient Information.
Added right-click options in both Rx lists, to EMail a PDF of the selected prescription to the patient. Please note, you must have a PDF driver set up in the Printer Setup, to use this feature. If a Prescription is expired, the system will prompt the user to confirm that is should still be EMailed. Please note: No digital signature images will be added to an expired prescription.
Patient Search
Patients that have never been seen before (ie. are new), are now identified by a thin green bar, immediately to the left of their last name.
Spectacles Orders
Added new confirmations, to ensure multi-focal orders have an add, and single vision orders do not.
Added Tools menu option to open the web site for the selected lab.
CL Orders
Added Tools menu option to open the web site for the selected lab.
Orders Report
Added right-click option on Orders list, to open the web site for the associated lab.
If the Signature line is turned on, for Invoice printing, and the associated provider as created a digital signature image, that image will now show on the print-out for full page Invoices.
On multiple invoice payment window, set the Customer Part option as the default. Made changes to incorporate previous payments in the customer and third-party amounts.
Added new payment option to support E-Commerce. When an E-Commerce payment is processed, the system will prompt the user to enter the associated Transaction Fee.
Added Tools menu option to EMail the invoice to the customer. Please note, you must have a PDF driver set up in the Printer Setup, to use this feature.
Invoice List
Added right-click option to EMail a PDF of the selected invoice to the customer. Please note, you must have a PDF driver set up in the Printer Setup, to use this feature.
Added field to record details of any accompanying persons, on the Notes page.
Added times for the pretest and exam pressure readings, to the Exam Comparison window.
A visual indication as to which lensometry and autorefractor readings have values, has been added on the Refraction page. This enhances the multiple lensometry and autorefractor reading support that was added in version 4.2. An asterisk will now appear next to the option that contains data.
Added feature that will show the text of an entry field in a hover pop-up. when the mouse moves hovers over a text field, in which the entered text exceeds the size of the field (ie. some text is hidden).
Added the second and third lensometry readings (if present) to the referral letter (and exam printout). Also added the Wet autorefractor reading, if there is one.
Added right-click options in both Rx lists on the Rx page, to EMail a PDF of the selected prescription to the patient. A right-click option was also added to the final Rx list, on the Diag. page, to print the selected final prescription. Please note, you must have a PDF driver set up in the Printer Setup, to use this feature. If a Prescription is expired, the system will prompt the user to confirm that is should still be EMailed. Please note: No digital signature images will be added to an expired prescription.
Referral Letters
If a Signature has been entered for a provider, as well as a digital signature image, that image will now show on the print-out/Fax.
Exams List
Patients that have never been seen before the date of the associated exam, are now identified by a thin green bar, immediately to the left of their name. When looking up all exams for a given patient, the green bar will appear for the first exam for that patient.
Added boxes on either side of the Combo button on the Refraction page. These will allow the user to specify where the autorefractor reading should go (Dry or Wet), when reading with a combo device, such as the TRK-2P from Topcon, or the Tonoref from Innova.
The details windows for Solutions and Miscellaneous Products, now have a check box next to the tax checkbox, which allows the user to specify that the entered price includes the tax. Using this, a final price can be specified, and the tax will be backwards calculated to support that.
The price adjustment windows, for Solutions and Miscellaneous Products, now have a checkbox next to the tax checkboxes, which will appear if either tax is selected. Using this, the final price can be specified in the retail price field, and the tax will be backwards calculated to support that. This way, the customer price can be set to an even number, without the tax calculation forcing the price to be an awkward number (ie. $8.01).
Prep Sheet
The prep sheet print-out now specifies if a patient is new.
Services List (Management)
Enabled the Pretest check box, to allow services to be configured to skip the pretest section. If the Examine box is checked, but the Pretest box is NOT checked, then an exam will automatically be created when the Appointment is arrived. This is intended to help the doctors more quickly get an exam, without requiring the Pretest step (ie. for CL assessments). NOTE: for offices that do not perform pretesting, ALL services can have the Pretest box unchecked, and all arrived visits will then immediately appear in the Exams list.
Added checkbox next to the age range, to indicate an exclusion of that date range. For example, 402s are only valid for patients that are NOT between 20 and 65. This update will automatically set any V402A services for an exclusion of the 20-65 age range.
Added field next to Time, to support a pre-arrival time. This allows a default time to be specified (in minutes), to be included when considering that requested arrival time. This feature would be used for services, for which the patient is asked to arrive BEFORE the scheduled appointment.
On the list of future bookings (Tools->View Future Appointments), it is now possible to change the services of all listed/selected appointments, to another service. This would be used to change all existing future appointments, in the case where one of the codes is going to be retired.
Changed Tools menu option, to support updating the duration of future appointments either for just a specific doctor, or for all doctors. Note that, any doctors that have a duration override in the Service Override section, will NOT have their appointment durations updated from this feature.
Management Reports
Added new Discounts report, that will present a list of all invoiced discounts for the selected doctor, over the specified date range. Options allow the user to include: 1) purchases for which the invoiced price/fee, is less than that which is listed, 2) invoiced discount codes, 3) negative dispensings.
Made changes to Payments Report, and Payments Journal to support new E-Commerce payment method, as well as associated Transaction Fees. Also made changes to more clearly show Account and Gift Certificate payments.
Made changes to Payments print-out, to more clearly show Account and Gift Certificate payments, as well as to include E-Commerce payments, and processing fees.
Added right-click menu option to all EMail windows, to support loading a message file. This will make it easier to import "fancier" EMail messages, instead of using Copy and Paste.
On Appointment Confirmation EMails, the "appointment date" tag will now insert a long date format. A button has been added to allow users to insert a short date tag, if desired.
Made improvements to the Preview button. For tagged EMail messages (ie. that have name/appointment information tags), a sample appointment will now be created, so the user can see the message exactly as it will be sent.
Online Booking
All appointments booked online, will have the Initials value set to "ONLINE".
Made Health Card number non-mandatory, for patient search and creation.
Version 4.2.1 - 1/23/2020
Added "Attachments" button on the Objective page, to allow users to attach new images to the exam.
Added support to the Tomey RC-800 autorefractor
Added option in the Tools menu, as well as the right-click menu for the logged-in user field (if logged in as a named user) to switch user. This allows the user to enter the credentials of another user, and switch over, instead of having to logoff and logon again.
Added right-click functionality to the Retail Price field, which will open a price calculation prompter. This will provide an easy way to calculate the retail price for an individual product.
Added frame label option to use Dymo 30373 Rat Tail labels.
Added "non-binary" option for Patient sex. Also, added gender neutral salutation (Mx.) to the salutation list.
Added a Discount button to the price details window, available by right-clicking in the frame or lens price boxes. This new button will allow a simple percentage discount to be calculated for the specified field.
Added ability to attach Order notes, when a posted Order is being edited from an invoice.
Added Alternate phone number on Contact Lens Order file printouts. The preferred number is now underlined.
Centered the customer name in the cut-out section, on both File printouts, and shifted the ordered and promised dates to the right, to avoid issues with information being obscured by the label bracket on a tray.
Purchase Details
Added a right-click option to allow percentage discounts to be applied from the Retail Price field of all purchase details windows.
Client Configuration (Intercom)
Enabled a check box in the "Client" box of the Client Configuration window (File->Client Configuration) to indicate if that particular client computer should automatically enable the Intercom on startup.
The "Nickname" field in the Client box can be used to override the name shown in the Intercom recipient list.
Added new Landscape option for Invoices (Tools->Print->Wide), to handle longer product descriptions.
Added Tools menu option on Invoices search window, to permit looking up invoices by the 3rd party authorization number.
EMail/SMS settings
Added "Test" button, to facilitate testing of EMail account settings.
The client list (available by clicking View on the Server window) now displays the Date of logon for each client, in addition to the Time.
Version 4.2 - 11/25/2019
When the server starts, it will now check the validity of the database backup schedule. It will then look to see if the specified directory exists, or can be created, and if that directory has valid contents. The user will be notified using a pop-up, if there are any concerns.
Finally re-introduced the Intercom. This can be used to send messages between client computers. PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta-level release, and we anticipate further development presently. We are currently ensuring functionality. To use this, make sure there is a check-mark next to Enabled, in the Intercom menu of the Launchpad window (click the Enabled menu option to start or stop the Intercom from that client). There is also a menu option to show the chat window. The chat window can be left open indefinitely. But even if not opened manually, the chat window will automatically appear when a message is received from another client.
Enabled Wet autorefractor entry fields. - Added radio buttons to provide ability to enter up to 3 lensometry values.
Added button on the Refraction page, near the Keratometry section, to convert the Keratomery readings between Diopters and mm.
Added columns to display Appointment Time, and Arrival Time, in the exams list.
Fixed issue that could cause a version error on saving, if the CL Rx for an exam was edited from the Rx list instead of the CL Fit page.
Added radio buttons to provide ability to enter up to 3 lensometry values.
Added radio buttons to support Wet and Dry autorefractor values.
An exam can no longer be saved, without a selected provider. This change was made to help with the accidental creation of exams by users who press Save instead of Cancel, when trying to preview a previous exam for a new user.
From the Retired Products window, there is now an option to "archive" a product. This is used to reduce the number of Retired items, when it is even more unlikely that an office will stop using a particular product. An Archived product can still be un-archived, and un-retired. Currently, this feature is only enabled for Frames.
Appointment Book
Added menu option, under the Modify Schedule option, to add or edit a break for the selected slot.
Patient Information
Fixed issue that caused the postal code lookup feature (right-click in postal code field) to stop working, if an invalid postal code was entered, and then corrected.
Made change, such that having an unaltered dated note selected in the Notes tab, will no longer cause the program to prompt about unsaved changes, when cancelling.
Patient History
When clicking on the Exams button, the system will now warn the user, if there are no existing exams, and check to see if one should be created.
Spectacle Orders
Added Notes feature, to allow users to record dated notes for an Order. This feature is accessed using the Notes button. The label for the Notes button will show an asterisk, if there are already Notes associated with the current Order.
Doctor Activity Summary
Added field for "Other Sales" to include things that do not belong in the other categories. Primarily, this is used to include Product Discounts (ie. discounts that are not attached to a particular product type).
Inventory Depletion report
Added Print functionality.
Click and Pick Lists
An issue was identified, by which long list items could be created, which then do not fit into the field for which they are intended. For example, Patient Alerts must not be longer than 10 characters, and the field will restrict the typing. But a Click and Pick list item could be created that is longer than 10 characters...and this would cause an error during save. A fix has been implemented, but it is possible that there are more of these sorts of situations in the system than we have been able to find. So please let us know if you run into any others.
Added check boxes to specify whether or not a Doctor is available for online booking (if such a service is being used), and will accept brand new patients booking online. - Added check box on the Services list, to specify whether or not a service is available for online booking.
Added a new Support Login option in Tools menu of Launchpad. This will allow support people to log in (using a code/key interaction), with administrator rights. This is intended to allow support staff to help when a user has forgotten a password, or needs to adjust a configuration setting.
Made changes to Backup request handler. If a non-existing path is specified, the server will now try to create the full path. If a blank or invalid path is specified, the server will use the parent of the startup directory as a default.
When the End-of-Day posting is performed, the server will now create its own private backup in \Private\EodBackup\ from the server program folder. This will keep 5 copies.
Version 4.1.1
Added support for Nidek LM-1800 lensometer.
Referral Letter/Exam Printout
Adjusted header spacing to make room for long distance indicator (1) in the phone numbers
Added OU acuity details for the subjective and balance results.
Added option for Add Calculation to be included in the Refraction portion of the printout (ie. Amplitude of Accomodation through Final Add).
Spectacles Orders
rearranged phone numbers, in order to make room for the long distance indicator (1).
The preferred phone number for the patient is now highlighted on the File Report.
Version 4.1 - 7/3/2019
Removed Service Plans tab.
Added tab to allow specification of Discounts, which can be configured to show up in any of the Sales Report categories.
Moved the Add Credit feature to the Tools menu.
Added button to allow the purchase of Supplemental Services without requiring a Visit (ie. through the Appointment Book). Please Note: as services purchased this way are not related to a Visit, these will NOT show up on the End-of-Day Doctor Activity list.
The Discounts button is now operational. This feature allows the user to add a dollar-amount discount to an invoice, and have it show up in the defined category. Discount codes are defined in the Management section, under the Discounts tab.
The Gift Certificates button is now operational. This feature allows the user to sell a Gift Certificate to a customer. The system will prompt the user to enter an amount. Gift Certificates have a certificate number (shown on the invoice). This number is required to use a Gift Certificate as a method of payment on an invoice. Any invoice belonging to any customer can use a Gift Certificate as a payment. Even if that Gift Certificate was purchased by a different customer. PLEASE NOTE: Gift Certificates can NOT be refunded or reversed.
Added Gift Certificate as a method of payment. Also adjusted the description of the 2 Third Party payment methods, to be more clear.
Purchase History
Changed functionality of fast-set date buttons, to reflect office requests. Also added buttons to move forward/back a month/ year at a time.
Corrected issue that could cause the Create Referral Record checkbox to get checked, when editing a previously-created letter.
When selecting a referral letter template, both of the letter text areas are now shown (above the results and below the results).
Added button on the Refraction page, to allow users to "Pick" an existing Rx, to use as the Lensometry readings.
Added click-and-pick functionality to the Brand field for Frames and Sunglasses.
Added right-click menu option in the Product Number field, to have the program assign a new serial number.
Spectacles Orders
Added program code to prevent users from having tax on lenses.
Appointment Book
Added hover help functionality.
End of Day
Added button to access the OHIP menu. This was added simply as a convenience for those offices that submit OHIP on a daily basis.
Fixed issue that omitted the date range on the printed recall list.
Recall Log
Added date range on print out, when printing patient list from within the Log Entry details, to make it consistent with printing the patient list from the Recall Log list.
Added column to the Users list, to show User ID.
Added ability to reset User passwords (right-click on a User), and to clear component passwords (from the Tools menu). PLEASE NOTE: This requires the use of a generated key that must be obtained from the SpinnakerWare help desk.
Added new option under the Data menu, to support assigning product number to an entire class of inventory items (ie. Frames). This is intended to be used only when choosing to start using product numbers, after the inventory list is in place, to save time over assigning product numbers one at a time.
Version 4.0.3 - 3/27/2019
Bug Fixes
Corrected issue that caused the lens type from the pretest window to not show up on the Exam window.
Corrected the bug that could cause Rx duplication on the final page of the Exam window, under certain specific circumstances.
Fixed issue that might cause the FAX number of a doctor to not show up on the bottom of a referral letter, under certain circumstances. Accounts Receivable
Added column to show Third Party Authorization, to facilitate location of Third party invoices when only the authorization number is provided.
Added right-click menu option to pay multiple Third Party invoices with a single payment. Note that the A/R window MUST be in Third Party mode (ie. the filter set to only Third Party) for this to work.
Invoices List
Added column to show Third Party Authorization, to facilitate location of Third party invoices when only the authorization number is provided.
Patient Contact
Added click-and-pick functionality to the notes field.
Added click-and-pick functionality to the OCT Results field.
Changed Huvitz HRK interface to use different filename extensions, as directed by Axis Medical.
Version 4.0.2
The client program does not know whether it is running in Demo mode or not, until it connects to the serVersion As a result, The title bar shows DEMO when it first comes up, and is not yet connected. To avoid confusion and concern, the title bar now shows NOT CONNECTED instead.
The OHIP button will now be disabled, and have a generic label when first starting the program. It will enable, if appropriate, once the user logs in. This is to allow the button to only be enabled for provinces that have a provincial health insurance system, and to ensure that it shows an appropriate label for that system (ie. OHIP).
Find Appointment
This feature has been substantially re-worked. The processing time has been drastically reduced, so that even very long search periods can be finished in under a second. The ability to specify set times has also been added (ie. after 4pm, before 10am, or between two times, etc.). The date adjustment buttons have also been changed to be more useful. They now are able to advance or reverse the search period by interval (ie. how many days between the start and end date), and can now change just the end date by a week or a month at a time. Hover help has been added to the controls to describe what each button does.
Doctors List
When retiring a doctor, the system will now offer to show a list of any future appointments, if there are any.
A Tools menu option has been added to show all future appointments for a selected doctor.
Using the Pick facility for the Lensometer information on the refraction page will now show the lens type from the selected Rx, instead of the material.
Added click-and-pick functionality to the 2 new (in version 4.0) OU VA fields on the refraction page.
Added check to see if the appointment was somehow un-arrived, before saving the exam. This was done to prevent an error that would show up, when the exam was trying to check the diabetic code for a patient, after the visit for the exam was deleted.
Added support for sending Autorefractor/Lensometer readings to the Huvitz HDR Mate software.
When using devices that transmit their data using files, ODOfficePro will now check the appropriate folder before prompting the user to select a file. If there is only one file in that folder that was created today, then the system will automatically select that file.
The Rx pages of the Patient and Exam windows, now supports a right-click feature which will retrieve a list of any Orders created using the selected Rx.
Spectacles Prescription details
Changed the labels on the lens materaial/type fields to be more accurate.
Added automatic copy between OD and OS seg heights, in the same way that the Add fields work.
When creating a CL Order from an Rx, the system will now show the lens names as highlighted in yellow, if the products selected in the Rx are no longer active. The system will also show a pop-up warning of this, when the Rx is selected, and when the Order is being saved.
Made changes to Lenses, so that there can now be multiple lenses with the same name, at the same location, as long as they have different focality (SV, Progressive, etc).
Fixed missing Colour in Frames/Sunglasses report (new in version 4.0).
Changed Clip-Ons inventory report to also show colour and size.
Added column to display Max Cylinder (added in version 4.0) for lenses in both the Inventory list, as well as Lens selection list for Orders.
Patient Information
Fixed bug with the Pay button introduced in version 4.0, in which invoices created for unpaid services this way could not be paid.
Confirmation Call List
widened the window to show more information without scrolling.
moved the column with the appointment note towards the left, to make it more easily accesible.
Version 4.0 - 12/21/2018
Online Booking
Support now included for Live Online Booking.
When Secured Users log in, only the buttons for which they have the privileges will be enabled.
Added fields to specify Rx expiration times for youths, adults, and seniors, on the Office page of the Management window. The previous field for Rx Expiry has been removed, as the system will now use the age of the Patient to determine Rx expiry.
Added checkbox on the Printing section of the Office page to select whether or not to show the next appointment on invoices.
Added options on the Printing section of the Office page to indicate how to handle PDs, when printing Spectacle prescriptions. The options are to Always print, Never print, or to ask the user each time an Rx is printed. This value is preset to Always.
Added options on the Additional Info page of the Doctor info to indicate how to handle PDs, when printing Spectacle prescriptions. The options are to Always print, Never print, to ask the user each time an Rx is printed, or to just use the default for the office, as described above. This value is preset to Default.
On the services page, a checkbox has been added to allow a choice of when a service should include an exam or not by default (ie. generally a 410 does not require an exam). If unchecked, then appointments of that type will not appear in the Pretest window.
Made change to support use of dispensing codes with negative service fees on Spectacles and Contacts Orders.
Added checkbox on the Print Spec to select whether or not to show the next appointment on the invoice. The default value for this is set in the Printing section of the Management Office page.
Added buttons on the Invoice payment window to allow easy setting of the payment amount to be either the funded portion, or the customer portion.
We have seen a few offices corrupt an invoice by having multiple windows open on the invoice, and/or its purchases, while changing the doctor on the invoice. The change of the doctor works, but then pressing Save on one or more of the other windows, sets the associated purchase back to the original doctor. This causes an error to show up while printing the End-of-Day posting report. To assist with this, whenever an invoice is opened or saved, it will check to see if the provider on any of the purchases does not match the invoice provider, and prompts the user to correct it.
The Pay feature has been redesigned to make it more functional, and easier to use. With this feature, any outstanding services can be invoiced, and any outstanding invoices can quickly be paid.
When making an address/phone number change on a patient that is part of a household, the household list now specifically indicates if a patient is "Inactive" or "Deceased".
Added check to verify that a Patient has been saved, before allowing a new Patient to be added to the Cancellation List.
Improved check for screen changes, to minimize false warnings on a Cancel (ie. after pressing Cancel, window was warning that there had been changes under certain conditions, when no changes had been made).
Added check to verify the user has not entered spaces in the health card version code field.
When validating the health card for a new Patient, if there is no Usual Doctor, the system will now try to find any doctor with login information, instead of stopping and asking for a Usual Doctor.
When the Preferred Phone Number option is changed, the system will now look to see if there are any future appointments set to use the original option for contact. If there are, the user will be prompted to see if these should be updated to the new option.
When a Patient is added to a household (using the New button, right-click menu on the Household page, or using the Household window), then if the member of the household to whom the patient is being connected has primary insurance information, the user will be prompted to see if the new member of the household should be added as a dependent on that policy.
Patient History
Double-clicking or right-clicking on an Appointment in the Missed Appointments section of the Stats page will allow the user to open the details of that Appointment in read-only mode.
When looking up appointment cancellations or reschedules on the Stats page, the name of the user that was logged on at the time these actions were performed is now displayed in a column on the right.
Patient Search
Added column on the right to display EMail addresses.
Added Tools menu option to search for patients by EMail address. Normal wildcard searching rules apply.
Orders Report
Added a right-click option to mark an order as Dispensed.
When the name, brand, manufacturer, description, or product number is changed for a product, a record is now created, to begin tracking these changes. The change history is available by highlighting a product in the Inventory List, and from the Tools menu, selecting View Change History.
The Inventory printed report for Frames and Sunglasses, now shows the colours and sizes of the products. This additional information necessitated the rotation of these reports into Landscape orientation.
Reports Menu
When a Secured User is logged in, only the reports for which they have the privileges will be available (ie. associated button enabled).
The Eye See Eye Learn button has been moved to the main reports menu, from the Management Reports menu, to make it more accessible to everyone.
The Time Sheets button has been moved to the Management Reports menu.
Appointment Details
Once health card eligibility information has been entered, or obtained from the HCV check, the appropriate fields will turn yellow for an ineligible code. Also, hover help has been added to these 2 fields, to display the Ministry description of the numeric code.
Visit Details
When a Visit is saved using a 248, or 250 Diagnostic code, the Patient will now automatically be updated with a Diabetic flag, if it is not already flagged.
Added "Print Rx" button on the Patient Rx list.
The default expiry date for opthalmic prescriptions has now been changed to accomodate the age of the patient. This update will set the expiration times to 12 months for children and seniors, and 24 months for adults. These can be changed on the Office page of the Management window, by entering the desired number of months for the appropriate age category in the Age Options section. If an Rx is made for a patient whose age is unknown, the expiry will default to 12 months.
The user that was logged on at the time an Rx was printed is now recorded. This information is displayed in the Rx Printing History.
Added items on the Internal page, to record if an OCT was performed, along with a spot for OCT details.
When an exam is saved using a 248, or 250 Diagnostic code, the Patient will now automatically be updated with a Diabetic flag, if it is not already flagged.
The exams list now includes a column displaying the primary diagnostic code (if entered) for each exam. This area will be highlighted if a diagnostic code is missing, if the associated service indicates a diagnostic code was required.
The exams list now includes a column indicating whether or not the patient has had an OCT, as indicated in the exam record.
If the program terminates irregularly, an existing exam lock may not get removed, meaning the user will get a message saying the exam is locked when they are the ones who have the lock. A change was made to offer the user the chance to unlock the exam for their own editing, if a lock is found, but for the same computer the user is currently using.
A right-click option was added on the CL Rx portion of the Current Rx tab in the Exam window, to allow users to toggle the Trial status of a CL Rx, even after the exam is locked. The Rx MUST belong to the current exam, however (or not be part of ANY exam).
Fields have been added on the Refraction page to allow recording of OU acuities for the subjective and balance sections.
Added button on the Refraction page to copy the Static retinoscopy results into the Subjective refraction section.
On the Refraction page, fields were added to allow the user to record Prism. These prism values will be included in any Rx that is made from this window. A Copy button has been included, to copy the prism values from the Lensometer reading. These fields will also auto-populate from a phoropter reading, if non-zero prism values are reported by the device.
Prism fields have also been added on the BV page. The prism fields on the Refraction page will be synchronised with the ones on the BV page. So values can be entered on either side, and will immediately show on the other.
On Exams List window, the "Print Exam" option in the right-click menu has been moved to a lower point in the menu, and isolated with a separator. This is to address a user concern of accidentally clicking on "Print Exam", when attempting to click on "View Exam".
Added "Alcaine + NaFl strip" to drops list on the External page.
On the Recall List Generation view, a Tools menu item has been added to open a Prodigal Recall tool. This allows the user to retrieve a list of Patients that have not had a full exam since the specified date.
Added a column on the Recall List Log window to indicate if a listed recall was a Periodic Recall or a Prodigal Recall.
Added a Tools menu option on the Recall List to retire selected patients. With this, a prodigal recall can now be performed to find patients that have not had a full exam in a long time, and then from that result, retire them all.
Added a column to show EMail addresses on the Recall Log patient list.
On Recall Log Patient List, an additional Contact Log option has been added. Previously, contact information would be displayed as pertained to the selected recall. But now, any contact over any recall for a selected patient can be viewed.
Schedule Book
Fixed printing for a week of day sheets.
Printing of day sheets for multiple doctors now only prints for doctors that are working on the selected day.
When using the Missed Appointments option from the Tools menu, that list now shows the cancellation note, as well as the original Appointment note. Double-clicking or right-clicking on an Appointment will allow the user to open the details of that Appointment in read-only mode.
When using the Find Appointment feature, the default search range has been changed to 4 weeks, instead of 2.
When an appointment is cancelled or rescheduled, the user who was logged on at the time is now recorded. The user name is now displayed in the Missed Appointments list (from the Tools menu).
Added a check box on the Objective page, to record if an OCT was performed.
Added support for the Huvitz HNT1 tonometer, and HNT1P tonometer/pachymeter.
Added support for the Standard-5 format on the Topcon CT-1P, to allow reading of pachymetry measurements.
Added additional EMail address field, to allow separation of rep EMail address, and Order-submission EMail address. This new field can accept multiple EMail addresses, separated by a semicolon.
A field for maximum cylinder has been added to the Lens details window. This value (if specified) is verified for an Order, to ensure the Rx on the order does not exceed it.
End of Day
When doctor selection is set to , on the Doctor Activity report, only reports for doctors that have had activity (ie. services or product sales) will print out.
Sales/Tax Activity Report
The option will now include results from retired doctors.
The option has also been rewritten to be more efficient, meaning the report will generate quicker.
Changes have been made to the way the option extracts data from the database, yielding improved efficiency.
Purchase History
The Purchase History window has been completely re-written to make it more consistent with other report windows. This window now allows the user to specify a specific date range, and will show the list of purchases made within that range, along with the count, and the total dollar amounts. The total number of sales ever is also displayed.
Monthly Sales Report
The option will now present a totalled summary of doctors, just as other reports do.
An option has been added to show the breakdown by doctor (which is what the option USED to provide).
Phone Book
Added right-click option on the Labs page, to change a selected Lab to a Supplier. This will create a new Supplier with the same basic information, then retire the selected Lab.
Invoices List
Added additional column on the far right, to list a third party. if one is indicated for the Invoice.
Missed Appointments Report
Double-clicking or right-clicking on an Appointment will allow the user to open the details of that Appointment in read-only mode.
Management Reports
Added Order Takers Report, to display Orders based on who signed the Order (the "Staff" field on the Order details window).
Added User Logging Report, to display the Login and Logout activity of Users.
Spectacle Orders
The rounding feature on the ADD fields has been adjusted to permit use of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.85. These values can be entered exactly as this, or as 40, 60, or 85...the system will convert to the appropriate decimal. But the fields will not round to these values...meaning entering 41, will not round to 0.40.
Doctor Schedule
Added a Copy option for Explicit Work Day section.
Version 3.10.4 rev. 6
Altered Nidek Lensometer data stream parser to handle dates in the data stream.
Version 3.10.4 rev. 5
Fixed issue that failed to include manually-entered coatings and tints in EMail-based Order submission.
Version 3.10.4 rev. 4
Health Card Validation (HCV)
The Ministry HCV service appears to have been changed, or has developed a bug. The validation request MAY omit the patient name and/or birthdate. Changes have been made to the software to handle this scenario.
Version 3.10.4 rev. 3 - 3/23/2018
Made change to support use of dispensing codes with negative service fees on Spectacles and Contacts Orders.
Version 3.10.4 rev. 2
When attempting to change or delete a prescription from the Current Rx page of the exam window, if the Rx belongs to the current exam, this will only be permitted if the exam is in Edit mode. If the Rx belongs to another exam, the action will be prevented.
Set Base Curve and Prism fields to stay blank, if no number is entered.
Restored button on Lenses page, to maintain Lens Type options
Added button on Lenses page, to maintain Lens Type options
Version 3.10.4 - 5/28/2018
Fixed issue that excluded Dispensing Codes, attached to Orders, from the Purchase History results.
Added limits of $100,000,000 to currency fields on Invoice Payment, and Cash Reconciliation windows. This was done to handle a support case where the user had entered 20 digits for the payment amount.
added "Copy" buttons to Tint, Coating, and Miscellaneous Services prompters, to allow the Description for a service to be easily copied from the name.
Made changes to Lab Details window to (hopefully) eliminate random errors that a few offices have experienced when closing the window.
Made change to RxWizard interface to support transferring any Prism in the Order.
Orders Report
Set left-most columns to be locked, so scrolling to the right continues to show order number, and Customer name.
Added column to show the name of the Order Taker.
Added support for the Nidek OPD device. We are now able to obtain autorefractor measurements from it.
Made changes to the interface for the ARK-500 series of autorefractors, to handle extra CR characters in the serial data stream, if the CR code option is not turned off on the device.
Made change to provide a message, instead of a runtime error, when user attempts to Edit an exam that has already been deleted.
Doctor Activity Summary Report
made change to include ONLY purchased orders in the 2 orders counts fields.
Recall Log
- made change to handle the listing of recalls that were generated for a specific doctor, who has since been retired.
Version 3.10.3 - 3/23/2018
Appointment Book
Added Drag/Drop rescheduling within a day, for a single doctor.
Can also drag/drop an appointment on to the task bar at the bottom of the window, to facilitate rescheduling to a different doctor, or a different day.
Spectacle Orders
Adding additional verification to ensure cylinder and axis values are legitimate, and that there is a near PD for readers.
Distance PD fields are now disabled, if "readers" is selected.
When using the Get button to choose an existing Rx, the PD and Seg Height fields will NOT be overwritten if these values are blank in the Rx. With this, the PD and seg heights can now be entered first, and the Get button used afterwards, and the PDs and seg heights will no longer be blanked out.
When a new Order is saved, and the Rx was manually entered (ie. the Get button was not used), then the user will be prompted to create a new Rx for that patient, with the specified lens parameters.
Orders Report
Added "Any" check box next to the date fields, in order to clear start and end dates. This can be used to search for a particular set of Orders, without restricting by date range (ie. find ALL Orders that are ready, without considering when they were created).
When an Order is FAXed, or Submitted, the status of that Order will now be automatically changed appropriately, if the status is not already beyond that point (ie. if an Order is marked as Ready, FAXing that Order will NOT cause the status to change automatically).
When the Contact Patient option is used, if the user presses Save on the Contact Details window, and the Order is currently marked as Ready, then the status will automatically be changed to Customer Notified.
Order Follow-up Report
When generating a report on dispensed CL Orders, any Orders with the status of Shipped Direct, will now be included.
Patient Household
Added right-click and Tool menu option to attach an existing Patient to the current household.
Appointment Details
Made a change to the booking confirmation message that gets sent when the Send button is pressed, to include the name of the patient being booked.
When sending a group EMail, or SMS text message, if a single template has been defined, it will be selected by default. If there are multiple template options, the user will be prompted to select one immediately. A right-click menu option has been added, to allow quick clearing of the current message.
For labs that accept EMailed Spectacle Orders, multiple EMail addresses can now be entered on the EMail address line (separated by a semicolon), if multiple recipients should be specified.
Added field to manually maintain lens design.
Frame Details
Added a button next to the Description field to allow a more interesting description to be created, using the manufacturer, the brand, and the product name.
Added option to Retail Price Manager, to automatically round fixed- price adjustments to nearest $1, $5, or $10.
Customer Purchase
Have added option to allow purchase of customer credit. This will allow customers to make a payment, which will then be immediately transferred into their Account for future use. Credit purchases may NOT be combined with any other item on the invoice, and they MUST be paid in full at the time of purchase. PLEASE NOTE: this feature is considered to be in beta-testing!
Patient Referred By report
Made change so that if a specific doctor is selected, when using the Find Patients option from the right-click menu, only the appropriate patients with the selected usual doctor will show up.
Patient Birthday report
Fixed issue that showed patients for ALL doctors, even when a doctor was selected in the filter list.
Version 3.10.2 rev.
Added ability to multi-select in order to retire products
Added right-click option to allow the retiring of an entire brand, or an entire manufacturer, for Frames and Sunglasses.
Added column to show colour in Inventory "Multiple Match" selection window.
Patient Information
When a new Patient is being created, the system checks to look for a possible duplicate, be searching for a matching name and birthdate (this was added in version 3.10.2). In this revision, a change was made to exclude any previously-merged patient records from this check.
Fixed issue that was preventing Patient address from being copied from the Source Patient into the Target Patient during a merge, if the address for the Target Patient is blank.
Patient Search
Added Drag/Drop functionality, so patients can be dragged from here to the Appointment Book in order to book an appointment.
Added Brand column to Sunglasses selection.
Added Brand filter to both Frames and Sunglasses selection windows.
Spectacle Prescriptions
Added "click and pick" functionality in the external provider field, for when an Rx is a Copy.
Version 3.10.2 - 1/5/2018
Added new option on the Manage Claims window, to allow the lookup of claims that were Paid, for which the service date was within the specified range. Inventory
Added a Manufacturer name filter to each page of the Inventory window, with which the inventory for the selected manufacturer can be selected.
Added a Brand filter to the Frames and Sunglasses pages of the Inventory window, with which the inventory for the selected brand can be selected.
Added an Inventory Depletion report, accessible from the Tools menu of the Inventory Management window, which will show which products were sold over the specified date range.
Added an Inventory Intake report, accessible from the Tools menu of the Inventory Management window, which will allow the user to record the intake (ie. Buy More) of multiple products for the same supplier invoice.
Added an Inventory Count report, accessible from the Tools menu of the Inventory Management window, which will allow the user to count inventory quantity simply by using a barcode scanner. This does require that product barcode numbers have been entered into the inventory already.
Added right-click menu option on Frames and Sunglasses pages to allow exporting of label data, to support importing of product information into a label printer.
Added feature to display any available on-account balance on the Invoice payment window, if a balance exists for that customer.
Added ability to adjust the description that shows up in the Patient History list, instead of the default that lists the type of Order, and the Order number. The description can be changed when making the Order (on the Purchase Creation window), by clicking in the Description column, and also from the Tools menu of the Order Details window.
Added field for the name of the Order Taker on both Spectacles and Contacts Order windows. A right-click selection option is available for staff names.
Orders Report
Made change, so that the Orders list prints out in the same order as is selected on screen.
Added check to see if there might be a Patient conflict, when creating a new Patient. This looks for a matching name and birth date.
Changed default Recall method to be "Any".
Made changes to Postal Code lookup to support addresses that contain accented characters.
SMS Text Messaging
Made changes to support sending message that contain accented characters.
Extenal Doctors
Changed Family Doctor, and Referrable Doctor selection prompters to include columns displaying the city, and the notes.
Security (Management->Office->Security)
Added option to password-protect the Patient Merge feature.
Added option to password-protect the Pretest list feature. This was added to allow a separate password to access pretest, from the password for exams. In this way, users can be granted access to pretesting, but not exams.
Added field to show the date of the last full service, for the selected Patient, on the Appointment Details window. Also added a button to open the Patient History window. Exams
Added more control over the final prescription list on the Diag. page, in order to disable options that should not be used when not in Edit mode.
Made to changes to record printing information, when printing final Rxs (on the Diag. page) when the Rx or even the exam is not yet saved.
Added support for Huvitz phoropter, using the HDR-Mate software interface.
Made changes to support new data format for Innova RT-5100.
Made changes to Topcon and Innova phoropter interfaces, to capture Final data, if provided, and place it in the Balance section of the Refraction page.
Reordered the columns in the Spectacles and Contacts Prescription selection prompters, in order to make any notes on the prescription more easily seen.
Fixed issue that prevented the printing of Contact Lens details on CL Order estimates.
Added right-click selection option for Staff names on Cash Flow, Inventory Purchase, and Inventory Adjustment windows.
When using the Change Server Address feature from the Tools menu, it is no longer necessary to select Disconnect from Server first. The feature will now automatically prompt to dosconnect, and offer to reconnect when the address has been accepted.
Aged Bookings
fixed bug that occurred when trying to Export the Appointments list.
Version 3.10 rev. 2
Fixed issue introduced in Version 3.10, that caused an error while trying to create a thumbnail for an image with a bit depth of 1 (black and white images that were created with only binary values for pixels).
Fixed hole in the program that allowed Rxs that are part of an exam to be changed without going into that exam.
Added support for a wider range of logo image resolutions.
Fixed issue which caused the wrong printing date to show, on the right side of Double half-page invoices.
In the Printing section, added a button to allow a user to check the logo image on the current client computer.
Version 3.10 - 7/20/2017
Appointment Book
Added Drag and Drop functionality, which will allow patients to be dragged from a Household window into the Appointment Book.
Added option under Print menu (from right-clicking on an appointment) to print the Information Sheet for the associated Patient. This is here to allow printing of the Information Sheet, without having to open the Patient details window.
Patient Attachments
- Added support for PNG images.
From the Doctors page, under Additional Info, a button has been added to allow providers to import a scanned image of their signature.
Added ability to include scanned signature images on the printouts for non-expired spectacles and contacts prescriptions. Note: signatures will currently NOT show up on either of the half-page printouts, due to size restrictions.
CL Prescriptions
Moved the Lens Type column to the left, so that it is immediately visible without scrolling.
- The option to find all exams for a patient has been changed to include exams that were performed by doctors that are no longer active in the practice. - Added ability to read Visual Acuities from the subjective reading on a connected Innova RT3100 phoropter.
- Removed the restriction on changing the customer on an invoice. Now, even paid and posted invoices can have their customer changed. When this is done, it will also change any purchases/orders, as well as services/appointments.
Added a button to the Add Lens window, in order to allow selection of a Lens from Inventory, instead of from a Lab.
The Lens details window in the Inventory section has been changed to support offices that keep stock lenses on hand, and wish to track their inventory by the parameters (ie. sphere, cylinder, etc.).
The Retail Price Manager widow for Lab lenses has been modified to add selection of SV, Bifocal, Trifocal, Progressive to the filtering options, in order to allow the user to target a specific configuration of lenses for retail price adjustment.
Spectacles Orders
When selecting a Miscellaneous Lab Service, the pop-up selection window now offers ability to enter a quantity.
Printer Setup
Added "Rotated" half-page options for Rxs and Invoices. This was added to support printers that cannot rotate their printout themselves. Depending on the printer, the half-page printouts might end up being printed on the "missing" half-page (ie. when using paper that has been cut in half). Some printers have a printing option to rotate the print, so that the information will be printed on the other half of the page (ie. the half that is NOT missing). For printers that do not include the option to rotate the print, our Rotated Half-Page option can be used to accomplish the same goal.
OHIP Claims
Added an easier way to change the service code on a submitted claim. When users go to Edit the claim, they can now use the Chg button to select a different funded service code. The system will then automatically delete that claim, and make the appropriate adjustments to maintain historical integrity of the sales reports. Once completed, going to the associated Visit Details will show that the new service is selected. In the Additional Services the original deleted claim and its reversal will be listed. The original claim will remain on the Sales Report on its original date, but the reversal, and new service will show up on the Sales Report on the current date. The new service will be queued for Submission, showing the original service date.
User Time Sheets
Added ability for Administrators to add past events to a time sheet record, using the Book In/Book Out option from the Users menu of the Launchpad. The date can now be changed to be in the past.
Added ability for Administrators to add past time sheet events in the Time Sheets report, by choosing Add Booking Event from the Tools menu.
Version 3.9 - 3/21/2017
Added new report: Order Followup. This allows the user to generate a list of Orders that were dispensed during a specified date range, or a list of Orders that were purchased within a specified date range, for which the associated customer has not made another Order since. The intention of this report is to allow offices to followup with patients based on dispensing date, or to followup with patients whose last purchase was within a date range (ie. they are due to buy new spectacles).
Lab Interface
Updated Hoya Lab interface to support the new catalog format Hoya has introduced.
Phone Book
Added page for Suppliers
Visit Details
Added Rx button, to allow the user to more easily see the prescriptions associated with the exam for that visit.
Added a Tools menu option to allow a user to print Blank exam letters, with the patient information on top. This is intended for offices that are using paper exams, that want to create a letter head for their referral letters, or their family doctor reports.
OHIP Ministry Responses
Added check boxes to allow filtering of Found/Not Found claims.
Added Enter-for-Tab functionality to the Cross Cyl and final acuity fields, at the bottom right of the Refraction page.
Added option for Trop 0.5% + Phenyl 2.5% to the DFE drops list in the Internal page.
Corrected spelling mistake for Cyclopentolate in DFE drops list.
Appointment Book
The patient colour now shows on the Missed Appointments list.
Missed Appointment Report
The patient colour now shows on the Missed Appointments list.
Added a check box to allow users to include or exclude appointments for "retired" patients. The default is to exclude them.
Added ability to specify the EMail subject for confirmation and recall EMails. The subject will get saved with the EMail template.
Added ability to send personal EMails for Birthdays, as well as Contact Lens Reorders, instead of a single generic EMail. ***** Please remember, when sending personalized EMails (ie. with the name of each recipient), then the system will send out a separate EMail to each recipient, instead of a single EMail to multiple recipients.
Orders Report
Added a right-click menu option to print a Tray label for the selected Order.
Both Specs and CL Rx windows will now preselect the doctor, when there is only one billing doctor in the practice, and the Rx is being entered manually (ie. not through the Exam module).
Spectacles Order
Added a Tools menu option, labelled Pricing Details, to open a window that allows the user to inspect the retail price and the material cost associated with each of the components of the order. On this window, right-click on any of the items (lens, frame, coating, tint, service) to access the cost/price information. This feature was added in order to support quick access to cost/price information, without having to go through the invoice. In order to CHANGE any of these numbers, however, it is still necessary to go through the invoice.
Sales/Tax Activity Report
Added a Tools menu option to view a detailed Tax report. This report will list all purchases, over the specified date range, for which Tax applied. This list can also be exported into a CSV spreadsheet file. We have added this feature in response to the need to submit tax details for a tax audit. Please note: the Print feature has not yet been implemented.
Activity Summary Report (AKA Benchmark Report)
Added (finally!) the ability to print out the report.
Added a fourth option for determining the provider to be credited for purchases. It is now possible to select one fixed provider to always receive credit for all product purchases. This is set on the Office page, by selecting Fixed as the credit option, and then choosing which of the billing doctors should be credited. Note: this setting only affects product purchases...all services will always be credited to the doctor that performed the service. Also, this is only a default. Purchases can be credited to any billing doctor, by changing the selected doctor on the Purchase Details window.
Version 3.8.3
Patient Information
Made changes to support adding a new patient to the household of another new patient that has not yet been saved. Now, when creating a new patient, the user will be able to add household members to that new patient. The system will save the initial patient for them.
Doctor Schedule
Made changes to help prevent users from entering invalid start/end times for the workday. Specifically, if the start or end time has not been specified, or if the end time precedes the start time, the user will be warned.
Version 3.8.2
Timesheets report
Made change to Timesheet report, to show any days that are still open (ie. user did not book out on that day) as highlighted in yellow.
When days are not booked out, there is no way to determine the working time, accurately. A change was made, so that if the day is not booked out, the time for that user will not be counted at all. Previously, the total time would end up counting up until the date/time on which the report was viewed (which could be hundreds of hours).
Added field to record Brand on the Sunglasses details window.
Minor Bug Fixes
Version 3.8.1
Made changes to HCV interface to support the new security protocols.
Version 3.8 - 10/27/2016
Added field in the Printer Setup, to specify a PDF printer driVersion Any PDF driver should work. We use CutePDF.
Added a feature, by which holding the SHIFT key down, when you press any Print button, will cause the program to use the PDF printer driver for that print job, instead of the physical printer.
Added a feature, by which holding the CTRL key down, when you press any Print button, will allow the user to choose which printer to send that print job to. This can be used to send any report to any printer. So, if there are PDF drivers installed, or Fax drivers, any printout can now be created as a PDF or Faxed.
Patient Information
Changed the way households are linked together, to use a manual linking instead of home phone numbers. Now, members of a household can have different (or even blank) home phone numbers, but remain linked together.
Added feature by which if a patient changes (or has added) the home phone number, the system will prompt the user to see if the patient should be added to the household of any patients that already have that home phone number (assuming the patient is not already in their household).
Added confirmation prompt, for when dated notes are getting deleted.
increased the size of the Referral description field to 500 characters.
Patient Search
The debt indicator ($) is now highlighted in red, if there is an outstanding debt.
Patient Flags
Added the ability to delete existing flags. This feature removes all references to the selected flag, and then deletes the flag itself. This feature can be found from the Office page of the Management window, by pressing the Flags button.
Pretest Equipment
Added the ability to handle ALL date/time formats for Innova Tonoref autorefractors.
Made change to Product Sales History window (Tools->View Purchase History) as well as the Manufacturer Activity window (Toos->View Manufacturer History) to allow the search to be done either by reference, or by name. For offices that are using unique names for their Frames and other products, these two options will provide identical results. For offices that are still NOT using Inventory selection to make purchases for customers, the Name option MUST be used. And, for offices that chose to re-use names (ie. same name for different products that have different colours or sizes), the Reference option will allow you to differentiate between products.
The Lens Catalog window now allows multi-select.
Added Scan button, to allow users to scan a barcode in order to locate a lens within the current Lab.
Added ability on Lens Catalog to hide/display an entire design at a time. Be selecting one or more lenses from one or more designs, the user can then right-click, and choose to Hide Design or Display Design, which will perform that action for all lenses belonging to any of the selected designs.
The date on which the catalog was last read now also shows up on the interface page.
Spectacles Order
Added ability to use the barcode scanner to select lenses. The intention is to allow the use of a sheet of lens barcodes that can be scanned to select the desired lens, instead of picking it from the list.
Added Tools menu option to deselect the currently-selected lab.
when selecting a lens, the ability now exists to create a new lens by right-clicking in the selection list, and choosing Add New Item. With this, you can create lenses on the fly, without having to go back to the Lab lenses list.
Made change to handle the situation, where Order is made, using a Doctor's Rx, and then that Order is invoiced, but the doctor on the invoice is changed, after which the user goes back to the Order, and selects the Rx again... thereby changing the doctor on the Order to be different from the Invoice.
Contacts Order
Added Tools menu option to deselect the currently-selected lab.
On the Exams list window, users can right-click on the list, and choose Show All Referral Letters. This will present a list of all letters created for the listed exams. Letters can then be printed or FAXed from this list.
Diagnostic Codes
When selecting diagnostic codes, on either the Visit Details window or the final page of the Exam window, insured codes are now highlighted in blue.
Appointment Book
When viewing Missed Appointments, any appointment that has been cancelled (not rescheduled), can now be un-cancelled, by right-clicking on it, and selecting Un-Cancel.
The debt indicator ($) is now highlighted in red, if there is an outstanding debt, on the Call List, and the Prep Sheet.
When changing the schedule for a day, to make it a day off when there are still appointments on that day, the Appointment List that pops up, now includes the preferred contact number for each patient. This number also shows up on the printout.
Added feature that will display hover-help details, when the user moves the mouse over the appointment slots in the Weekly Appointment Browser.
Added 20-minute and 40-minute options on the Find Appointment window.
The patient name and age has been split into 2 columns in the Prep sheet. This is to allow sorting of names alphabetically.
Visit Details
Made change to prevent users from being able to remove/change additional services (ie. 410s) that have been already submitted to OHIP.
When doctor is changed on this screen, the system will now check to see if there is an exam attached to the current visit, and if there is, will try to change the provider on that exam, as well as any Rxs for that exam. This can only be done, if the visit has not yet been invoiced.
Appointment Details
Added click and pick option to the notes field.
Doctor Details
When retiring a doctor, the system will now inform you if there are any future appointments with that doctor. It will then offer the user the option of moving all future appointments for the retiring doctor to a different doctor.
When the Booking Time Allotment is changed, the system will now offer to automatically update all current and future schedule rules, and specific work days.
Payments Report
Changed the doctor selection options. An option has been added, which will present the payments report in the same way that used to. The option will now present the payments report with all doctor payments grouped together, to make printing by payment date possible, instead of breaking up the report by doctor. The default selection will be .
Added new option for Invoice Layout, which will print 2 copies of an invoice, each on 1/2 of an 8.5x11 sheet of paper in Landscape mode. This sheet can then be split down the middle, to provide 2 identical 1/2-page invoices for the customer.
Added option to Abandon Claim on the Submission window.
Added right-click option on Claims Management window, to go to the Visit Details window for the selected claim.
When a claim is deleted, the system now automatically adds a new service, with negative quantity, to the visit associated with the original claim. The date of this service is set to the current date. It is intended to automatically provide the financial adjustment for a deleted claim.
Sales Report
Made change to display category counts at the bottom of each product category.
Made changes in attempt to prevent users from creating double cash summaries/posting records.
added support for SSL mail servers that require a second EHLO command, after the STARTTLS.
Database Backup
added option to automatically delete older versions of the database backup file if the Overwrite option is unchecked. If the provided number of copies is zero, then the backup files will continue to be created without deleting any copies. But if a non-zero number is entered, then the system will automatically delete all older copies....keeping only the current backup, and the specified number of copies.
Server Updates
added option to create a new folder on the USB memory stick, during the Copy Client Updates facility, if the selected folder is not empty.
Version 3.7.5
Patient Information
Added Chk button next to the Health Card information. This will allow users to validate a health card without having to start booking an appointment. When validating a card this way, the system will try to guess which full exam they are likely eligible for (ie. 404 or 406), and will preselect this on the Validation window. If it cannot guess, then will show. The user can choose a service to check eligibility for a particular service, or leave it to just validate the card. Either way, any updates to the Patient information (name, DOB, version code, etc.) will be retrieved during the validation process. The user can then choose to update the patient record, or discard the retrieved information.
Sales Reports
Added a button on the Reports window, in the Sales Reports section to allow easier access to the Activity Summary Report (also available from the Tools menu of the Sales/Tax Activity Report). The Activity Summary Report was inspired by the Eye Recommend Benchmark report.
Added Support for Nidek Tonoref III 4-in-one device.
Added ability to send data to the Visionix Vx55 digital phoropter.
Added ability to give name codes to the coatings, tints, and lab services.
Added support for the new format of Hoya price list. (Please note, it can take a couple of minutes to import a price list, and you may receive a message that the server has not responded...this is just the client giving up on waiting. The import will complete on its own)
Spectacles Order
Changed coatings, tints and lab services to display the name code instead of the description.
Changed the lab services list to allow choice of quantity.
Appointment Book
Added "3 months" as an option to the Book a Followup option.
Version 3.7.4
If a user tries to login with an ID/password which is invalid, but the office settings allow an anonymous login, prompt the user to confirm anonymous login.
Added ability for Administrators to create new booking events on time sheets. This is intended to rectify the scenario where a staff member has forgotten to book out.
Added support for Keratometry readings in millimeters to be read from the Tonoref II autorefractor.
Version 3.7.3
Patient Information
Added preferred name in brackets to the Patient Information Sheet.
Made adjustment to Third Party contribution description on printed full-page invoices, to allow for more space for patient names.
Exam Details
Made change to handle extra spaces being added into the Diagnostic Codes list.
Visit Details
Made change to handle extra spaces being added into the Diagnostic Codes list.
Version 3.7.2
Added support for the Visionix Vx55 digital phoropter.
Added support for the ARK-communication standard with the Nidek RT5100 phoropter.
Visit Details
Added click 'n pick option to the Notes field.
Patient Information
Hyphenated names will now have each part of the name capitalized automatically
Version 3.7.1
Added ability to use the Enter key to tab between Rx-related fields. This applies to the exam window as well as the Pretest window. This feature has been added to make entering the sequence of numbers easier for those who use a number pad, as there is an Enter key on the number pad.
Added support for the Topcon TRK-2P 4-in-one pretest device.
Patient Information
The title that shows beneath the icons on the Attachments page will now only show the first 10 characters of the title. This is done to help avoid the visual problems that occur when long titles are used.
Hovering the mouse pointer over an icon on the Attachments page, will now cause a pop-up help display, containing the full title, the date of attachment, and the description of the attachment.
Postal Code lookup
Made change to allow street addresses that include the "#" character.
Spectacles Prescription
Repaired issue, whereby the "FROM" field was not appearing, when the COPY option was selected for an Rx.
Added ability to use the Enter key to tab between Rx-related fields.
Spectacles Orders
Added ability to use the Enter key to tab between Rx-related fields.
To accomodate longer lens product names, the manufacturer fields for the lenses have been removed, and the product name fields have been expanded to use that space.
Lab Details
A new menu item was added to the Lens list to allow users to HIDE a lens. This can be used to filter which lenses from a lab show up for selection. If a Lens company has provided a Lens catalog, which has been imported, this could be a long list. With the HIDE feature, you can decide which lenses you likely will NOT sell, and therefore will not show up in your selection list. The entire catalog is always available using the Catalog button at the bottom of the list.
Now allow multiple-select on the Lens list for a lab. This enables users to retire or hide multiple lenses at one time.
Made change to Frames and Sunglasses pages of the Inventory window to support multiple selection when changing Frames to Sunglasses or vice versa.
Rx Wizard
In order to support those offices that choose to secure write-access to their root C:\ drive, the RxWiard interface has been changed to create the temporary file in the SpinnakerWare folder.
Lens Details
Added ability to specify min/max Add power, as well as lens colour.
When the Refund button is pressed on the Invoice window for one that is not yet paid in full, and the suggestion about performing a Reversal instead appears, a Cancel button has been added, to allow the user to simply cancel this action.
Version 3.7
Health Card Validation
Added ability to perform online Health Card Validation using the
Ministry Web Service. This check can be initiated from the following
Version 3.6.1
Management Reports
Added new Management Report (from the Launchpad, press Reports button, then go to Management Reports) to provide the data requested by the Eye See...Eye Learn program.
Version 3.6
Moved the Orders button here from the Reports menu, to make it more easily accessible. Moved the Recalls button to the Reports menu in order to have room for this new button. The Phone Book, Management, and OHIP buttons have been repositioned to accomodate this change.
When the launchpad window is closed, the user is presented with a confirmation message before proceeding.
Moved the Orders button to the Launchpad, to make it more easily accessible. Moved the Recalls button here from the Launchpad to accomodate this change.
Moved the Doctor Booking Time report into the Management Reports box.
Added report to show all outstanding on-account balances. There is currently no Print feature available for this report. It will be added in a future update.
Sales/Tax Report
Added a Tools menu option to show a Doctor Activity Summary report. This report was inspried by the Benchmark Report used by EyeRecommend offices. There is currently no Print feature available on this report. This will be added in a future update.
When performing updates in the future, there is now additional help for following the manual update procedure if File Sharing is not available. The Server program now has a Tools menu option to Copy Client Updates, which will allow the user to easily copy the Client update files to a memory stick. The Launchpad of the Client program has a Tools menu uption to import those update files from the memory stick. Note: when attempting an update when File Sharing is not available, the user will no longer be prompted to select the Updates folder.
The server program now allows the user to manually select the host IP address to be used, in the cases where the Server computer has multiple network adapters.
Patient Information
Fixed bug that allowed the explicit recall information from one Patient to be copied into a new Patient, if the New button was pressed on the Patient Information window.
Patient Information window has been rearranged slightly to accomodate space to capture the preferred name for a Patient. The Alert field was moved to the bottom of this window, next to the Flags area.
Added right-click option on Household list to allow the user to add new household members.
Due to a number of instances of users performing Patient merges incorrectly, this feature has been disabled.
Patient History
Added a Print button on the Services and Purchases tabs, to allow printing of the list of services or purchases for the Patient.
Appointment Book
When an appointment is arrived, the system will now check to see if there are any other un-arrived appointments for the same patient on the same day. If there are, then the system will offer to arrive ALL of the appointments at the same time. Any appointments that can NOT be arrived, due to eligibility issues, will be show in a list, for the user to deal with each one individually.
When an arrived appointment is selected in the Book, the "Patient Has Arrived" option in the right-click menu now changes to "Patient NOT Arrived". This allows the user to un-arrive a patient without having to go to Visit Details.
When using the Find button, while booking an appointment, if the New button is pressed on the Patient Search window, then once the new patient is saved, that patient goes directly into the Visitor field for the Appointment, without having to Select or double-click on the newly created patient.
When using Copy Appointment from the right-click menu, the user can now "paste" as many copies as needed. The Cancel button must now be pressed (or another task initiated) when finished copying. The intention is to provide a simpler means by which offices can book multiple appointments for a patient.
Made changes to the OHIP Error report, to allow it to show multiple doctors within a group. The printout was also changed to show any Explanation messages in the file, and to show each doctor on their own page.
Made change on Claims Management window so that Abandoned claims can also be retrieved along with Deleted claims.
Added Refresh button on the Submission window.
Fixed bug that prevented the explicit recall from being deleted, when a pre-existing explicit recall was cleared from the Diagnosis page of the Exam window.
Fixed bug with reading lensometer information from Nidek LM-600P.
Fixed bug with displaying printing history for a selected Rx from the Diagnosis page of the Exam window.
Added HRR 3 option to the stereopsis test list on the Objective page of the exam window.
On the Referral Letter window, the template controls have been moved to the Tools menu.
Referral Letters now have the option of showing text before the exam results as well as after. All Referral Letters that currently exist will all still show as after the results, just as before.
Added interface to LensEDI for spectacles order submission.
When selecting a frame from Inventory, there is a new right-click option to allow the user to create a duplicate of the selected frame, so as to add a new item that is similar to the selected one, but different (ie. different colour, etc).
Added checkbox on the Spectacles Order window, to indicate if the Order is making use of a Lab Pack or not.
Added Pantoscopic Tilt, Vertex Distance, and Wrap values to the Spectacle Order printouts. Some rearrangement within the Frame Details section of the printout was required to accomodate this.
Added column to display Brand on the Frame Selection prompter for the Spectacles Order window.
Added Min/Max Sphere columns on Lens Selection prompter for the Spectacles Order window.
Added check boxes on the Lens Selection prompter for the Spectacles Order window to filter the list by Stock or non-Stock lenses.
Added right-click menu option on the Lenses page of the Lab window to allow a selected lens to be copied.
Added ability to right-click in postal code field to open a postal code lookup tool.
When a new Lens is added to the lens list for a Lab, the manufacturer name is now preset to be the same as the name of the Lab.
Added a new lab interface, called LensEDI, used to interface to the Eyence lab. This interface will allow users to read a lens catalog file (obtained from Eyence), as well as directly submit orders to the lab electronically. Please note: this is a new interface, and may require further testing.
Referrable/Family Doctors
Added field to record phone number extension.
Added ability to right-click in postal code field to open a postal code lookup tool.
Removed the column showing the running total of the quantity-on-hand. This column was frequently displaying incorrect numbers due to purchases crossing zero-quantity (ie. selling a frame without registering purchase first), and so the decision was made to simply remove the column, instead of confusing people with erroneous data.
Added ability to colour-code Lenses in the Lens Details window. These colours show up in the Inventory list, as well as the Lens Selection list when making a Spectacles Order. Colours can be used to indicate preferred Lenses, or sale items, etc.
Added Tools menu option for Frames to show a Demographics Report. This will display how many frames were sold over a date range, as well as the number of frames listed in inventory as well as actually on hand, each broken out demographically. This requires that product demographics (ie. Male, Female, Unisex, Child) were entered for the Frames.
Frame Details
Added Brand field.
Phone Book
Added ability to right-click in postal code field of any type of phone book contact, to open a postal code lookup tool.
Recall Log
Added ability to book a patient from the patient list of the Recall Log. A Refresh button has also been added, to allow the user to refresh the patient list after booking.
Cancellation List
The start date for a new cancellation list entry now defaults to the current day.
adjusted Exam labels to remove the word "printed", in order to make more room for longer names.
On the rare occasion that the sum of the purchases on an invoice, do not match the invoice total (typically this only happens with invoices that were imported from a corrupted IFile record), the system will no longer offer to automatically refresh the invoice totals.
Time Sheet
Added ability to the User Booking window for Users with Administrator privileges to edit or delete time sheet events. This can be accessed by going to the Users menu on the Launchpad, and selecting Book In/Out, ot by going to Time Sheets in the Reports section, right-clicking on a time sheet, and selecting Show Details.
Version 3.5.2
IMPORTANT!!!!! When "All" is selected for sales and payments reports, information for Retired doctors, as well as Unassigned purchases, is now included.
Orders Report
This window has had a significant change, in order to make it more useful. Orders can now be looked up by Lab, and by Status. Also, the user can select whether to view CL Orders, Spec Orders, or both. There is a right-click menu item labelled "Contact Patient" that will allow the user to Phone, EMail, or send an SMS text message to the Patient.
Patient Contact
The ability to record a note relating to contacting a Patient (in connection with an Order, or for Recall purposes) was recently added. In this update, that facility has been enhanced to provide phone numbers, EMail addresses, and SMS numbers, and to allow the user to EMail or send an SMS text message directly from that window. The Patient Contact window can be accessed from the Patient History or the Orders report, by right-clicking on an order and selecting Contact Patient, as well as from an Order itself, from the Tools menu. When the Patient Contact information is saved, the system will remember how the contact was made (phone, EMail, or SMS), as indicated by the button selection on that window. Patient Contact can also be initiated from the Recall Log window.
Patient Information
Added right-click functionality in the Postal Code field to allow the user to lookup the postal code in realtime over the internet for the given address.
Added fields to display the number of units for each type of inventory. This is a sum of the quantity on hand of each item.
When sending recalls via EMail, there is now the ability to make the recalls personalized, byt including tags in the EMail message where the name of the Patient would be appropriate. IMPORTANT: If personalized Recall EMails are used, then a separate EMail will be sent to each Patient in the list. This is different than if non-personalized Recall EMails are sent...in which case a SINGLE EMail is sent, with the recipients listed under Blind Copy (Bcc). Therefore, with personalized Recall EMails, it may take significantly longer to send the EMails, if the Patient list is long.
Version 3.5.1
Bug Fixes
Several bug fixes for bugs introduced in version 3.5.
Fixed (finally!!!) the problem which prevented the ability to attach files that are bigger than 8 megabytes.
Added "Cancelled" option to the status list of Spectacles and CL Orders.
Added ability to handle printing out of Patient errors on the Error report.
Added Copy button near the Description field on each of the product details windows. This button will copy the product name into the description field, to simplify the creation of new products.
Patient Address, and Patient Name labels have always adjusted the font size of the name, if the name was too long. In this update, the font adjustment has been changed to be more efficient, trying to yield the largest possible font for the name.
Version 3.5
Have added 2 new fields to all product-related details windows, to allow the user to specify a relative retail price, instead of a fixed retail price. With these new fields, the retail price can be set in relation to the material cost using multiplicative and additive offsets. For example, the retail price can be set to (material Cost * 1.5) + 10. To use the relative retail price, the fixed retail proce must be zeroed out.
The "Retail Price" column in the different pages of the Inventory and Lab windows has been moved to the right, to be next to the Dispensing Fee and Material Cost columns. In the place it used to be, there is a new column, named simply "Price", that displays the sum of the retail price and the dispensing fee.
Added a Tools menu option to open a Retail Price Manager. This can be used to update all the retail prices of the selected product type (ie. Frames, Contacts, etc) to be an additive or multiplicative offset from either its current value, or the value of the assoicated material cost. It can also be used to set the relative retail prices of these products. FIlters are present at the top of this window, to allow the user to make these changes only to the products of a specific manufacturer and/or to those products whose materal cost is within the specified range.
Spectacles Order window has been rearranged slightly, to accomodate status history, and for simplifying lens selection. We have removed the From Inventory button, as it was reported to us as confusing. If you DO want to select lenses from your own inventory, then either leave the Lab selection blank, or hold the Alt key down while clicking the Pick Lenses button.
Buttons have been added to Spectacles and Contact Lens Order windows, next to the status list, to allow users to view the history of the status changes for that Order. A Tools menu option has also been added for this.
On the Orders report, a right-click option has been added to view the history of the status changes for the selected Order.
There is now a Patient Contact Log, that will allow the user to record any contact with the Patient regarding a particular Order. This can be used to record that a patient was called, etc. There are right-click menu items on the Orders Report, and the Patient History windows for recording a new contact, as well as viewing the log of all contacts pertaining to a particular recall. Tools menu items have also been added on the Order details windows.
If lenses/frames that have an included dispensing fee are selected in an order, The dispensing fee price field will now be disabled. This is to avoid confusion that can be caused if items have a dispensing fee, and the user also tried to change the dispensing fee manually on the order. The dispensing fee selection button remains active, and if pressed (when there are included dispensing fees already selected), the user will be asked to confirm the choice to override these fees by choosing a single dispensing code for the order.
If a dispensing fee is chosen for the order, then any individual included dispensing fees for lenses/frames will be ignored.
When printing an Order Estimate, only the sections that have a value will now print (ie, if there are no additional coatings, this section will not show up). The estimates will use the default printing Spec, as defined in the Management section, to describe what will be printed.
Invoice Payment
Added 2 new payment methods: Direct Deposit, and Third Party Direct Deposit. All payment-related reports have been adjusted to accomodate these new methods. That means that some reports have been switched to landscape mode because the new width would exceed the width of a portrait layout.
Hover-help added to the Invoice Payment window.
Changed label on Payment History button from "History" to "Payments".
The Pay Multiple button will still show an asterisk when the current customer has more than one invoice to pay off...but now, that button will be disabled if there are NOT multiple invoices in need of payment.
Changed the Reponse information to be a date of the response, instead of merely a yes or no. This allows the user to record the date on which a follow-up response is received from the Opthalmologist.
Added ability to search for Referrals on the Referrals Report that have already been booked, but for which the patient has not yet been notified.
Added colour field on the Referral Details window (available from the Referrals Report list), and on the Referral page of the Patient Info window, to allow selection of a colour with which to highlight referrals.
The Patient's preferred contact number is now shown on the Patient list for the Recall Log.
There is now a Patient Contact Log, that will allow the user to record any contact with the Patient regarding a particular recall. This can be used to record that a patient was called, etc. There are right-click menu items on the Recall Log patient list for recording a new contact, as well as viewing the log of all contacts pertaining to a particular recall.
Appointment Book
Added a Tools menu option to Move All Appointments on a single day, from one doctor to another doctor.
Added a Tools menu option to Show Missed Appointments for the selected day. This will show a list of all Appointments that were cancelled, rescheduled, or No-Showed on that date.
Added warnings when printing Labels for all patients from the Tools menu, to ensure the user knows they have requested to print labels for all the patients on the schedule.
When rescheduling an appointment, the Appointment details window will now open automatically if the system is set to require the initials of the booking user.
Added a Send button to allow the user to send an SMS text message or an EMail to a Patient, as a reminder of their appointment. EMails include an iCalendar Event, to allow Patients to add the appointment to their Google or Outlook Calendars (or any other program that supports iCalendar events).
Patient birthdate and age are now included on the OHIP Submission and Claim Management windows.
The pretest NCT time is now shown on the Exam window, next to the NCT pressures. It now also shows up on Referral letters.
The Rx menu on the Diagnosis page of the Exam window, is now disabled unless an Rx is selected.
The Exams list, now shows the age of the patient as at the date of the exam.
Fixed the issue of the Dominant Eye values not copying from a previous exam.
Fixed the issue of the Autorefractor PD value not copying from a previous exam.
Now have a checkbox to indicate whether or not the office is using EMR.
Added button on EMail/SMS Configuration window to allow users to quickly configure the system to use GMail for outgoing EMail messages.
Added additional options on the Printing window for Invoices. Offices can now choose to expand the lens fees on Orders, or collapse them (ie. show a single line for lenses, which will include both lenses, as well as any additional coatings/tints/lab processing. Offices can now also choose to show dispensing fees or not (this refers to dispensing fees attached to individual products, NOT additional dispensing fees that are explicitly added to an Order or Invoice). Offices can also choose to default their Invoice type to either Itemized (the current default), or Summarized.
Referral Letters
fixed issue that prevented the vertical offset (set on the Printing page of the Management->Office section) from working on the printout.
Patient Info
Added right-click menu options on the Rx tab to view the printing history for a selected Rx, or for the patient in general.
If the Office setting is to NOT use EMR, then new patients will have the Paper File checkbox checked by default.
Management Reports
Added Prescription Retention report.
Added ability to obtain PD from Humphrey LA-350 lensometer.
Added support for network-connected Nidek Tonoref II.
End of Day
Retail Sales report has been renamed as Daily Payments, in order to be more accurate.
Added a Tools menu option to open a Retail Price Manager. See the note in the Inventory section for more details.
Doctor Schedules
Added additional options for booking time allotment.
Version 3.4.1
When a product is sold for which sales tax is applicable, the sales tax will now be applied to any associated dispensing fee as well as the retail price.
Version 3.4
Patient Information
Added more warnings and checks during Merge process to help reduce user errors.
Fixed issue that cleared the CL Rx on the CL Fitting page of the exam, if a template was loaded after entering an Rx.
Added option to the Tools menu on the Exams list window to create a Blank Exam. This can be used to facilitate the creation/editing of Templates.
Added pachymetry to the list of items in the Exam Comparison window.
Keratomery readings will now auto-adjust...so if the user enters 4375, the reading will display as 43.75.
Exam Referral Letters
Changed the label for "Referring OD" to now read "Examining OD" in the letter header.
If no doctor is selected for a Recommended Rx, the user is now prompted to enter one.
Spectacle Orders
Have reworked the status list, to make it more comprehensive.
Added Tools menu option to Apply a percentage Discount to the the retail price and/or the dispensing fee of the order. NOTE: posted invoiced orders will show the discount using purchase adjustments on the invoice, in order to retain the integrity of past sales reports.
When selecting the Rx from the list of CL Rxs, the provider for each Rx is now shown in the list.
Contact Lens Orders
Have reworked the status list, to make it more comprehensive.
Added fields to record the supply duration, and the date on which the supply will run out. This information will be used in a report that can provide a list of patients that are about to run out of CLs.
Added Tools menu option to Apply a percentage Discount to the the retail price and/or the dispensing fee of the order. NOTE: posted invoiced orders will show the discount using purchase adjustments on the invoice, in order to retain the integrity of past sales reports.
When selecting the Rx from the list of CL Rxs, the provider for each Rx is now shown in the list.
Added a right-click option on the Purchases window, to allow the user to Apply a percentage Discount to the selected purchase.
When a new Order is added to the purchase list, the doctor who wrote the prescription will be taken as the doctor to receive credit (instead of, as previously, the doctor who performed the last full exam).
If there are multiple orders being added to the same purchase, the user will be prompted to resolve any provider conflicts, if these orders are to be credited to different doctors.
Added a right-click option on the Invoice window, to allow the user to Apply a percentage Discount to the selected purchase. NOTE: posted items will show the discount using purchase adjustments on the invoice, in order to retain the integrity of past sales reports.
Added a Pick button next to the services list on the Appointment Details window, to allow the user to choose a service from the list of all active services, seeing the description and fee at the same time.
Added option in Printer Manager to set the printer and format of Appointment Reminders....we now support half-page reminders, and labels.
If printing a reminder for an appointment, and there is more than one appointment already booked, then the user will be offered the option to print the entire list.
Added a Pick button next to the services list, to allow the user to choose a service from the list of all active services, seeing the description and fee at the same time.
Recall Log
Added right-click option to View Unique Patient List. This feature will allow you to retrieve the list of patients without any duplication (which can occur if a Patient was recalled multiple times for a given date range in IFile).
There is now a menu option under the File menu, to allow the specification of local client configuration. This includes OHIP folders, default attachment source folders, and the location of DVI's RxWizard program (for those offices using RxWizard to submit spectacle orders electronically). With this facility, each client computer can specify their own OHIP folder locations, attachment source folders, and RxWizard location.
Version 3.3.1
Fixed bug that occurred when a user enters an invalid character in the sphere/cylinder fields of the Refraction page, and then tabs out.
Changed Copy/Template function to NOT overwrite zeroes in sphere/cyl/axis on refraction page.
Spectacle Orders
Fixed bug that occurred when entering a lens invoice number using the # buttons, when only one lens is being purchased.
Doctor Schedules
Added options for "every third" and "every fourth" for schedule rules.
Added checkboxes to the details windows for each type of inventory product to indicate whether or not the selected product can have a negative quantity.
Changed the search field, so that it will now search for a matching product based on whichever column is selected. The default will still be the product name, if no column is selected.
Changed the search field on the product selected windows, so that it will now search for a matching product based on whichever column is selected. The default will still be the product name, if no column is selected.
Laboratory Details
Added lab name to the window title.
Broken out Found and Not Found claim details on the reconcilation view.
Version 3.3
Management Reports
Added a Top Customers report, to show the customers who have spent the most money.
Fixed bug on posting report, that prevented cash total from showing in the Cash Summary box. Added the total payments sum.
Fixed bug that caused a Tonoref II reading to fail, if the pressure was only measured in one eye.
Fixed bug that caused a Tonoref II reading to omit the Keratometry measurements, if they are being measured in mm instead of diopters.
When entering data into diopter fields, these fields will now allow the user to enter numbers without the decimal point. These numbers will also now be rounded to the nearest 0.25.
Added "Make Rx" button for the cylcoplegic retinoscopy section.
Added "Lea Symbols" to the Acuity test method list on the Objective page.
Added ability to save/retrieve EMail templates for direct EMails.
Added Click and Pick list option to the notes field on the General tab of the Patient Info window.
From the Labs list, a lab can now be selected as the "preferred Lab". This is accomplished by right-clicking on a lab, and choosing Set Lab as Preferred. Preferred labs are highlighted in green.
Added patient age to the Spectacles and Contacts File Order printouts.
Added fields to record pantoscopic tilt, wrap, and vertex distance on the Spectacles Order window. PLEASE NOTE: these parameters are not yet being printed on the order printouts....this will be coming soon. We have added these parameters to the window for those using electronic order submission.
When entering prescription into Spectacles Order, the sphere, cylinder, and add fields will now allow the user to enter numbers without the decimal point. These numbers will also now be rounded to the nearest 0.25.
When selecting a lens from lab/inventory, the rx will now be compared with the specifications of the lens to ensure suitability. This includes min/max sphere, as well as min seg height.
If a Preferred Lab is specified (using the Laboratories list), then that lab will automatically be selected in the Lab drop-down list.
On the Spectacles Orders window, there is now a checkbox to indicate if the Order is a Warranty job. The status of Warranty has been removed from the Order Status list.
Added ability to Alt-click the "from Inventory" button to select a frame from inventory using a barcode scanner.
Appointment Book
The patient colour is now shown on the MoH Eligibility list.
If a patient's health card has expired, or does not have a valid number, then the health card/expiry date columns on the MoH Eligibility list will be highlighted.
Widened the Wednesday column on the Weekly Browser to avoid truncating certain date numbers (most noticeably the 8).
Added Eligibiity code to the Doctor Day Sheet printout.
For those offices using File Numbers for their patients, a new column has been added to the appointment book, to show the file numbers of the booked patients.
Added field to record minimum Seg Height on the Lens details window.
Added Inventory Summary option to Tools menu of Inventory window.
Added Scan button to the frame selection window to allow use of a barcode scanner to select a frame from the list.
Added ability to use multiple lines for the invoice signature note. This field is still currently limited to 200 characters, but will be increased in the next update.
Added filter on the Recall Log window, to allow the user to view only recalls generated in the selected year.
Added ability to send EMail using HTML. This provides the opportunity to make rich text EMails, including pictures and links. Please note that the HTML setting does NOT currently get saved in the EMail template. If you are going to send an HTML email, please remember to check the "use HTML" box.
Added ability to use EMail accounts that require SSL. This includes Hotmail accounts as well as GMail accounts.
Health Insurance
Added button on Submission window to open a web browser on the OHIP MC EDT login website.
Added Help menu option on Submission window to open a web browser on the OHIP EDT publication website.
Made the revision notes window non-modal, so that the user can have that window open, and still use the system.
Made change to Click and Pick system to ensure the cursor position is set to the end of the field, and text is not selected, once a replacement option is chosen from the list. This was possibly most noticeable on the Objective page of the Exam window when choosing a visual acuity...the cursor would be at the beginning of the field, or the entire text was selected, making it more difficult to simply add more text (ie. add "-1" to "20/20").
Version 3.2
fixed Cash Total on End-of-Day Cash Flow to include PD Cheques.
Visit Details
Fixed bug that allowed a visit to be unarrived after being paid by OHIP.
when booking an appointment for a new patient, if the usual doctor is blank, it will automatically be set to the doctor with whom they are being booked.
made change to support the new filenames being used for Payment files from OHIP using the new MC EDT service.
On the submission window, there are now checkboxes to allow filtering of submittable, waiting, or on hold claims. Also, it now displays the value of both submittable and non-submittable claims.
Added the prescribing ODs license number to printout.
Added lens type on Spectacle Rx printouts.
Transaction History
changed the heading of the column that indicates Purchase or Estimate to read "Type". This column will now also show a "W", for Orders that are marked as Warranty.
Added counts on the Patient List window from the Recall Log. These indicate how many of the patients have booked appointments, and how many have not. There is also an efficiency field.
product uniqueness has been redefined to include manufacturer name, and in the case of clip-ons/frames/sunglasses, it also includes colour, eye size and bridge size. For sunglasses and frames, it also includes temple length. This means that products with the same product name can be created, as long as at least one of the uniqueness attributes are different.
Each page of the Inventory window now shows the cost of goods for that page.
Added Safety Frame checkbox to Frame Details window. This value also now shows up when selecting a frame.
Added new product label for Dymo 30373 labels.
when retiring a product, user is now prompted if the quantity on hand should be set to zero.
Added tray number to work and file reports.
Added Tools menu option to clear the order status.
Orders Report
added individual counts of spectacles orders and CL orders.
Any adjustments to Orders, now show on the Invoice Payment window as highlighted in yellow.
A new checkbox has been added to the Invoice Payment window to allow the user to select whether or not the Order adjustments will show up on the printed invoice...the default is to NOT show them.
The posting date of each purchase on an invoice, now shows up as a column in the Invoice Items section of the Invoice Payment window.
When choosing to view/edit a posted purchase, the user is prompted to accept that changes will result in adjustments to the invoice.
Added Tools menu option on Invoice Payment window to allow an invoice to be marked as paid in full...even if there is a balance owing. This is intended to help with the issue of being unable to provide pennies for change.
When making a Cash payment, if the balance owing after the payment would be less than $0.05, then the user will be prompted to see if the invoice should be marked as paid in full.
When making a Cash payment, if the payment amount exceeds the balance owing, the payment amount will be adjusted automatically to be the balance, and the user will be informed as to the appropriate change due the customer.
When making a Third Party payment, if the payment amount exceeds the balance owing, the user will be prompted to select an option for either crediting the account, or reimbursing a previous payment.
when selecting a product for a purchase, there is now a right-click
option to view the details of the product (read-only).
when selected a lens or frame for an order, the current selection will now be highlighted in the product list.
when selecting a lens for an order, there is now a lens material filter, to allow the user to view only the lenses of the desired material.
when selecting a Contact Lens for an order or an invoice, there is now a manufacturer filter, to allow the user to view only the contacts of the desired manufacturer.
Appointment Book
Added ability to set labels on the Breaks. This is done through the Modify Schedule feature. When a break is added or edited, there is now the ability to specify the description. This will show in the appointment book on the break.
Added context menu option on the Exams list window to print the selected exam, without having to open it first.
Added a Tools menu option on the Exams list window to print out all exams currently listed. This can therefore be used to print out all exams for a selected Patient.
Added support for the Innova RT-3100, and the RT-5100 phoropters.
the age of the Patient, which shows at the top of the exam and pretest windows, now displays the age at the date of the exam being viewed.
on Exams list window, there is now a Pretest button, to allow Doctors to quickly view a list of the non-pretested patients...this can be help the Doctor more quickly create an exam, if one was not already created.
added right-click menu option to Pretest list, to allow simple creation of an exam, without having to open the pretest window.
added Clr buttons on the Objective page to allow the user to clear the various radio-button selections.
Doctor Schedules
Added ability to set labels on the Breaks. This is done Schedule Rules, or the Explicit Work Day features. When a break is added or edited, there is now the ability to specify the description. This will show in the appointment book on the break.
End-Of-Day Doctor Activity
Added Service Date column to the services list.
Added a new report to find patients by birthday. This report can then be used to send birthday wishes to your patients.
Increased size of allowable click-and-pick list entries from 100 to 150.
Updated descriptions for Diagnostic Codes as per the recent OAO Ohip Diagnostic Codes list.
Moved text on Chart Label over slightly to avoid left margin truncation.
Version 3.1
Patient Information
Added a set of buttons to the left of the phone numbers to indicate which of the phone numbers is the preferred contact number.
Added a set of checkboxes to the left of the phone numbers to indicate which of the phone numbers are capable of receiving SMS text messages.
Added a Tools menu item to send an SMS text message to a Patient.
Added the ability to create new Patient Flags when in the process of selecting flags for a Patient.
Appointment Book
When the Appointment Book window is resized, it will now remember that size, and open that way every time until the program is shut down. The size can be reset to the original default by selecting Reset window size from the Tools menu.
An extra appointment can no longer be added to a day that is marked as closed.
If a doctor has specified to enforce day closure in the Management settings, then a closed day can no longer be opened without the Managment Override Password (MOP).
Added SMS button on Call List window, to be used to send confirmation SMS messages to all unconfirmed Patients that have an SMS number.
Added column on Call List window to indicate which Patients have an SMS number.
Added a context menu item on Call List window to mark an appointment as confirmed by response. This option is intended to be used to mark responses from SMS text messages.
Added column on Call List window to show the appointment note.
A field has been added to accomodate the booking person's initials. Depending on the Management preferences, this may be a mandatory field.
When an exam is deleted, any associated addenda, and referral letters are now deleted as well. If there are attachments, the user is prompted as to whether they should be deleted, or simply disconnected from the exam.
Changed labels on the Save buttons on the Refraction page to now read "Make Rx".
Added support for the UVIX ARK-510 autorefractor
Added ability to specify the purpose of the prescription...whether it is being recommended to be filled, or simply a copy of an unchanged Rx.
Added ability to specify material cost and retail price for coatings, tints, and miscellaneous lab services.
Added a frame type option for "Metal Groove".
Can now select multiple items in list, and retire all of them at once.
Now prompted to confirm when one or more items is being retired.
Added ability to right-click in frame colour field on the Spectacles Order window, to select from any available colours that have been setup for the selected Frame or Sunglasses.
When a frame is selected from inventory, the frame lab option will be set to "will follow" if the lenses are to be edged by the lab (ie. Edged checkbox is checked), and "from office" if the lenses are not being edged by the lab.
Invoice Payment
If the user selects a Third Party payment, then the Print Invoice selection defaults to off.
If the user chooses to void an invoice, and there are unposted payments on it, the system will not offer to delete the payments.
If trying to void a posted invoice, or an invoice with a posted payment, the system will now offer to do an invoice reversal instead.
If trying to Refund an invoice that is not paid in full, the system will now offer to do an invoice reversal instead.
Aged Bookings
Added SMS button, to be used to send confirmation SMS messages to all unconfirmed Patients that have an SMS number.
Added column to indicate which Patients have an SMS number.
Added a context menu item to mark an appointment as confirmed by response. This option is intended to be used to mark responses from SMS text messages.
Referrals Report
Added right-click option on the Referrals Report list to open the details for the doctor on the selected referral.
Sales/Activity Report
The doctor selection list has changed. Now, when "" is selected from the list, a combined report will be generated, showing the summed details of all the doctors. A new option has been added, labelled "", which will generate a separate report for each doctor, just as the "" function used to do.
Added Invoice options to the Printer Manager (File->Printer Setup). With this, a specific printer can be designated for printing Invoices. Also, there is now an Invoice option to print on half of a page. This option will print in landscape mode on the first half of the page.
Cash Flow Summary (End-of-Day)
The total payments field has been moved into the payments box. The previous location now shows only the total of the cash payments.
Added a list of Posted Sales, doctor by doctor, we well as totals to the End-of-Day posting report. This report shows what was actually posted on the specified date, and so will not necessarily match the Sales Report, which reports on sales by calendar date. For example, if sale is processed after posting, but on the same day, this sale will be in the Sales Report, but not on the Posted Sales list.
Added a checkbox on the Doctors page to indicate whether or not the MOP is required to allow day closing/opening.
Changed EMail button on Office page to say "EMail/SMS". The window that this opens allows the user to specify details for an SMS account. An SMS account is required before an office can send SMS messages.
Added option to enforce booking initials. If this is checked, then initials are required before allowing a user to book/update an appointment.
Added option on the printing preferences window (press "Printing" button on Office page of the Management window) to allow Orders to be printed as a single line on invoices by default. NOTE: please use at this at your own discretion, as the College still deems this as unacceptable. We have included this feature in anticipation of changes to the rules, but those rules have not yet changed, and are explicit about making sure all details are expressed fully on all Invoices.
Added the ability to "purge" unused flags, on the Flags window, which can be reached by Pressing the Flags button on the Office tab of the Management window. This feature will delete all unused flags, thereby allowing an office to add more flags (if there were any unused flags).
Added ability to specify Authentication method for EMail accounts on the Email/SMS details window.
Corrected spelling of inflammation for Diagnostic code 373.
Version 3.0
Added auto-select to VA fields on the Objective pages of the exam and pretest windows.
Removed Rx validation when creating/copying/editing Rxs from the Exam window.
Changed Phoropter interface to support a single-cable configuration. This will allow the use of the Topcon CV-5000S.
When copying an entire exam, or when copying External or Internal page of an exam, the option now exists to copy over the drawings as well. The user will be prompted to answer whether or not the drawings should be copied, if there are any drawings.
Exam Letter
If Recipient is selected from a the list, the recipient field becomes uneditable. To enter free-form text in this field, the recipient must be Deselected.
Printing and Saving letters now happens explicitly, instead of by selecting check boxes and pressing Continue.
Added a checkbox to allow the user to automatically create a Referral record in the Patient file, if a Referral letter is being created, and a Referrable Doctor is selected as the recipient.
Patient Search
When using the Find or Change button to choose a Patient, the previously- selected patient will now show on the Search window.
Patient Information
The exam sheel labels now print off showing lastName, salutation first name. The first name and salutation have been reversed.
Patient History
Only standalone purchases now show in the Purchases tab of the History window. The lenses/frames/etc. of an Order, no longer show up here.
Product Purchases
The user can now type part of a Patient name before pressing the Find button. This will preselect the name on the Search window. The Patient name field will turn yellow when no Patient is selected. The name can be entered as Last, First Middle or First Middle Last. Middle name can be omitted.
Added Tools menu option on Invoice Payment window to reverse an invoice. This will reverse all purchases and all posted payments in one step.
Appointment Details
The user can now type part of a Patient name before pressing the Find/Change button. This will preselect the name on the Search window. The Patient name field will turn yellow when no Patient is selected. The name can be entered as Last, First Middle or First Middle Last. Middle name can be omitted.
Visit Details
The user can now type part of a Patient name before pressing the Find/Change button. This will preselect the name on the Search window. The Patient name field will turn yellow when no Patient is selected. The name can be entered as Last, First Middle or First Middle Last. Middle name can be omitted.
Added signature line at the bottom to allow offices to include a message at the bottom of all prescriptions. This message is set in the Printing section of the Office page in the Management system.
Made frame name space larger on the Spectacles Order printout.
Added option list for notes fields on both the Spectacles and CLs Order windows.
Added ability to EMail patients to be recalled. A valid EMail account must first be setup. This is done in the Management section from the Office tab, using the EMail button. PLEASE NOTE: currently EMail accounts that require SSL will not work. This will be added in the next update.
The OHIP health card number now appears on windows and printouts in standard format...that is 4 digits, space, 3 digits, space, 3 digits.
Introduced a "Hover-help" facility. Currently, it is only implemented on the Launchpad, but other windows will be added in future updates.
Version 3.0 Pre-release
Bug Fixes:
Fixed problem with saving a new Patient record, where a String was entered into the UsualDoctor field by tabbling through it without selecting anyone.
Fixed problem saving a Patient when an Insurance record was attempted to be added, but where the insuring company was selected, then cancelled, AND the company field was tabbed-through.
Added fix for window resizing error.
Fixed bug where manually changing a frame price on a specs order would failt to recalculate the material price.
Visit Details:
Service fee now gets reset if the "Do not bill" checkbox is turned off, after having been turned on at an earlier time.
Added Patient file number to the Visit Details window.
added "DS" to the Rx printout if there is a non-zero sphere but no cylinder.
Added Appointment Note column to Exams list window, so any notes made while booking are visible on the Exams list.
Added click and pick to the Solutions field on the CL Fit page of the Exam window.
On the Exam window, the "New" button has been moved to the Tools menu.
The "New" button was removed from the Pretest window.
Exam Letters
Made the subject line bold, in the referral letter printout.
If there is no subject line, the "Re:" label is now omitted.
Added right-click menu option on the Referral Letters list window to delete a selected referral letter.
Added third type of letter...Oculo-Visual Report.
Letter templates will now save the include options along with the text of the letter.
Added the name of the Referring Doctor to the exam letters.
Added the patient file number (for those offices using file numbers) to the exam letters.
Pretest Devices
Added support for Huvitz HRK-7000.
Patient Information
Changed the Salutation to follow the name capitalization rules.
On Patient Search window, if first and/or last name is entered when the New button is pressed (but no other patient is highlighted), then the new patient will preset its name.
Added Patient File Number to the exam sheet label, where appropriate.
Added file # column to the Patient Household window, and the Household page of the Patient Information window.
Added button on Household window to allow the user to create a new member of that household.
Added Tray Number, Order Status, and Ready Date columns to the Purchases page of the Patient History window.
Added Delete Order option to the Purchases page of the Patient History window.
Appointment Book
Now recording the time/date of the arrival of a Patient. This information is displayed on the Visit Details window.
If there is only one scheduled doctor for the current day, or only one sheduled billing doctor, then that doctor is now selected by default when first opening the Appointment Book.
Added button to allow a user to delete a Schedule Day Note.
Changed Schedule Day Notes to include a colour. If a colour is chosen, the day note at the top of the page will be highlighted with that colour.
When booking a new appointment, if the type of service has a daily maximum restriction, and that restriction is enforced (see Management updates), then the user will be prompted for the Management Override Password before being allowed to continue.
Added patient alternate phone number, email adress, as well as appointment date and time to the export file for the Confirmation Call list.
Added MMDDYYYY date column to the call list export file.
Fixed bug where the doctor signature line would always show on an invoice that was not assigned to a doctor.
On the Invoice Payment window, a "*" now appears on the Pay Multiple button if the customer has multiple outstanding invoices.
The reversal of purchases can now be password-secured.
Added "Warranty" as an option under status.
Added Tray Number fields to CL Order and Spec Order windows.
Added Tray Number and Ready Date columns to the Orders Report window.
Added a "lens colour" attribute to Sunglasses.
Added a Tools menu option to export the inventory list to a CSV file.
Added phone number to the Aged Bookings report list.
Added check to postal code field on demographics report to filter out any non-searchable characters.
Added Outstanding Balance column to the Invoices Report
Added an Export feature in the Tools menu of the Sales/Tax Activity report. This will export the complete sales information as it appears in the window into a CSV file.
Made change on Aged Bookings Report window to have labels print out in the user-selected order.
Added retail price totals for each doctor on the Summarized Tax Activity report.
Changed Sales Activity report to show product categories in alphabetical order.
Management Reports
This is a new section of reports that will continue to be expanded upon over the next few updates. From the Reports menu screen, press Management Reports to get to the Management Reports menu screen.
Added Patient Referral report, that shows how Patients are being referred to the office over a specified date range.
Changed Claim Submission and Claim Management windows to automatically select the doctor, if there is only one billing doctor.
Added View button on the Claim Details window to open a Patient Information window.
Changed Doctor Activity window to automatically select the doctor, if there is only one billing doctor.
Added right-click menu option on the Recall Log to delete recall log entries.
Added patient alternate phone number, and email adress to the export file.
Added the date on image windows, and attachment edit windows.
Added the concept of a Management Override Password (MOP). This password will be used to override certain restrictions in the system. When attempting to access any of these restrictions, the user will be prompted to enter the MOP. Administrators will not be prompted for this. The MOP is set in the Management section, on the office page, by going into the Security settings. There is a button on this window labelled Management Override Password.
Added an option on the Doctors page of the Management system to enforce the closure of their practice. If this is checked, a user will be required to enter the Management Override Password to override the closure, and book a new Patient with this Doctor.
Added an option on the Service Codes page of the Management system to enforce the daily maximum of a service code. If this is checked, a user will be required to enter the Management Override Password to override this.
Added an option in the Service Override section of the Doctors page to allow each doctor to choose the enforcement status of a service code.
Added option on the security window, near the Users list to select whether or not logging in by the listed users is enforced.
Added security password option to secure the reversal of purchases on an invoice.
User Timesheet
Added a new facility to allow staff to track their working hours. For each staff that will track hours, a User must be created (it there is not already one) in the Security section of the Office Page, under the Management system. The users can then book in or out by going to the new Users menu on the Launchpad, and clicking on Book In/Out. The booking window then appears on which the user will select their name from the list, and Book In or Out.
Upgraded to latest version of the development system. This is reported to provide better support for Windows 7 systems, as well as introduces support for Windows Server 2008/2010.
When selecting a product for purchase (from the purchase window, or from the Spectacles/Contacts Order window), there is now a right-click option on the selection list to allow the user to create a new item, and insert it into the inventory.
Version 2.8.7 rev. 1
Fixed bug that could occur when saving a fixed amount Dispensing discount on an invoice.
Fixed bug that failed to update the patient debt flag when paying multiple invoices with a single payment.
Fixed the "Change Doctor" function on the Invoice Payment window.
Increased size of Patient name field on Exam Referral/Consultation letters.
Made change to ignore blank lines when saving Diagnostic Codes on Visit Details or on Exam window.
Changed TPA Print button so that it is available, even if the exam is locked.
Added extra space on TPA Rx printout between Rx and signature.
Added OD license number to TPA Rx printout.
Prevented tonometry pressures from being copied when copying page/all from a previous exam.
Added ability to search Patients by file number, for those offices using Patient file numbers.
Phone Book:
added auto-capitalization to names and addresses for the phone book, lab, and external doctor details windows.
Improved column order for Contact Lens prescription list.
Added "click and pick" option for the Prescription description field for Contact Lens and Spectacles prescription windows.
Added option on Demographics Report to filter by who has had a visit within a specified number of months.
Added Alert indicator on printout of Call list.
Version 2.8.7
Fixed bug that occurred when changing the hours on a workday to be a day off, if that day had appointments on it.
Fixed bug that could cause an inventory purchase to be counted again when being edited subsequent to its creation, artificially adjusting the quantity on hand.
Fixed incorrect use of Any and All when using the Demographic Filter on Recalls, with the exclusion of flags.
Fixed incorrect display of RAPD when it is negative or not applicable.
Fixed bug that prevented user from printing CL Rxs from the Current RX page of the Exam window using the right-click menu.
Fixed bug that could occur when viewing Manufacturer Activity for a Miscellanious Product.
Fixed bug that prevented a new Prescription Name from being shown on the Prescription details window, when editing a Prescription after pressing the Save button on the Refraction tab of the Exam window.
Fixed bug that prevented the Final Prescriptions from showing on the Diagnosis page when browsing through older exams, or when pressing the Edit button.
Fixed bug that caused the 60-64 year olds to be included in the seniors total count on the Patient Age Breakdown window.
Added "Pick" button for the Lensometry section on the Refraction page of the Exam window to allow the user to select a prescription with which to populate the Lensometry fields.
When Saving an Rx from the refraction tab of the exam window, instead of being prompted for a name, and then being required to press Edit to edit the Rx itself, pressing, Save now goes straight to the Rx edit window.
Added Print button for the TPA notes on Diagnosis Page of the Exam window. This is a short-term solution to provide users with a basic facility to print drug prescriptions.
Can now open a separate Exam window for lookup or for copying in a modeless way...that is both windows are active, so the user can compare each exam page by page.
Can now create a new referral letter from the Exam window in a modeless way... that is the user can scroll through the exam while creating a letter. Any changes to the exam will immediately be available in the letter.
Added "Clr" button next to RAPD on the Extrernal page of the Exam and Pretest windows, so any selection there can be reset.
Added ability to attach PDFs to Exam records.
Added auto-copy from OD to OS pupil size fields on Exam and Pre-test windows when OS fields are blank.
Added new feature for Contact Lens fields on CL Fit page of Exam window, whereby if the user types part of the contact lens name, then presses the down arrow, the contact lens prompter will open, preset with what the user had typed.
Added auto-copy from OD to OS Contact Lens field on CL Fit page of Exam window, when OS fields are blank, and a list selection is made.
Added "click-and-pick" feature to the lens type fields in the lensometry section on the Refraction page of the Exam window. Also added auto-copy from the OD field to the OS field.
On the Internal page of the Exam window, the two "Other" opthalmoscopy boxes will now clear the related details when unchecked.
Added ability to print the New CL Rx from the CL Fit page of the Exam window.
Removed ability for the user to Merge Patients while arriving a Patient, due to potential for the merge to be done incorrectly, resulting in an invalid Visit record.
Added ability to attach PDFs to Patient records.
Increased size of referral details field on the Referrals page of the Patient Information window to 200 characters.
Added ability to change the font and justification of header on customer printouts as well as referral letters. The user can now also turn off the header, and adjust the vertical offset of these reports. The controls are found from the Printing button on the Office page of the Management facility.
Added ability to print labels, and export Patient contact data from the Aged Bookings window.
Added options on Office Management page to indicate the office default sales mode...Dispensing or Retail.
Appointment Book:
Added ability to export Patient contact data from the Daily Call list.
Added menu option on Appointment Book to view Patient History
Changed format of Prep sheet, to condense amount of presented information so it will fit on a Portrait orientation.
When editing an existing Spectacles or Contact Lens Order, the Doctor's nickname now shows in the window title.
Added a Tools menu option on both the Spectacles and Contact Lens Order windows to allow the user to change the Doctor on a non-invoiced Order.
Removed "/" from Spectacles Rx printout format.
Changed size of note field on Spectacles and Contacts Rx windows to allow 500 characters instead of just 200.
Made change to disallow removal of purchases to posted invoices, unless that purchase was made on the current day.
Made change to disallow voiding of invoices that are posted.
Changed Invoice description for Dispensing Discounts to read either "Fixed Discount" or "% Discount".
Visit Details:
Made change to allow the service fee on a visit to be changed to zero, if a zero-dollar service is chosen.
Added last name, salutation, and home phone number to the export file for the Recall system.
Added colour coding to the name columns on the Recall list, and the Recall Log Patient list.
Added ability to print a product label from the inventory product details windows.
Added Notes field to the Contact Lenses detail window.
Increased size of the Frames notes field to 200 characters.
Phone Book:
Increased row height on Phone Book to deal with entries being trimmed off.
Added "Go" button next to the website address on the Lab details window. Pressing this button will launch the default web browser, and go to the specified website.
Added "Send EMail" buttons to all of the phone book details windows, to allow the user to send an EMail to the contact/doctor/lab they are viewing.
Added "Send EMail" menu option to all pages of the phone book window, to allow the user to send an EMail to the selected contact/doctor/lab.
Increased size of the Lab notes field to 500 characters.
Version 2.8.6 rev. 5
Fixed bug that occurred when paying multiple invoices, if a payment type is selected before any invoices are selected.
Fixed bug that prevented the removal of a Family Doctor from the Patient Info window.
Fixed problem that caused the current exam to show up in the list of exams when trying to copy from or lookup another exam.
Fixed a problem that could prevent the exam from being saved. If the user tries to edit an exam while another user has that exam or the pretest still open, and then the other user saves the exam, allowing the first user to now edit, that first user had an out-of-date version of the exam, which could be saved.
Save As New exam now closes the exam window once the save is complete.
Added ability to print a Referral letter label, suitable for sticking to a referral letter, from the Tools menu of the Patient Info window, or from the context menu on the Appointment Book.
Added Print button on the Exam Addenda window.
Added Subject column on the Exam Referral Letters window.
Added option list on the Subject line of the Referral Letter window.
Non-invoiced payable services and non-submittable funded services are now highlighted in yellow on the End-Of-Day Doctor Activity window.
NOTE: when we made the multi-select option list available in the last release, we removed the ability to use the type-ahead lookup feature, as it is not compatible with a multi-selection paradigm. We have been asked to put this feature back in, and we found a way to do this...the caveat is that if you use the type-ahead lookup, you will only get one selection. You may then select more items, but if you use the type-ahead lookup again, it will erase your selections, and use only the current one.
Version 2.8.6 rev. 3
Fixed bug that occurred when changing both material cost and retail price of a product to zero from a non-zero value.
Fixed bug that occurred when viewing manufacturer history of Miscellanious products.
Version 2.8.6
Fixed bug that caused the Additional Colours list to be lost, when unretiring a frame.
Fixed issue in which the Rx name would not be saved, when editing an Rx that the user is trying to "Save" from the Refraction page of the exam window.
Fixed issue that could cause the dispensing fee on a CL Order from not calculating correctly if product dispensing fees are used with non-single quantities.
Invoices now show "HST Registration:" or "GST Registration:" label appropriately. If no number is specified, then the label is blank.
Added ability to select more than one item at a time when using the options list on the Exam and Pretest windows.
Added arrow-key spin behaviour to the NRA and PRA fields on the Refraction page of the Exam window.
Added ability to view product details from the retired products window.
Made change to inventory detail windows, so that retail price and material cost will default to be the same value, if one is changed, and the other is blank or zero.
Made changes to Manufacturer Activity report to retrieve the information significantly faster. Also added cost/price/profit information.
Added context menu option on Manufacturer Activity report to view the sales that are indicated.
Removed the seconds from the time shown in the appointment time field of the Referrals tab for selected or new Referrals.
Changed the word "Visits" to "Services" in the summary box of the Doctor's end-of-day activity sheet.
Added the filename on the OHIP Submission Acknowledgement report.
Added Shin-Nippon SLM5000 Lensmeter to pretest device list.
Added Generic devices to all pretest devices list.
Added a file-number-based exam sheet label.
Version 2.8.5
Fixed bug that prevented dates showing up on the printout list of Patient Notes.
Fixed bug that prevented the File Order menu option on the Purchases tab of the Patient History window from enabling when a Contacts Order was selected.
Added "Accounts Receivable" total on the Cash Flow window, and on the End-of-Day posting report. This field will show the accounts receivable as at the posting time.
Added ability to view the invoice for a selected purchase on the Doctor Purchases details window, available from the End-of-Day Doctor Activity window.
Added service fee comparison to the Patient Age Breakdown window, which is available from the Tools menu of the Demographics report.
The list of scheduled Providers on the Appointment Book now includes the "All" option at the top of the list.
Fixed list of scheduled Providers on the Appointment Book, so a closed day will now prevent a Provider from being listed.
Added ability to override a provider's booking time allotment a day at a time, or using a schedule rule.
On the Doctors tab of the Management window, there is now the ability to re-order doctors as they appear on the Appointment Book, and the Daily Browser. This is the accomplished using the "Up" and "Dwn" buttons next to the doctor list.
Added arrow-key spin behaviour to the sphere, cyl, axis, and add fields of the Spectacles Rx window, and the Spectacles Order window.
Added Tools menu option on Spectacles and Contacts Order windows to allow the user to set an Order as No Charge. Generally, this is intended for use when creating a re-order, where there is no cost or price involved.
Added a "P/E" indicator on the Purchases tab of the Patient History window, that indicates whether or not an item has been
urchased, or is just an stimate.
Changed the Gender inventory parameter on wearable products, to be Demographic. A Child option was added to this list.
Added option on Manufacturer Report for Inventory, to allow the inclusion of retired Products.
Added "Letter" column on Exams list window to indicate if a referral letter has been created for any of the exams in the list.
Added context menu option on Exams list window to show any referral letters that have been created for the selected exam.
Added ability to select Referrable or Family doctor for the Carbon Copy area of an exam referral letter, by right-clicking in the CC field when creating/ editing a letter.
Added ability to FAX Referral Letters from the Referral Letters window for an Exam.
When a new exam is created from the pretest window, it is now saved and locked right away. This is an attempt to prevent double exams being created when a user creates a new exam after another user has already created one.
Changed pachymetry reading from TRK-1P to adjust it to micrometers, instead of the millimetres as reported by the device.
Added support for Nidek network-connected pretest devices.
Corrected spelling of "Allen" in the acuity test list of the exam and pretest windows.
Added ability to copy Family Doctors to Referrable Doctors and vice versa on the Phone Book window.
Added context menu option on the Phone Book window to allow printing of mailing labels and envelopes.
Added Tools menus on the Phone Book details windows to allow printing of mailing label sheets or to export the mailing info for use in mail merge. The mailing info for the contacts on the currently-selected tab is what is printed or exported.
Added field to select preferred recall method on the Patient Info window.
Added filter buttons on Recall window to display patients with a specified preferred recall method, and that have or do not have EMail addresses.
Added display of total quantity on hand and total quantity sold to Manufacturer Activity report window.
Added "Referred By" column to New Patients report.
Added ability to specify the Bellfax EMail Fax service to deliver faxes.
Version 2.8.4
Added "N/A" option for license restriction on the General page of the Pretest and Exam windows.
Added blanks as options for Optic Nerve Head type and size fields on the Internal page of the exam window, to allow the user to clear the selection. - Added "Clr" button next to the Lamina Cribosa selections on the Internal page of the Exam window. This will reset the Lamina Cribosa selection.
Added a field to record invoice date on the Inventory Purchase window (Buy More).
Changed Inventory Purchase window such that certain details can be changed after the purchase is created. Purchase quantity can NOT be changed after-the- fact.
Version 2.8.3
Fixed bug which could make the Insurance page of the Patient Details window get blanked out when changing tabs.
When loading template, the refraction page does not pre-fill with zeroes.
A list of scheduled Providers is now shown on the Appointment Book next to the buttons in the lower left corner. This list indicates the Providers who are scheduled to work on the selected day. Clicking on one of these will select that provider.
The Day Browser will now list the Providers in a consistent order. When this window opens, the Providers who are scheduled for the current day in the Appointment Book will be preselected.
Changed Reports Menu to show Accounts Receivable button in its own group. Accounts Receivable reports are now secured by their own password. For offices that have a secure password for Sales Reports, this same password has been added for Accounts Receivable.
Changed the use of the Inventory password to restrict only the modification of the inventory (ie. Add, Retire, Change). All users are now permitted to view the inventory.
Printed Spectacles prescriptions now show "Plano" when sphere is zero.
Can now print file/work/frame orders and estimates from the Tools menu of the Spectacles Order Details window. Note that these options are only available for existing Orders.
Added "Print Frame Order" option to the invoice items context menu on the Invoice Payment window.
Added "Fax Order" option to the context menu of the Orders report.
When creating an invoice for an Order from the Orders report, or from the Patient History Purchases list, the user is now prompted if they want to print any of the Order reports.
Added right-click option in the Appointment Book to allow a user to create a new purchase for the selected Patient.
An "*" now appears on the Insurance tab of the Patient Info window to indicate when a Patient has Insurance information entered there.
The sphere, cylinder, and axis fields on the Refraction page of the Exam window now support the use of the up and down arrows to nudge the values within.
Added "copy" button on the Refraction page of the Exam window to allow the user to copy the refraction information from the autorefractor into the subjective refraction field.
Added a "Get" button on the Refraction page of the Exam window to allow the user to read the refraction information into the subjective field from a connected phoropter.
When SAVE-ing a prescription on the Refraction page of the Exam window, the user now has the opportunity to edit the prescription when the name prompter pops up.
Added "Phenylephrine 2.5%" as a dilating agent in the drops list on the Internal exam page of the Exam window.
We now also record the current User with all new patient notes, exam addenda, and attachments.
Added Daily Sales button on the End-of-Day menu. This button will open the Sales/Tax Report window on the current date, and generate the sales figures. Like the button on the Reports menu, this feature is password-protected for those offices that have enabled security on the Sales Reports.
Added option to reverse the selected purchases (or ALL purchases) on an invoice using the context menu in the Invoice Items area of the Invoice window. This option differs from Remove from Invoice, in that it adds new items to the invoice with a negated quantity.
When paying multiple Invoices, there is now an option on the Multiple Invoice Payment window to allow the user to select only the Patient part, or the 3rd party part of the selected invoices.
Added context-menu options on the Frames list and the Sunglasses list in the Inventory Management window to allow users to change Frames to Sunglasses and vice versa.
Added Refresh button on the Invoice Management window to allow the user to refresh the current inventory list.
The system will now check to see if a product name has already been used before permitting a user to save the Product details.
Added ability to change the invoice number, the cost, or the details of a frame purchase from the Purchases page of the Patient's History window, even after the pruchase is paid in full.
Added a totals line at the bottom of the Health Insurance Claims report.
When creating/modifying a Provider in the Management area, the name and nickname or now enforced by the system.
Added option on Patient Age Breakdown report to include or exclude active patients.
Version 2.8.2
Changed Doctor Signature field to allow larger signatures to be specified.
Changed Combo pre-test device interface, so NCT pressures now go into the new NCT fields.
User is now allowed to make changes to non-schedule-related details (ie. notes, confirmation, eligibilty code, etc.) on the Appointment Details window at all times. This includes when viewing appointments from the Patient Information window, as well as viewing the appointment once a visitor has arrievd.
We now record the current User with all new appointments, new invoices, and invoice payments.
Version 2.8.1
Fixed bug that occurred when de-selecting a frame on a Spectacles Order.
Fixed bug that failed to record inventory reduction if the "From Office" option was selected in a Spectacles Order.
Fixed bug that prevented the MoH eligibility date from copying when an IVR'd appontment is rescheduled.
Changed patient search to automatically trim spaces from the beginning and end of patient names.
Corrected spelling error for Goldmann in Tonometry section of the External Exam page.
The OD Pachymetry field no longer copies over to the OS field automatically.
When creating a Spectacles or Contacts Order, and using the Get button to select and Rx, all expired Rxs will be highlighted in yellow. Also, if the user does select an expired Rx, then they will be prompted to confirm that they really want to use an expired Rx for the Order.
Added ability to make an Order from a selected Rx on the Patient Information window.
Added checkbox on Invoice Payment window, to offer option to exclude Doctor name from a printed invoice.
Added tool menu option on Invoice Payment window to allow an Invoice to be Cancelled. This option differs from Written-Off in that a Cancelled invoice does NOT show as a debt for the customer.
On Reports menu window, the Created Invoices button has been relabelled as Invoices. The report that this now shows, allows the user to view Created, Written-Off, Cancelled, and Voided invoices.
Added Paid Invoice Customer Details report. This report shows the details of the paid invoices, broked down by Customer. It can be found in the Tools menu of the Paid Invoices report and the Paid Invoice Details report.
Added the ability to create Secured Users and Administrators in the Users section of the Security window. These allow Users to be created with privileges as an alternative to using passwords to secure certain features. A Help option has been added to the Security window to explain how the different types of Users are used.
Improved parsing for TRK-1P
Added support for Nidek ARK-500A and LM-600P
Added Print button to OHIP Batch Acknowledgement window.
Version 2.8
Added Full support for HST
Changed Invoices to only show tax if there is any applicable.
Enhanced the Patient Search facility. The phone number search will now compare against home, business, and alternate phone number. Also, an "*" can now be entered in any of the other search fields to act as a wild card.
Added Browse Day feature from Appointment Book. This feature allows the user to view the schedules of multiple doctors side by side. To make room for the button, however, we had to remove the Book Followup button.
Added payment option on Invoice Payment window to allow multiple methods of payment on one invoice. If this option is selected when the Make Payment button is pushed, the user is prompted to specify the list of payment amounts and methods. This list will appear on the invoice. NOTE: the current limitation is that when an invoice is reprinted later, only the the last payment method shows up.
When Saving an Rx from the Refraction page of the Exam window, the user is now prompted to override the default Rx description. An asterisk now appears next to the "Save" button once an Rx has been saved.
Added ability to view all exam addenda from all exams for the current Patient on the Exam Addenda window.
Added a tool bar to the Contact Lens and Spectacles Order windows. Tools menu options now exists to allow the user to look up customer info, and to view a list of existing Orders for the customer.
Added right-click option to the price fields on both the Spectacles and Contacts Orders windows to allow the user to adjust the retail price and/or the material cost.
Added right-click menu option in the Lab Services list on the Spectacles Order window to allow the user to adjust the price/cost of the service.
Changed End-of-Day Posting report to group all payments and purchases for each invoice together.
Added Appointment Note column to the Appointments page of the Patient history window.
When a patient image is opened, it now shows in "fit-to-page" mode. The image can be resized by resizing the window. There is a mode switch in the image window, to switch between full size and fit-to-screen.
Added product name selection field to the retired inventory products window.
Users now have a name associated with them.
Added button on the Invoice Payment window to allow the user to pay multiple invoices for the same customer with one payment.
Added Tool menu option on the Invoice Payment window to make another invoice for the same customer.
Added right-click menu option on the Invoices window to allow the user to pay multiple invoices for the same customer with one payment.
Added "Details" button to the product selection windows so that the material cost of a purchased product can be manually adjusted.
On ad hoc lens purchase window, the lens type is no longer defaulted to SV. When the user presses Save, if no lens type is selected, a warning will be displayed.
The lens type of ad hoc purchased lenses is now shown on the associated purchase details window, and can be changed after the fact.
Version 2.7.3
Fixed issue on spectacles work order where "From Office" status showed up as "Lenses Only".
Added Cost and Profit columns to the Sales Activity Report.
Changed Sales/Tax Activity window so that the user can now choose to print either a detailed or summarized report for either a single doctor or the office.
Changed the address labels so that if there is only a street address line, the postal code will now appear on its own line.
When a user now opens an exam or a pretest screen on an existing exam, the system will now lock that exam file so that no one else can edit it until the first user saves/cancels/closes their exam file.
Added "Save as New Exam" option to the Tools menu on the Exam window. This will allow the user to save the current exam as a copy. The intention is to provide a failsafe option in case the exam is locked by another user.
Added NCT pressure fields to exam window to show the pressure that was entered for NCT on the pretest window. The pretest window NCT pressures no longer go into the tonometry fields on the exam window.
Changed the pupil reflex entry fields on the pretest and exam windows to be drop down lists instead of spin buttons.
Changed the exam referral letter to include the Patient's name at the bottom of every page.
When an exam is edited, if the service code was changed outside of the exam since the last time the exam was saved, then the user is informed, and the service is updated.
Added Tools menu option on the Exam window to view an exam summary comparison which lists the C/D Ratios, pressures, and Ks for all of the exams for that Patient.
Added facility to interact with devices directly, and send device messages to SpinnakerWare.
Changed spacing on Appointment book to allow more info to show on lower resolution monitors.
Added "Paper File" comment to the Provider Day Sheet where the appointments are with Patients that have paper files.
Added a Tools menu option in Appointment book to show a "Prep Sheet" to help with daily preparation.
Changed Weekly Appointments browser to show the services in their selected colours.
Now the lab details window will not allow the user to save unless the contacts checkbox and/or the spectacles check box are checked.
Added rep contact info to the lab details.
Added Tools option on the Services page of the Maintenance window to allow the user to update all future bookings of a selected service to have a new duration.
Changed the Lens purchase window to default to SV lenses.
Added option on Demographics report window to show only patients with EMail addresses.
Added Tools menu option on Demographics report window to export all EMail addresses as a semicolon-delimited list, suitable for copying and pasting into any mail program.
Added right-click menu item on the Patient list of the Demographics report window to export the EMail addresses for the retrieved Patients in either CSV or list format.
Added Tools menu option on the Inventory Management window to show a list of all inventory purchases, and the associated invoice numbers.
Added new option on the New Patients report to restrict the results to only those new Patients that have been seen at some point.
Added right-click menu options on Aged Bookings window to reschedule or cancel appointments directly from there, or to find the selected appointment in the appointment book.
Added right-click menu options on Confirmation window to reschedule or cancel appointments directly from there, or to find the selected appointment in the appointment book.
Version 2.7.2
Changed exam and pretest windows to stop entering default 0s in the lensometry, keratometry, and refraction fields.
Changed Spectacle prescription details window from entering default 0s in the Rx fields.
Changed Contact Lens and Spectacles File Order printouts to make the name cutout the correct size.
Added Patient birthdate to the doctor day sheet.
Version 2.7.1
Fixed bug related to looking up an invoice for a sunglasses order purchase from the Inventory Purchases History window.
Fixed bug related to looking up Orders by the Order number when that Order does not have a lab specified.
Changed the option list paste facility in the Exam window so that the new selection will be pasted OVERTOP of anything selected in the field.
Changed tabbing order on Rx part of the Spectacles Order window to better reflect working order.
Changed tabbing order on Rx details window to better reflect working order.
Changed referral letter printout to make lines closer together, so as to take up less space.
Removed Warning notification from the DFE and tonometry sections of the referral letter.
Added expiration date field on Rx details window. This date shows up on the printed Rx page.
Added an "Rx Expiry" setting on the Office tab of the Management window to specify the default expiry of an Rx in months.
Added Balance check boxes on Rx details window.
When PD is entered in the lensometry section of the Exam's Refraction page, the PD value is split between OD and OS if the value exceeds the split point set in the management section.
Added ability to create a new CL Order from the CL Fit page of the Exam window.
Added ability to create a new Specs Order from a selected Rx in the Diagnosis page of the Exam window.
Added ability to select lenses from a lab, or to select just the vision style on Add Lenses button of Purchase Creation window.
Added "Change service fee" option on Doctor Activity window.
Added claim status controls on the right-click menu of the services list on the Doctor Activity window.
Added support in Exams for Tonoref II multi device.
Added "Usual Doctor" as a demographics search criterion on the Demographics Report window.
Added ability to export Patient list from Demographics Report window.
There is now a new Office Printing setting in the Management section that allows the office to choose whether or not the Doctor Signature Line appears on invoices by default. There is also now a checkbox on the Invoice details window to allow the user to override this default.
The Office Printing window now also includes setting to change the font size of the referral letter headers, as well as the font size for the header on all of the rest of the customer printouts (ie. Invoices, Rxs, etc.). In an upcoming release, we will include the ability to change the font as well...and to remove headers completely.
The Office fax number is now displayed on Referral Letters and customer printouts (ie. Invoices, Rxs, etc.) if it has been specified. The Office fax number can be set on the Office page of the Management window.
Version 2.7
Added support for recording both material cost as well as retail price for the inventory products. Please note that in Ontario, the College specifies that the retail price shall not exceed the material cost of any item.
Version 2.6.7
Added Phone Book component, available from the Launchpad.
Now using bold font for referral report details.
Changed Tonometry and DFE details that show on the Referral letter. If drops or time not entered, then this information is skipped (ie. we no longer show ??? for tonomety drops if it is not selected).
Added Appointment Book option to view Patient household list.
Added OHIP Submission window option to refresh the claim status.
Version 2.6.6
Drawings on the Internal and External exam tabs are finally enabled.
Added Total Sales display on the Monthly Sales window.
Added additional status options for Spectacles Orders.
On Spectacles Order window, changed the "lenses only" option to read "from office". This option will now leave the frame price enabled.
Changed the exam copy function to no longer copy over the referral information from the Diagnosis page.
Changed tabbing order on Lensometer part of the Refraction page of the Exam and Pretest windows to better reflect working order.
When saving Rx's from the Refraction page of the exam, the PDs from the Lensometery details are now copied into the distance PDs of the prescription.
Version 2.6.5
Can now use right-click to select recipient from either Family Doctor list or Referrable Doctor list, depending on whether or not the Letter is a consult, or a referral.
Added a context menu on the text part of the Referral Letter window to allow the user to get or save a letter template.
Added contect menu items to Print, Preview, Edit, and Create Referral Letters on the Referral Letters list window opened from the Diagnosis tab of the Examination window.
Added letter type options to select Referral Letter or Consultation Letter on the Referral Letter creation window. The letter will indicate what type it is when printed out.
Added list option for Referral field on the Diagnosis tab of the Exam window.
Added ability to delete multiple work days by day of the week from the context menu on the Doctors Schedule window.
Added ability to copy schedule rules when creating new rules.
Version 2.6.4
Added folder display to OHIP Submission and Reconciliation windows, as well as a button to allow the user to change the folder to be used.
Added Frame Order printing option for Spectacles Orders.
On Orders Report window, the order type is now shown in the list as C or S for Contacts or Spectacles.
Version 2.6.3
Added new button on some product purchase selection windows to "Choose" from the list of previous inventory purchases, so the invoice number can be automatically inserted.
Added right-click option to the frame invoice number field to choose the inventory number from the list of previous inventory purchases.
Version 2.6.2
fixed bug that could cause an error when retrieving old unrecorded visits, if some of the appointments were with doctors who are now inactive.
changed display of Order Dispensing fees to show the dispensing description instead of just Spectacles Order or Contact Lens Order when a dispensing code is selected from list.
Fixed issue where order component discounts where not included in invoice total discount field.
Made change to reconciliation processing to check claim number AND health card number to reduce likelihood of trying to reconcile the wrong service because of a claim number duplication.
Added total discount display to order estimate reports.
Added ability to colour-code the Patient alert field. This colour also shows up on the Patient Search window, and the Appointment Book.
If user attempts to book a senior for a non-funded exam, confirmation is required.
If user attempts to arrive a senior for a non-funded exam, confirmation is required.
When a Patient without a valid health card number is saved, the confirmation prompt now only shows if the Patient is a youth or a senior.
Added support for the Topcon TRK-1P, and the CV-5000 phoropter.
Version 2.6.1
Fixed bug with Manufacturer Activity report for Miscellanious Products which would cause a server crash.
Changed Manufacturer Activity report to print in the order in which the products are listed (ie. user can change the sort criteria).
Added options to the Exams list window to view exams since a specified date, as well as to filter out completed exams.
Added a date range on the Record Visits window of the End-of-Day system, so that unrecorded visits from the past can be included in the display.
Added new report under the Tools menu of the Accounts Receivable window to show written-off invoices by doctor over a date range.
Added Inactive Visitors report under the Tools menu of the Demographics window. This report shows all retired Patients that had a visit during the specified date range.
Added Dispensing Fee information to the Order Estimate reports.
Version 2.5
Added "Copy Purchase" option to the right-click menu on the Customer Purchase window.
Added Print button on the Lenses page of the Lab details window to print out the Lab's list of lenses.
Added Office Managment option to "auto-invoice" non-funded visits. If this feature is enabled, then once a non-funded, non-zero service is arrived, the Invoice Creation window is automatically shown to allow an invoice to be created right away.
If invalid postal code is entered on Patient Info window, field now gets highlighted, instead of showing "???".
On Sales/Tax Activity Report, Lens purchases are now sub-categorized by the lenses vision style (ie. SV, Bifocal, etc.). Coatings/Tints purchases are also no subcategorized.
Version 2.4
Added a detailed view of the Paid Invoices. This is available from the Tools menu on the Paid Invoices Report window.
Added "Estimate" as a status option on both the Spectacles and Contacts order windows.
When Estimate orders are put onto an Invoice, the status is cleared (you shouldn't have an estimate that has actually been purchased).
Added an Estimate printout for orders
Version 2.3 rev. 1
Fixed efficiency percentage problem on End-Of-Day Doctor Activity window.
Fixed bug that could allow changes to an exam to not be saved if these changes were made after prescriptions, attachments, referral letters, or addenda were added.
Changed all address fields to accept up to 75 characters (instead of 50) for the street portion of the address.
Changed the sequence of Arriving a Patient. Now, the Patient information window is shown BEFORE the Patient is arrived, so that any updates to the Patient info are picked up before recording the arrival.
Changed Appointment cancellation window to automatically select Short-Notice Cancellation status if the appointment is for the current day.
Added AppointmentBook option to copy a selected Appointment. This can be used to rebook a no-show, without either rescheduling the no-show (which would erase the no-show from the record), or having to re-enter any details/notes.
Added Booking Hours report.
Version 2.3
Fixed problem that could cause a bug when looking up all referral letters for a Patient
End-Of-Day Doctor Activity window now shows the number of bookable and booked hours for the selected day/provider.
Added Bookable/Booked hours, and booking efficiency to the Daily Doctor Summary window as well as the Doctor's end-of-day report.
The Doctor Activity window now has a Tools option to show the schedule for the selected day.
Added Frame Type to the Frame details section of the Spectacles Order window. This necessitated moving the frame deselect button to be near the frame price.
When voiding an invoice, if there are Prescription Orders on that invoice, the user will be prompted as to whether or not those Orders should be deleted after being removed from the invoice.
Claims that are not ready to be submitted are now highlighted in yellow on the OHIP Submission window.
Contact Lens Prescriptions can now be marked as Trial prescriptions on the Prescription details window.
On the contact lens prescription selection window for contact lens orders, the trial prescriptions can be included or filtered out.
On the contact lens prescription portion of the prescripions page on the Patient Information window, the trial prescriptions can be included or filtered out.
On the contact lens prescription portion of the prescripions page on the Exam window, the trial prescriptions can be included or filtered out.
Version 2.2
Fixed issue with New CL Rx on CL Fit page of Exam window that occurred when explicitly creating a new exam.
Fixed bug that could cause a server crash when doing a Manufacturer Activity report, if one of the associated products has a blank quantity.
Fixed bug that caused paid services to show up on the Invoice Creation window, when adding an additional service to an already-invoiced visit on the Visit Details window.
Added Office preference to show out-of-stock items or not by default in the Inventory windows.
Added Office preference to choose whether or not the local image viewer should be tried when and image is double-clicked. If this setting is turned off, only the default viewer will be used when double-clicking.
When copying an existing order, the frame and lens invoice numbers are now blanked out in the new order.
Now we save the referral letter signature with the referral letter, so that if we reprint that letter in the future, the signature will be as it was when the letter was first saved.
Added Interface to Topcon Tonometers. This is accessed using the Get button near the Tonometry fields on the exam and pretest windows.
Changed the Health History Detail window to use typed fields instead of drop lists. These fields have user lists attached to them to allow right-click and selection.
The Referral Letters, Attachments, and Addenda buttons on the Diagnosis page of the exam window now show an asterisk if there are associated items.
When booking or arriving Patients, if they have an expired health card, the user receives a pop-up warning.
Added column to show Patient alerts on the Appointment Book.
Added a "Find Appointment" facility from the Appointment Book and Appointments Browser windows. This allows a user to specify search criteria, and find open appointment slots automatically.
When pre-booking, or booking a follow-up, the user will be asked to confirm if the new appointment is NOT being booked with the usual doctor.
Added Tools option on Demographics window to export all patient EMail addresses to a CSV file.
Added new Tools option in the Demographics Report window to display a list of the Patients who are marked with a zero recall frequency.
If a Patient's health card is expired, it will be highlighted on the Patient Info window.
The Images tab on the Patient Information window has been renamed to read Attach.
Added colour-selection field next to the flags field on the Patient Information window, to allow the user to choose a colour in which to display the Patient's name while in the Patient Search window, or the Appointment Book.
The Labels for the notes and attachments tabs of the Patient Information window will now show an asterisk if there are items on that tab for that Patient.
Added colour-selection field next to the description field on the Service Code maintenance window, to allow the user to choose a colour in which to display the service code while in the Appointment Book.
Changed the display of colour tint on the spectacles order printouts to include the percentage of tint in the description.
Added buttons on the End-of-Day's Cash Reconciliation window to show any created, written-off, or voided invoices.
Added Invoice details to the End-of-Day Posting report to list all voided invoices.
Added New Patient details to the End-of-Day Posting report.
Added Refresh button on Cash Flow window to recalculate ths day's cash.
Added Refresh button on Daily Payment Details window.
The Health card expiry date is now shown on the Visit Details window.
There is now a menu option for the Additional Services on the Visit Details window to view the invoice (if it has been invoiced).
Based on feedback from multiple offices, the "debt flag" is now true (ie. a "$" appears by a Patient name) when an invoice is written off. Written-off invoices still do NOT appear in the A/R report, but they are now considered as owing on the Patient details window.
Changed Reconciliation Summary report to show the found/not found breakdown the same as the first page of the reconciliation report.
Changed Group Reconciliation report to breakout subreports for each provider included in the reconciliation.
Added printout for Missed Appointments Report.
Added printout for MoH Receivables Report.
Version 2.1.2 rev. 3.0
fixed bug that showed age incorrectly on Patient Info window if it is the Patient's birthday, and that Patient was born on a leap year.
changed the provider portion of the Last Eye Exam field on the exam window to show the full name of the Doctor, not just their nickname.
Added support for foreign keyboards.
Version 2.1.2 rev. 2.0
fixed bug with CL order window when GETting the Rx.
fixed bug on Patient Info window when patient sex is not specified.
enhanced Topcon Lensometer interface to allow communication with CL-200.
Version 2.1.2 rev. 1.0
Fixed bug in Exam window that caused the health history to be overwritten when copying from a previous exam. Now previous health history is appended.
Fixed bug which caused an error when selecting "" on the End-Of-Day Doctor Activity window.
Changed Recall Frequency field on Patient window to be an Integer String so it can be left blank.
Disallowed the ability for users to remove Rxs from the Patient window if those Rxs belong to an exam.
Added Usual Doctor to all Cancellation List windows.
A new option has been added on the New Patients report window to allow users to include or exclude inactive Patients.
Version 2.1.2
Changed the data type of CL diameter in the inventory system to allow decimal values.
When entering a new inventory item, the inventory quantity can now be increased or adjusted without having to save the new item first.
When a new exam is created, the Patient's family doctor, occupation, and employer are now prefilled in the exam. When the exam is saved, any changes to birth date, family doctor, occupation, or employer are updated in the Patient's file.
When Spec and CL Rxs are added in the exam window (either in current Rx or Diagnosis pages), the provider and exam are now set automatically.
Added contact lens selection list to the CL Fit page of the exam window.
Added contact lens selection list to the CL Prescription window.
When "Getting" a CL Rx on the CL order window, the lens name will now be set if it is included in the Rx.
Changed Reflex spin buttons on External exam window to allow them to be set as blank. These fields will now default to blank when creating a new exam.
Attachments button on Diagnosis page of exam window allows users to view/add file attachments (ie. images) associated with the current exam, or with all attachments for the Patient.
Addenda button on Diagnosis page of exam window allows users to add dated notes to exam records regardless of whether or not the exam is locked.
There are also Attachments and Addenda options in the Tools menu of the exam window.
Added warning to alert user to save the exam, if a referral letter is being created for an un-saved exam.
Added option on Referral Letters list window to show ALL referral letters for the patient, or just the referral letters for the current exam.
Added field on the Referral Report Creation window to specify the subject of the referral letter. This subject now prints out on the Referral Letter.
Added new columns on the Patient's Household tab, as well as the household window to show the provider nickname for the last visit, and the next appointment.
Added new Exam Sheet label style that prints Patient info on the page footer.
Added Tools option on Patient window to export patient information in comma-delimited format.
User can now hold ALT key down when pressing SAVE on the Patient Information window to allow them to save the information without closing the window.
Added right-click selection on the Patient Information window to the Usual and Family Doctor fields, as well as the note field for the alternate phone.
Added Tools option on Patient window to MERGE two Patient records into one. PLEASE use this carefully!!!!!!!!!
Added ability to invoice Orders from the Purchases page of the Patient History window. Just select "Show Invoice...", if an invoice does not exist, the user will be prompted to create one.
Added supplier invoice numbers to the Spectacles and Contacts File Order reports.
Added invoice payment status to the Spectacles and Contacts File Order reports.
Added total lens cost (including lenses, coatings, tints, other) to the Spectacles File Order reports.
Made change to all Time widgets to allow the user to enter Time in a more informal manner: - Time can now be entered in 12 or 24 hour Time format - The leading zero is no longer required for a valid Time (ie. 105 automatically becomes 01:05 PM) - when a Time is entered, 8:00 through 11:59 will automatically be AM, while 12:00 through 7:59 will automatically be PM
Version 2.1.1 rev. 1.0
Fixed problem that prevented debt flag from refreshing when payment history is changed.
Fixed missing "callback requested" confirmation option on call list and Aged Bookings report.
Fixed problem that prevented the doctor selection criteria showing up on the new Created Invoices report.
Changed recall generation to avoid double-recalls when using demographic filters. Now, if min and max age is specified, recalls include people who become the min age on or after the start of the recall date range, and who have not yet reached the max age by the end of the recall date range.
Added new confirmation option to indicate Visitor is unreachable (ie. phone disconnected).
Changed selection foreground colour on Exams list to be red.
Version 2.1.1
Fixed bug in Cash box summary where PD cheques were being excluded.
Fixed problem where CANCEL on the Exam window does not confirm close.
Fixed problem where quantity of contact lenses on contact lens order is not set when contact lens selection is made.
Fixed problem which could occasionally cause orders to not save due to "duplicate primary key" error.
Fixed problem which prevented Health History from copying into new exam.
Fixed Exam-copy problem where copying all or a page from a previous exam caused some of the right-eye fields to copy into the left-field.
Added PD field for the autorefractor result on the Exam window.
Added and Age field for the lensometer result on the Exam window.
Added Refresh button on the Prescriptions page of the Exam window to allow the user to refresh the list of Rxs.
Added "Complete" button on Diagnosis page of Exam window to allow the user to mark an exam as completed. If an exam is incomplete, this will be indicated in the title bar of the Exam window.
Changed the Exams list window to indicate incomplete exams by highlighting them in yellow.
On referral letter selection window, there is now a checkbox to indicate if the referral letter signature of the provider should be appended to the end of the letter. The default value is YES. The "Change" button next to the checkbox allows the user to change the provider's signature from there.
When the "Alt" key is held down while pressing the "Save" button on the Exam window, the information is saved, but the window no remains open.
Added a Device Manager to manage any optometric devices that may be connected to the computer (ie. lensometer, autorefractor, etc.).
The Pay button on the Visit Details window will now re-enable when a cash service is chosen from the service list, or a fee-bearing service is added to the list of additional services for the visit. The Pay button is disabled if a funded exam is chosen, or there are no unpaid fee-bearing services left in the additional services list (ie. services removed, or fee changed to be zero).
Changed "Next Appointment" to "Following Appointment" in recall log. The appointment following the beginning of the recall period is not shown in that column instead of the next appointment after today.
On Patient Search window, The Select button is only enabled when a Patient is selected in the list. Also, when a search is successful, the first Patient in the list is now selected.
Patient Notes can now be up to 1000 characters long.
Patient Notes can now be edited. In the Patient Notes list, the date the note was created is shown, and now the date the note was last modified is shown as well.
Added "Move to Household..." option in Patient window, which allows the user to copy the phone number and address from another Patient.
Added a checkbox on the Patient window for EMR users to check whether or not that Patient has a paper file.
Added ID/Cert# field to insurance page of Patient window.
Removed EDT/diskette prompt during OHIP Submission/Response processing. For Diskette use, the drive letter must now be set in the Health Care part of the Office Management window.
Set disabled Order fields to have white background to increase visual contrast.
When selecting frames from inventory, by default now only in-stock frames are listed.
Added a cut-out order label on Contacts/Spectacles File Order reports.
Orders now indicate "Readers" and "Sunglasses" on print-out where appropriate.
Added "Status" column to Orders report window.
Orders can now be created WITHOUT invoices. When a purchase is created, once SAVE is pressed on the Order window, that Order is now saved. It is no longer necessary to make an invoice.
Added option on Office Management window to select which type of Order reports are used by default (ie. work order and/or file order).
Changed Contact Lens ADD fields to accept a String instead of a Number.
Added Copy Prescription option to list of final prescriptions on Diagnosis page of Exam window.
Made changes to CL Fitting page of Exam window in an attempt to address unreproducable bug of new CL Rx occasionally not saving.
Made changes to Exam and Pretest windows so changes to service code, diagnostic codes, and doctor are registered with the corresponding visit/ appointment.
Added option list for manufacturer name on inventory detail windows. Manufacturer can now be selected from a list by right-clicking in Manufacturer field.
Doctor Maintenance window now allows the license number to be entered. This license number shows up on purchase invoices if present.
Doctor Maintenance window now has a Signature buttont to allow a doctor to specify the signature they would like to use on referral letters.
If a Provider marks their practice as "closed" (on Doctor Maintenance window), then the user will be prompted whenever a Patient who they have not seen previsouly is being booked for them.
It is now possible to set a "daily maximum" for each service code. This can be set for the entire office and/or overridden by individual Providers. When booking/rescheduling appointments, if the daily maximum for that service has been reached, the user will be prompted to confirm the override.
Added extra column to A/R report to show 3rd party amount.
Added eligibility date field on Appointment window.
Added confirmation date field on Appointment window. This is to track when the last change to the confirmation status was made.
When confirmation status is changed on any window, the confirmation date is automatically changed to the current date.
Added menu option on Appointment Book to set eligibility code of selected appointment.
Changed column width of the details column on the Appointment Book so that the following columns show if the window is stretched wide enough.
On MoH Eligibility window, we now have the ability to set eligibility date as well as the code.
Added columns in the Appointment Book day window to show eligibility date, confirmation date, and a flag indicating whether or not the Patient has a paper file.
Added new column in Appointment Book that shows an asterisk if there is an appointment note.
MoH eligibility code and date now are shown on the call list window, and a menu option has been added to allow the user to change these.
Added a Created Invoices report to show a list of invoices that have been created over a specified date range.
Version 2.0
Fixed bug in DbsSignedNumberConverter that did not correctly sign a number that did not start with a digit (ie. ".5").
Fixed problem that prevented an appointment from being rescheduled to a point at which it conflicted with its original time.
Fixed problem with health card verification that could cause the patient record to lose its other changes.
Changed VisitView so that it will not update rendered service once it is paid for (this was causing changes to service and service fee after invoicing if someone pressed SAVE).
Set RGP parameter fields to 2 decimal places on exam, Rx windows, and order reports.
Added additional list options in exam pages.
Changed exam copy function to only populate blank fields (ie. non-overwrite).
Made overwrite optional on exam template copy function (default is non-overwrite).
Added DELETE button on Template selection window to allow unused templates to be deleted.
Added VA to retinoscopy results on referral letter.
Added ability to add an image to an exam record in Tools menu.
Diagnostic codes are now saved from the exam window into the visit details.
Can now save a specs Rx from the Balance field on the exam's refraction page into the Final Rxs for an exam.
Included the final Add and Acuity with Subjective and Balance retinoscopy results in the Referral letter
Changed display of all retinoscopy results in the Referral letter to appear over 2 lines to avoid word-wrap confusion.
Tonometry drops and DFE drops now excluded from COPY function in exam.
Added Exams button to the launchpad to facilitate searching through exams.
Added Pre-test button to the launchpad to facilitate working with arrived patients, and pre-tested patients.
Added ability to remove breaks in appointment book by selecting Delete Break.
Added ability to handle $0 service fees. When PAYing these from Visit Details window, the system will now prompt the user for correct fee.
Added ability to change the service fee for an additional service on Visit Details window
Added ability to jump to invoice or customer (patient) details from the payment details window for the end-of-day's cash flow .
Patient images are now sorted in order of descending date of creation.
Patient images can no be printed from the image window
Added ability to open an image using the computer's default image viewer. This is available from Patient Images list, or from the Image window.
New option exists for offices to allow choice of copying images to server or not. By default, images WILL be copied to serVersion
On Spectacles and Contacts order windows, now only the labs that have been specified as carrying spectacles or contacts are now shown for lab selection
Added a doctor signature line to the invoices.
Added French salutations to list on Patient info window.
Moved the "Description" column next to the product name column in the product selection windows.
Added ability to Book Appointment from Patient Search window.
Added ability to make purchase from Patient Search window.
removed "OD Office Pro" from window titles.
on spectacles and contacts order windows, when a lens invoice number is entered, it is copied to the other lens automatically (unless there is already an invoice number listed for that lens).
on spectacles orders, seg height is now copied between left and right lenses if the other one is blank.
When entering spectacle prescriptions or orders, the following are now checked: - if spheres of the two lenses are of opposing signs, confirmation is requested - if no PD is set for either lens, each lens requires a confirmation - if the lenses are multifocal, a confirmation is required if seg height is missing (Specs only) - if Patient's Own Frame is selected, a confirmation is required if A, B, and ED measurements are not all specified (Specs only).
Added menu options on Order Report window to print work and file orders.
Added menu option on Order report window to open a specific order by order number.
Added menu option to show the associated invoice on the Orders report window If an order has not been invoiced, the user will be prompted to decide if one should be created.
Added option on Orders Report to allow viewing of recently created orders.
Added ability to copy inventory products to make new ones.
Added Notes column on MOH Eligibility window to show related appointment notes.
Added ability to set eligibility code on Aged Bookings window.
Added ability to set confirmation status on Aged Bookings window.
Added age, last full exam date, as well as ability to filter "retired patients" out of household list on the Household window opened from the Patient Search window.
Added menu option to show exams from Household Members window and Household page of Patient Info window.
Version 1.7 rev. 2
Fixed bug that prevented booking at the same time as a zero-duration appointment.
Fixed bug that caused BC to print incorrectly on CL Order report.
Now allow text to be entered for ADD on CL Order.
Added list options to missing fields on Contact Lens Check page of exam.
Added drops field on General Health page of exam.
Expanded Medications field on General Health page of exam.
Added option for Readers on Spectacles Order form
ADD gets cleared on Spectacles order when saved, if lens (or entire order) is SV.
Added ability to specify group number for each doctor, which will be submitted to OHIP
Unadded Patient notes are now autosaved with confirmation from user.
Added "Dispensed" as an order status option in Conatct Lens orders.
Added difference fields for keratometry readings on exam's Refraction page.
Added lensometer lens type fields on exam's Refraction page.
Added ability to Edit a Referral letter, and reprint it.
Added ability to Preview a Referral letter before saving/printing.
Added A, B, ED fields to Frames and Sunglasses detail windows.
Added Third-Party authorization field on Invoice Payment window.
Added option to make Patient names set to all capital letters.
Added option lists for Patient Alert, City, and Occupation.
Added ability to track if a Lab supplies contacts and/or spectacles
Added filter to Lens selection list to allow display of only SV, Bifocal, trifocal, or progressive lenses.
When lens selected from lab into spectacles order, the lens filter on the selection window is set to the type of lens on the order.
Version 1.7 rev. 1 -2
Fixed bug that occurred after resubmitting claim from the Ministry of Health Receivables report.
Fixed bug which occurred when changing the textual details of a patient image.
Fixed bug which occurred when printing a referral letter when the diagnosis notes option was selected.
Added new password option to protect the ability to void an invoice.
Added new password option for security.
Show Material Cost and Dispensing Fee breakdown on Purchases tab of History Window.
Added Detailed Sales Activity report under Tools on the Sales Activity report window.
Added Patient Age Summary report under Tools on the Demographics report window.
Added "Del" button to Patient window to clear explicit recalls.
When patient is retired or marked as deceased, the explicit recall is now cleared.
A "Pick" button now exists on the Appointment, Visit, and Claim detail windows to allow the user to pick the referral number from a list of Family Doctors.
When an invoice amount is changed on the Invoice Payment window, the Payment field now changes to reflect the updated balance owing.
Can now delete date in a date field to clear the date.
Changed ContactLens Fitting page to copy the New solution into the New solution spot for the new exam.
Can now can save referral letters, and print them out later.
Can now view a list of saved referral letters, and either print them, or make another one with the same selections.
Version 1.7
Initial release of the Electronic Medical Records module - drawings on the images are not currently saved, but all else is working
Added Provider credit options to allow a purchase to default to either Usual Doctor, Last Seen OD, or (the new option) Last Full Exam OD.
Contact Lens prescriptions are now shown on the Rx tab of the Patient window.
Now allow negative payments on an invoice...useful for crediting or repaying a patient after a fully-paid invoice amount has been changed (ie. if an order is less expensive than originally invoiced).
When invoice window is opened, if purchase total does not match invoice total, the user is prompted to refresh the invoice.
Purchase selection windows now include a toggle labelled "Do not take from inventory". When this toggle is selected, the purchase will not make a deduction from the selected product's quantity on hand.
Now have filter in place to prevent users from entering a Doctor provider number that has too many digits, or any non-digit characters.
Now set recallFrequency to zero when a patient is retired.
When leaving the Visit Details window, the user is no longer prompted to enter diagnostic codes if they are missing.
When a lens or frame is selected into an order, if its materialCost is zero, then the price does not override the existing price in the order.
Can now print Ministry of Health Claim Errors.
Version 1.6 rev. 3
Fixed bug that prevented the Add being seen on a spectacles order where one multifocal lens only was being purchased.
Version 1.6 rev. 2
Added 3 new Diagnostic codes.
Fixed bug on contact lens order window that prevented user from opening old contact lens orders.
Fixed bug on inventory details windows that prevented user from entering a supplier's product number.
Fixed bug in Victoria Day calculation that showed Victoria Day on May 25 in 2009 instead of May 18.
Fixed bug that prevented the FAX printer selection from loading when the program is launched.
Changed posting so that payment posting date is set to the date the posting is FOR, not the date the posting is ON.
Added Contact Lens order printouts.
Can now open purchase details from "Purchases" page of Patient History.
Invoices now display the patients' middle names as well.
All acuities are now alpha-numeric instead of just numeric.
Patient address now shows on invoices.
Option now exists to set the doctor on Prescriptions.
Patient address and Doctor name now shows on printed Prescriptions.
Added option on Manufacturer History report to exclude inactive products (ie. none sold during the specified date range) which are not in stock.
The Confirmation column in the appointment book and the call list now show that an appointment is NOT confirmed if the status of the appointment confirmation is "No Answer"
Invoices that are marked as "Paid in Full " but have a zero total can now be voided.
Can now change the lens quantities on a Contact Lens Order.
Version 1.6 rev. 1
Added Contact Lens Order entry/details window.
Changed Purchase window to support new Contact Lens Order button.
When creating an invoice with an order on it, the printing prompt has been changed to allow the user to print a "File" order report.
Added "Print File Order" menu option on Invoice window.
Added Health card number on the Visit Details window.
"Prescription Eyeware" has been changed to "Spectacles Order" to differentiate spectacles orders from contacts orders.
Fixed bug with Health Insurance Receivables window that prevented opening a claim or viewing submission history.
Version 1.6
Added an Account page to the Patient History window to show all debits and credits for a Patient.
Can now pay from Account and refund to Account.
Added "On Account" field on Patient History window to show amount of money patient has on account.
Can now FAX Prescription Orders directly from within software.
Added check to avoid bug if reconciliation filename is nil.
Added the day note to the top of the Doctor Day Sheet.
Added Facility Code to Appointment and Visit windows. This code is now submitted to the Ministry of Health.
On OHIP Menu window, the "Reconcile Claims" button has been changed to read "Ministry Reposnses".
Splitting of PDs into equal monocular PDs is now an Office preference available on the Office page of the Management window. By default, the split point is set to 45.
Added new Office preference to select the field delimiter to be used to separate fields when exporting the Recall list. Currently, commas and tabs are supported.
Added option in Management Office window to select whether the last-seen OD or the Usual OD is the one to be credited by default for purchases.
Added ability to export Patient list from recall log's patient list.
Added check to make sure a Doctor is chosen before allowing a referral to be added on the Patient Info window.
Changed Paid Invoices report and printout to break Services up into exams and dispensings.
Added new Manufacturer Activity window and printout. This is available from the Inventory Management window, and shows all products for a manufacturer, and the quantity that has been sold over a specified date range.
Contact Lenses in inventory definition now have a "power" parameter.
On Prescription Order window, can now GET lens parameters from a Patient's prescription.
Added ability to open Patient Info window from the Patient list of the recall log.
Fixed bug which could be caused by changing a doctor on or refunding an invoice with a spectacle prescription order.
Changed Orders Report window to allow the display of either created Orders or outstanding Orders.
Added "Response Received" to Patient Referrals.
Added Option to show report with Referrals that have outstanding responses.
Changed supplier invoice number on all purchase windows to be an alphanumeric field, instead of numeric.
Changed invoice number on inventory purchase window to be an alphanumeric field, instead of numeric.
Changed Prescription Order printout to show Balanced instead of Plano for balanced lenses.
Fixed bug which could cause a database error if Both lenses are ordered from Inventory on the Prescription Order window.
Changed title of Prescription Window to read "Spectacles Order Details".
Version 1.5 rev. 1c
Changed calculation of submittable OHIP claims to try and force ministry to process in order of claim number.
Version 1.5 rev. 1b
Fixed bug which erased patient flags if History was opened while Patient Info was open, and then the user SAVEd the Patient.
On Prescription Order window, the Frame measurement fields (A, B, ED) now only accept Integers.
Fixed bug which allowed lens purchases to be made without a listed material cost.
Version 1.5 rev. 1
Ministry of Health menu window now remains open when a selection is made.
Reduced the Prescription Order report vertically, to facilitate FAXing.
When rescheduling an appointment, an option is provided to maintain the eligibility code if there is one.
Version 1.5
vertically reduced the prescription order form, to facilitate FAX printing.
Added Internet Support tool to Tools menu of Launchpad.
Focus is now returned to the last name field on the Patient Search window when the selection is Cleared.
Fixed bug which allowed a workday's time allotment to be set to zero while adding/editing a break by tabbing through the time allotment field.
Fixed bug which prevented the leap day number showing up on the schedule book when it is first opened ON a leap day.
Removed all expicit date-formatting. This allows the host computer to determine the data format.
Added "Product Notice" window to allow important release info to be shown to the users.
created odopc.ini to contain client config information (ie. Server address and notice acknowledgement date).
Added Tool on Invoice Payment window to allow users to change the customer for invoices that are not paid and posted.
Added Phone Number and GST # to Doctors to allow each doctor the chance to override the Office info on invoices.
Added option to allow Offices to automatically assign Patient Numbers to new Patients.
Lunch breaks now show on appointment book and printouts as "LUNCH"
Items under sub categories are now sorted alphabetically on Sales/Tax Activity report.
Fixed bug where provider was not being set on ADDITIONAL order purchases (ie. new coating or tint) when editing from an existing invoice.
Changed Invoice menu item for Change Price/Details to View Purchase Details.
A Refresh button has been added to the Schedule Browswer.
A Refresh button has been added to the Patient History window.
Changed the OHIP error report window to automatically select the first item for a claim.
The date a Patient has been first entered into the system is now captured. This date is shown on the Patient History window.
A new report is available that allows the user to view new patients over a specified date range.
Added Family Day as a Holiday option.
Added Cancellation List option from Tools menu of Appointment Book which shows entire cancellation list, and allows printing.
The cancellation list details window now allows the option of simply choosing ANY doctor. This option is the default when a new item is created.
The Database Backup program now runs in a hidden window.
Explicit Recalls now automatically get cleared when the Patient arrives for a visit on or after the specified recall date.
The Doctor's address and phone number are now shown on the Referral Reminder.
The Doctor's name now shows up in "as you say it" format instead of last name, first name format on the Referrals window and the Referral Reminder
When printing a referral reminder, the user is prompted with a chance to type a note for the referral reminder. The default text is taken from the Details of the referral.
Added "90" minutes as an option to the Doctor booking time options on the Doctors page of the managment window.
The day of the week now shows on the Appointment details window.
The contact preference is now able to be chosen on the Appointment details window. The user can chose the patient's home, business, or alternate phone number, or add a new OTHER contact number. The specified contact number is what shows up on the confirmation call list view and printout.
Monthly Sales window now shows the year, and when start date is chosen, the end date is set to one hear later if it is blank.
fixed "incompatible" issue with basecurves on contact lenses and lens blanks.
Added column on Apppointment Book to show each appointment's eligibility code.
Added Patients' middle name column to search window
Added middle name field to Patient search window so that middle names can be included in search criteria.
For offices that use file numbers, the patient file number is now included on the patient search window, the call list, and the day sheet/call list reports.
Added Diagnostic Code on the Services tab of the Patient History window.
Patient age is now more prominent on the Patient Information window.
Patient checklist now prints out with 1 to 4 columns, depending on how many doctors were selected.
New item under File Menu to set all printing to be "Preview Only".
Added new option for Service status: Abandoned. This status is intended for rejected services that are not going to be pursued.
Changed Reconciliation process to notice if a service is submitted multiple times for a single reconciliation.
Claim Edit window will now not allow a paid claim to be resubmitted.
Changed "Delete Appointment" labels to "Cancel Appointment" in Appointment Book to better reflect what is actually happening.
Can now view the referrals sent to a referrable doctor from the External Doctors window.
Can now view claim response history from claim managment, reconciliation, claim details, or submission history windows.
Can now view claim submission dates from claim details window.
When canelling or rescheduling an appointment, if a patient has other appointments on the same day, the user will be prompted with them to see if they should be cancelled or moved also.
Separated Funded and Non-Funded services on the Sales/Tax Activity Report.
Added subtotals for Funded Services, Non-Funded Services, Appointments, and Dispensings on the Sales/Tax Activity Report.
All subtotal rows are now highlighted in yellow on the Sales/Tax Activity Report.
Fixed bug in Sales/Tax report where purchased lab services where not being included.
Fixed bug in Patient Flags list which limited number of flags that could be added.
Changed Inventory print outs to break down by manufacturer.
Changed order of items on invoice so that discounts and other dispensings will always show last.
Changed order of Prescription Order items on invoice, so frames will show first, followed by lenses, then coatings, then tints, then services, then dispensing fee
Added lens descriptions to invoice for Prescription Orders
Added ability to filter out inactive household members on Patient info window.
Added button to refresh household members on Patient info window.
Added address fields for patients when viewing the patient list from the Recall log.
Patient Prescription Details Window - when setting the right or left ADD value, if the other ADD value is blank, it will automatically be set to the same value - cylinder values are set to negative by default (ie. ir no sign is specified)
Prescription Order Window - when adding lab services, the selection list is now sorted by description - when setting the right or left ADD value, if the other ADD value is blank, it will automatically be set to the same value - cylinder values are set to negative by default (ie. ir no sign is specified) - made change so that frame colour is now saved when it is patient's own frame - fixed bug that occurred when purchasing only one lens from a lab
Claim Submission Window - added new fields to display the count of submittable claims, and the dollar amount of the submittable claims - when a submission has been generated, the dollar amount submitted is shown
Version 1.4 Rev. 4a
Added a Prescription report to allow printing of a single prescription.
Changed PrinterManager to handle new prescription report.
Added lens styles to prescription.
Version 1.4 Rev. 4
When a prescription order is created, and a customer is using their own frame, we now do NOT show the "Frame" line on the invoice.
Added "Coating", "Tint" labels to invoice for coating and tint options on prescription order. Frames now show the product name and colour.
When exporting recalls, default drive is now C: instead of A:.
Added extra fields to recall list export to accomodate use in mail merge.
The Usual Doctor field now gets highlighted if the patient's Usual Doctor is retired.
Fixed bug in exporting/printing recall information if one of the recall patients has a Usual Doctor that is retired.
Added validation to prevent user from changing the workday without selecting a start or end time for the day.
Fixed bug related to using a mouse wheel with Logitech SetPoint software.
Added ability to clear error log after successful submission.
Patient number now automatically obtained when patient who does not already have one is being saved (if office defines that this should happen).
Patient number is now displayed on the Patient Info window title bar.
Added a Printer Manager to allow different printers to be setup to handle different tasks. This facility also allows users to decide on a client-by-client basis, which forms to use to print out various data.
All Prescription Orders are now automatically assigned order numbers once they are saved.
Added an aged Ministry of Health Receivables Report.
Fixed bug which under certain circumstances caused a claim's provider to be dropped on the Claim Details window, if the visit was provided by a non-billing provider, and the claim was Re-Submitted.
Added daily MoH submittables report on End of Day Doctor Activity.
Version 1.4 Rev. 3a
Fixed bug which occurred when rescheduling an Extra appointment into an Extra slot.
Added Office Code field on Doctor maintenance window.
Version 1.4 Rev. 3
Fixed bug on Refund window which caused walkback when opening.
Fixed bug with PD-processing when Deselecting lenses.
When a confirmed appointment is rescheduled, the user is now prompted to see if the confirmation should be maintained or not.
When the salutation is changed on the Patient window, the sex is automatically changed if it is determinable.
"Clear Selection" on inventory window now also clears the quick-find field.
Fixed vertical size of coatings/tints/services fields on Prescription Order report.
Added functionality on Inventory list to choose whether or not to exclude out-of-stock
items in the display and printout.
Added supplier invoice number field to the prescription order report.
Added a catch for leap year Dates that are somehow causing the day number to be 0.
Referral information can now be changed from the Referral Appointments window.
Changed label on Inventory Purchase window to read "Quantity Purchased".
Paid Invoice report now includes prescription order purchases.
Version 1.4 Rev. 2
Fixed bug which occurred when only one lens is being purchased on a prescription order. The other lens would show up as Glass on the order printout, and it would be marked as included when the order was reopened.
Version 1.4 Rev. 1
Doctor Activity Summary now allows the selection of "Unassigned".
Made doctor selection list longer in Doctor Activity Summary.
Fixed bug which sometimes prevented Prescription Orders from being opened.
Frame specification fields on Prescription Order window are now always enabled.
Fixed bug on History window which caused crash if patient had a miscellanious service in the Services list.
Patient Search window now ignores non-numeric chatacters in the phone number field.
Enabled column-sorting on Lenses page of Lab details window.
Fixed problem with Family Doctor names where the "Dr." title was not showing if there was no first name.
Fixed bug where appying a full discount to an invoice was not marking the invoice as paid in full.
Version 1.4
added #gender to wearable products.
added soft/hard Boolean to contact lenses.
Lab Tints and Coatings now have "Other" category.
changed Prescription Order window: - now using fields instead of spin buttons - reordered lens parameters - included Order Number - changed "Other" Tint and Coating to be a selection box - if PD > 45 is entered, it is assumed to be binocular...the number is automatically split between left and right.
on Prescription description window, if PD > 45 is entered, it is assumed to be binocular...the number is automatically split between left and right.
fixed bug on Prescription list where "Add" was not displaying 2 decimal places.
added notes and a signature line to Prescription list printout.
reordered columns on Prescription list and report.
allow date change for prescription.
changed background colour of booked slots on week browser to Cyan.
the Next Appointment reminder will not show on an invoice if that next appointment is for today.
widened Claim Number column on submission printout.
fixed bug in "Windows" menu, where the list would grow each time it was opened.
added an Office setting to provide default order turnaround time.
added an Office setting to determine if lenses should be edged or uncut be default.
Demographic criteria now allows the user to specify NOT the selected flags.
Expanded Versionurdian Field to accept up to 50 characters.
Fixed bug that occurred when user booked followup, but then changed the provider as appointment was dropped on book.
When booking followup, "Immediate" is now an option.
Posting Date and Time now shown on screen and on posting report.
Appointments now have an eligibilityCode.
Client debt flag now updates automatically if items are removed from an invoice, or an invoice is refreshed, or written-off.
Invoice window now shows the customer amount due...ie total amount - third party funding
Can now view retired labs, and unretire them.
Changed Labs to view details faster.
Can now retire/unretire Lab inventory.
After viewing retired products/services, the list of active items only refreshes if something has been unretired.
Fixed problem which caused chart/exam labels NOT to be in the scheduled order when printed from appointment book.
Added Retail Sales Summary report. This is a summary of all retail sales totals over a specified date range.
referral number now shows up on MOH submission and outstanding lists.
user can now include/exclude rejected claims on Outstanding Claims list.
Added a Tools menu option from Appointment Book to view the confirmation call list (instead of printing it out).
Added a Tools menu option from Appointment Book to view the MOH eligibility check list.
Visit Details window now only asks for save confirmation with missing diagnostic codes when the service is a funded service.
Version 1.3
Fixed rounding error with invoices.
Logon now prompts for user ID and password.
Added Revision notes to Help menu.
Added a double check in invoice payment, to make sure Dr. is billing
Added Patient Search window Tools option to open last 10 opened patients
Made changes to allow appointment day to show up faster
"Patients" subsystem now protected by security.
Added User management to security window.
Changed Doctor maintenance page to be more usable and consistent.
Changed Invoice page of Patient History to show voided/written off invoices.
Changed household views to include Retired column.
Added Date to Prescriptions
Added internal notes to invoices
Printing of invoices and account statements are now recorded. This printing history is available from any invoice menu or accounts receivable menu.
The font of the name field on labels will shrink if the name is too long.
Fixed intermittment bug with refunding a rendered service.
Added a check to ensure there are items on an invoice before allowing a payment to be made.
Fixed bug with Prescription report which prevented axis from showing.
Made cosmetic changes to Prescription report.
Added last printing date column to Accounts Receivable window.
Added ability to select "Unassigned" on Accounts Receivable window.
Now make sure there are no duplicates on Recall.
Can now make another purchase like a previous purchase by selecting "Make another Purchase" for a selected purchase on the patient history window.
Can now add unpaid services to an invoice.
Changed PC (photochromic) labels to PGX.
added promised date and lens finishing fields to prescription order window.
Can now print/preview order from patient history.
Purchase window now prompts to see if order(s) should be printed.
Added support for post-dated cheque payments.
Can now print Chart/Folder labels for patients.
Can now print Envelope address labels for patients.
Can now print chart or exam sheet labels for ALL patients on a scheduled day.
Added quick-find fields for labs and lab frams/lenses tabs.
Added purchase quantity to invoices for purchases.
Added outstanding orders report.
Now posting time is recorded as well as date.
Posting is now restricted to on or before the current date.
Version 1.2 rev. 2
Added support for mouse wheel scrolling.
Purchase window now does not allow "Purchase" unless something is being bought.
Create Invoice window does not allow "Create" unless something is being paid for.
Payments report now available. This shows all received payments for a selected period.
Fixed a rounding error bug with some percentage dispensing fees.
Version 1.2 rev. 1
Added EMail support to allow error reports to be EMailed to SpinnakerWare.
Fixed bug on Patient Search window when "Clear" is pressed.
Now if Patient selected on Search window and New is pressed, the user is prompted if new patient is in same household.
now can "UNARRIVE" a duplicate visit
Version 1.2
Changed Male/Female selection to checkboxes on Patient Search window.
Now allow submitted claims to be deleted.
Fixed bug in appointment book for appointments occurring before the normal start-of-day.
Fixed appointment book bug where extra appointments were sometimes throwing off the schedule times.
Changed Reconciliation window to be able to show error note.
Reconciliation window can now read just notices from a OHIP file, and print just the summary page. Also made changes to display claim/adjustment count and totals.
added patient info report
added patient prescriptions
only billable doctors show in the OHIP submission/management OD lists
Can refresh debt flag from patient window
Now have menu option on Patient window to remove Label Printer.
Reconciliation report now shows Accounting Transactions.